Copyright © 1977 by Morris Eaves & Morton D. Paley
G. E. Bentley, Jr. (University of Toronto) is editor of Blake’s Vala (1964), Tiriel (1967), and Writings (2 vols., Clarendon Press, ?1977); author of A Blake Bibliography (with M. K. Nurmi, 1964), Blake Records (1969), William Blake: The Critical Heritage (1975), and Blake Books (a revised edition of A Blake Bibliography, Clarendon Press, ?1977).
Martin Butlin is Keeper of the British Collection at the Tate Gallery, London, and a specialist in the work of Blake and Turner. He has recently completed a detailed catalogue of Blake’s paintings, drawings, and color prints for the William Blake Trust.
Tom Dargan is a graduate student and a job hunter from the English Department at Stony Brook. His dissertation (for a June 1975 Ph.D.) shows how Stonehenge is the foundation for Blake’s Jerusalem.
Raymond H. Deck, Jr. is finishing at Brandeis University a dissertation on Blake and Swedenborg and will spend next year making a book on that topic. He has developed lists of Blake’s Swedenborgian associates, including the one hundred other enthusiasts attending the First General Conference in 1789, and would like to correspond (in the epistolary, not Swedenborgian, sense) with researchers who may have discovered other connections between Blake and these individuals.
George Goyder is the co-founder with Sir Geoffrey Keynes of the William Blake Trust, and is well known as a Blake lover and collector.
Mary Lynn Johnson-Grant of Georgia State University has published articles and reviews on Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats. With her husband, John Grant, she is editing a Norton Critical Edition of Blake, to be published in 1977.
Christopher Heppner is an Assistant Professor of English at McGill, and has an essay on The Book of Thel forthcoming in the Colby Library Quarterly.
Edward Terry Jones, a Teaching Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, is knee-deep in a dissertation on prose fiction of the Romantic Period.
Martin K. Nurmi, Professor of English at Kent State University, is the author of numerous articles and books about Blake, most recently the volume on Blake in the Hutchinson University Library series. He wrote the brief essay on musical settings for Blake’s poetry in A Blake Bibliography.
Mary Ellen Reisner teaches in the literature department at the Université Laval, Québec.
Myra Glazer Schotz lectures at Ben Gurion University, Israel. Her most recent articles include “Blake’s Book of Changes: On Viewing Three Copies of the Songs of Innocence and of Experience” (with Gerda Norvig), and studies of sexuality in Blake and D.H. Lawrence. She is currently editing an anthology of contemporary Israeli poetry by women (in English translation).
Harry White is an Associate Professor of English at Northeastern Illinois University whose work on Shelley remains unpublished and therefore, with the exception of his students, unrecognized.
Photographic credits: pp. 100-108 by permission of McLennan Library of McGill University; pp. 118-121 by permission of Karen McHaney and Mary Lynn Johnson; pp. 123 & 124, cover & inside cover by permission of Maidstone Museum and Art Gallery; pp. 126 & 128 by permission of the Trustees of the British Library; p. 130 by permission of the Harvard Library.
The Blake Newsletter, An Illustrated Quarterly, is published four times a year under the sponsorship of the Department of English of the University of New Mexico.
Editors: Morris Eaves, University of New Mexico, and Morton D. Paley, Boston University.
Bibliographer: Thomas Minnick, Ohio State University.
Associate Editor for Great Britain:[e] Frances A. Carey, Assistant Curator, Department of Prints & Drawings, British Museum.
Editorial Assistant: Brad Hayden, University of New Mexico.
Design Consultant: Virginia Masi
Circulation Manager: Jane Welford, University of New Mexico.
Manuscripts are welcome. Send two copies, typed and documented according to the forms suggested in the MLA Style Sheet, 2nd ed., to either of the editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; Morton D. Paley, Dept. of English, Boston Univ., Boston Mass. 02215.
Subscriptions are $5 for one year, one volume, four issues. Special rate for individuals, $4 for one year, surface mail. For subscribers overseas who want to receive their issues by air mail, $8. U.S. currency or international money order if possible. Make checks payable to the Blake Newsletter. Address all subscription orders and related communications to Jane Welford, Blake Newsletter, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131.
Some back issues are available. Address Jane Welford. Prices: whole numbers 1-8, bound together, whole numbers 9-13, bound together, $5 each (special rate for individuals, $4). Whole numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, $2 each. Whole number 20 (A Handlist of Works by William Blake in the Department of Prints & Drawings of the British Museum, ed. G. E. Bentley, Jr.) and whole number 35 (A Checklist of the Blake Material in the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Alverthorpe Gallery, ed. Ruth Lehrer), $3 each. Whole numbers 14-19 are out of print. The International Standard Serial Number of the Blake Newsletter is 0006-453X.
Design and layout for this issue: Brad Hayden and Michael Hays, University of New Mexico.