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Blake and His Circle: An Annotated Checklist of Recent Publications

The present edition of this continuing report on Blake-related literature records the publication of some 250 books and articles, plus more than 300 reviews. The number and type of journals that I have examined remain much the same (see the preface to last year’s compilation), while the library resources at Trier have not considerably improved in the meantime. Almost all the sections of the checklist include back entries with publication dates as early as 1980, however most of the items appeared in print between, approximately, May 1987 and April 1988 (including, once again, some journal issues with a 1986 or even a 1985 date on their covers).

As before, I have resisted the temptation to list references to non-print media such as Tangerine Dream’s 1987 recording of “The Tyger.” And I have banned from the section on Blake and the moderns an entry for an exhibition entitled “Songs of Experience” at the National Gallery of Ottawa in 1986. The works by contemporary Canadian artists presented under that heading did, in the words of one reviewer, “not invoke William Blake who [was] referenced conveniently, like a postmodern embellishment tacked to the entrance of pre-existing architecture” (Lorne Falk, Vie des Arts 30.124 [1986]: 28). Yet despite such occasional rejections, at least part III of this year’s checklist appears to be haunted by the ghost of “inclusiveness” and the continuing lack of a clear-cut set of standards for selection—and this to such an extent that further comments seem in order.

To begin with, however, let me say that no major changes in arrangement or style have been introduced in this year’s installment of the checklist. While in matters of style I will continue to follow the guidelines laid down for bibliographies in The MLA Style Manual, the arrangement of entries may well have to be subjected to some considerable reshuffling in next year’s compilation where I plan to merge and reorganize parts II and III. Comprehensiveness, I am afraid, has been too much of an ideal in the gathering of the materials for the construction of the 1985-1988 lists, and—eventually—it may diminish rather than enhance their usefulness as a research tool for a group of highly specialized scholars. An attempt to achieve completeness may be very fine; but with respect to parts II-IV of the checklists I wonder who, in fact, is being served with no less than fourteen reviews listed in the past two years for a book of such peripheral interest to Blake studies as the first volume of The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats (see #327, below). In a sense, such inclusiveness is—though time-consuming and tiresome to both the compiler and the user of a bibliography—easier to realize than deliberate selectiveness.

In a review of the 1981 volume of The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, Thomas Lockwood suggested that “maybe it is time now to think about how to shrink, not to expand, the bibliography” (p. 277 in #271[1], below). The same on a miniature scale can be said of the Blake checklists, and as long as there is no massive protest from those who regularly consult these annual reports, I will indeed shrink the scope of coverage in the future. Parts II and III—and, in consequence, part IV—should again be considered as selective and exclusive, rather than inclusive. Getting rid of what I think are too many entries on too many aspects of the works of, for example, Cowper, Godwin, West, or Wollstonecraft would allow both for some more extensive annotations in part I and for the reintroduction of an early Blake Newsletter feature, “work in progress.” I cannot yet say what will result from these plans. Readers of these notes, however, are encouraged to send both their suggestions for the organization of the checklist and notices of their current research projects to Trier at the earliest date possible.

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Just as before, I have tried to keep evaluative statements in the annotations to a minimum, that is, well within those boundaries which I thought legitimate in a context which does not allow for an exposition of the criteria of evaluation. If I have not been able to abstain completely from critical asides, I still hope to meet with the indulgence of the readers and the victims of such comments alike. No one is going to seriously judge the value of a study from my annotations anyway. To compile these brief glosses, however, I have most often had recourse to quotations from the books and articles themselves. These, it is hoped, will highlight the authors’ own claims and intentions rather than my estimates of their achievements. Let me add that in general I am not sure how helpful or distracting these usually brief notes are. Here again I would be glad to receive criticisms and suggestions from users.

As in previous years, an asterisk preceding the entry indicates that as yet I have not been able to examine the publication. For the first time, however, I have supplied cross-references to the initial entries for books under review. This seemed desirable, especially since so many of the reviews listed in part IV either treat books published many years ago or are themselves recorded here only three, four, or even more years after their publication. References in square brackets which follow the titles of the works under review are of two sorts: for a reference such as “[17#71]” simply read “see the main entry that was included in the checklist for volume 17 as item 71”; for pre-1981 lists page references rather than item numbers are supplied in much the same style (e.g., “[14p92]”).

Once again, the relative completeness and reliability of this compilation owe a great deal to the help I have received from various publishing houses (that supplied me with inspection copies of new books in the field) as well as from a number of colleagues who have generously sent offprints from their recent articles and/or furnished me with references to some out-of-the-way materials. I wish to thank G. E. Bentley, Jr., David Blayney Brown, Frederick Burwick, Joseph Childers, Jackie DiSalvo, David Fuller, Michela Gori, the Martyn Gregory Gallery, Anthony Lacy Gully, David Herrstrom, Nelson Hilton, Nancy Ide, Desmond King-Hele, Kevin Lewis, Richard Martin, James McCord, David McKitterick, Dan Miller, Peter Otto, and Molly Rothenberg, who have all made important contributions to this year’s checklist. Earlier this year, I enjoyed the unrestricted hospitality of Jenijoy La Belle and Robert Essick at Altadena and was allowed to browse through the holdings of the finest private Blake library I have ever met with (surpassing, to my tastes at least, even that of the late Sir Geoffrey Keynes at Lammas House). This has yielded the majority of entries for previously unrecorded publications from the years 1980-1984 and has acquainted me with a number of new books, too. Very special thanks are also due to Patricia Neill. Using just the right mixture of cheer and threat, she actually managed to get hold of my typescript in time (well, almost). It was then that her own work began, and her copy-editing expertise has saved me (and, incidentally, the reader) from various stylistic inconsistencies and some unforgivable blundering.

