“The Eternal Wheels of Intellect”: Dissertations on
William Blake by G.E. Bentley, Jr. |
Some Not-So-Familiar Visionary Heads by G. Ingli James |
Mr. Jacko “Knows What Riding Is” in 1785: Dating
Blake’s Island in the Moon by R.J. Shroyer |
Blake and Morland: The First State of “The
Industrious Cottager” by Jenijoy La Belle |
Another Cumberland Bibliography
Addendum by Christopher Heppner |
Brian Wilkie and Mary Lynn Johnson’s
Blake’s Four Zoas: The Design of a Dream reviewed by Andrew Lincoln |
Karl Kroeber and William Walling’s
Images of Romanticism: Verbal and Visual Affinities reviewed by Anne K. Mellor |
Alicia Ostriker’s William Blake: The
Complete Poems reviewed by John Kilgore |
Richard D. Altick’s The Shows of
London reviewed by Morton D. Paley |
Los’s Visit by Katharyn R. Gabriella |
Query, Todd Collection, Missing Issues, Jungian Perspectives, Papers Read, Two Recent Lectures in London, Recent Exhibitions of Interest [e] |
JENIJOY LA BELLE, Associate Professor of Literature, California Institute of Technology, is the co-author of books on Blake’s Night Thoughts and Flaxman’s Outlines and has an essay on Blake and Michelangelo in Blake in His Time (Indiana Univ. Press).
G. E. BENTLEY, JR., of the Univ. of Toronto, has edited William Blake’s Writings, in two volumes, Oxford, 1978.
KATHARYN R. GABRIELLA, author of The Imagination of the Resurrection: The Poetic Continuity of a Religious Motif in Donne, Blake, and Yeats, is currently completing a long book on Blake’s Illustrations to the Bible.
CHRISTOPHER HEPPNER, an Associate Professor of English at McGill Univ., has published articles on Blake in the Colby Library Quarterly and in Blake.
G. INGLI JAMES is a Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of English, University College, Cardiff, Wales. His most recent publication, an essay on “Blake’s Mixed Media: A Mixed Blessing,” appeared in Essays and Studies, 30, 1977.
JOHN KILGORE teaches English at the Univ. of Washington and has contributed articles to Blake.
ANDREW LINCOLN teaches in the Dept. of English, Westfield College, University of London.
ANNE MELLOR, Associate Professor of English at Stanford Univ., is the author of Blake’s Human Form Divine (1974) and has recently completed English Romantic Irony, a study of Byron, Keats, Carlyle, Coleridge and Carroll as romantic ironists.
MORTON D. PALEY’s most recent book is an introduction to Blake’s art: William Blake, published by Phaidon. He continues to work on his book-length study of Jerusalem.
R. J. SHROYER teaches English at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. His editions of An Island in the Moon and Blake’s annotated books are forthcoming.
Copyright © 1979 Morris Eaves & Morton D. Paley
EDITORS: Morris Eaves, Univ. of New Mexico, and Morton D. Paley, Univ. of California, Berkeley.
BIBLIOGRAPHER: Thomas Minnick, Ohio State University.
ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR GREAT BRITAIN: Frances A. Carey, Assistant Curator, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum.
PRODUCTION OFFICE: Morris Eaves, Department of English, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
87131, TELEPHONE 505/277-3103.
Morton D. Paley, Department of English, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
Thomas L. Minnick, University College, Ohio State University, 1050 Carmack Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43210.
Frances A. Carey, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG,
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT IN CHARGE: Cynthia Lewiecki, Univ. of New Mexico. Editorial assistants: David Anderson, Marietta Barnes, Lynn Goldtein, and Kris Lackey, Univ. of New Mexico.
BLAKE/AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY is published under the sponsorship of the Department of English, University of New Mexico.
SUBSCRIPTIONS are $12 for 1 year, 1 volume, 4 issues. Special rate for individuals, $10, surface mail. $15 for subscribers overseas who prefer air mail. U.S. currency or international money order if possible. Make checks payable to Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly. Address all subscription orders & related communications to the Circulation Mgr., LuAnn Baca, Blake, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA.
Some BACK ISSUES are available. Address LuAnn Baca for a list of issues and prices.
MANUSCRIPTS are welcome. Send two copies, typed and documented according to the forms suggested in the MLA Style Sheet, 2nd ed., to either of the editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; Morton D. Paley, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
INTERNATIONAL SERIAL NUMBER is 0006-453x. Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly, is INDEXED in the Modern Language Association’s International Bibliography, the Modern Humanities Research Association’s Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, English Language Notes’ annual Romantic bibliography, ARTbibliographies MODERN, and the American Humanities Index (Whitston Pub.).