Despite the help I have received, I still feel convinced that even in part I, where comprehensiveness continues to be the guiding principle, all too many omissions as well as an occasional error in the citations remain. It is appropriate, then, to finish this introductory note by stating that I shall include any omitted items in a future edition of this checklist and also incorporate errata in an appendix to next year’s issue of this annual report.

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Part I William Blake

Editions, Translations, and Facsimiles

1. *Blake, William. The Fly. n.p. [Gt. Brit.]: Dalin, 1976. [This pamphlet of only eight pages was issued in a limited edition of only 55 copies; measuring no more than 54 millimeters in height, it was easily overlooked and made its first appearance in the British National Bibliography only in 1987.]

2. *Blake, William. Proverbs of Hell. Harper Woods, MI: Adagio P, 1982. [Not listed previously, this limited edition of 200 copies is now reported on the authority of a bookdealer’s catalogue.]

3. Borgmeier, Raimund, ed. 19. Jahrhundert I: Romantik. Die englische Literatur in Text und Darstellung 7. Stuttgart, W. Ger.: Reclam, 1983. 40-51 and 324-27. DM 13.00 paper. [A bilingual selection of a few poems by Blake and even fewer of his annotations to Reynolds with a brief introduction by the editor of this anthology.]

4. Kavanagh, P. J., and James Michie, eds. “William Blake 1757-1827.” The Oxford Book of Short Poems. Oxford, Oxon.: Oxford UP, 1985. 106-09. [Eleven short poems and fragments by Blake make their appearance as #243-53 of this collection.]

5. Kunitz, Stanley, ed. The Essential Blake. The Essential Poets 4. New York, NY: Ecco P, 1987. $5.00 paper. [The editor has chosen as “essential” reading in Blake’s poetry the Songs, the Marriage, and some thirty-five pages of selections from the Notebook, from the Gates, from the letters, etc. Kunitz’s introduction takes up pages 3-8.]

6. Luetjohann, Sylvia, ed. and trans. William Blake: Die Hochzeit von Himmel und Hölle: Eine Auswahl aus den prophetisch-revolutionären Schriften. Bad Münstereifel, W. Ger.: Edition Tramontane, 1987. DM 34.00 cloth. [The only new translation of a selection from Blake’s writings into German in almost thirty years; covers the Religion tracts, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Visions of the Daughters of Albion, America, Europe, The Song of Los, and “The Everlasting Gospel.” The deliberately “free” translations are accompanied by a careful introduction (7-31) to Blake’s thought and poetry in general, and by commentaries on each of the works here represented. Blake has never received as much attention in Germany as in other non-anglophone countries such as France, Italy, or Japan—this edition may change this situation a lot.]

7. Mason, Michael, ed. William Blake. The Oxford Authors. Oxford, Oxon.: Oxford UP, 1988. £17.50 cloth/£7.95 paper. [“This collection of William Blake’s writings includes almost all his poetry and prose works, and a few of his letters.” These are grouped under such headings as “Blake on Religion and Knowledge,” “Blake on Art and Literature,” “Early Visionary and Narrative Writings,” “The Lyrics,” or “Late Lyrics” (which here include two Lambeth prophecies). The more peculiar features of the editorial decisions behind this collection are perhaps best explained by quoting from the introduction: the volume “differs, deliberately, from all recent editions of Blake. To start with, his very diverse output has been arranged under kinds of writing . . . rather than chronologically. A greater variety of his work is included here than in most (selective) editions, and it seemed inappropriate to make chronology the sole organizing principle of this disparate material, and thus thwart the reader wanting a concentrated experience of Blake as a lyricist, or insight into his views on a single important topic, such as art. . . . The second unusual feature of this anthology is that it offers a single, and entirely verbal, version of Blake’s writings. Deleted or alternative readings are almost completely ignored, and there is no attempt to describe or reproduce Blake’s illustrations to his poems. . . . In recent years the doctrine has gained begin page 39 | back to top ground that Blake’s text, where it was illustrated, can only be read adequately in conjunction with the illustration. This poses great problems for a modern editor . . . but, more troublingly, the enhancement of our reading of Blake which was expected to flow from attention to his illustrations has simply not occurred. And the whole principle of the exercise may be questioned. Blake himself seems to have been less tender of his text than some of his editors. . . . Finally, no attempt is made in this edition to summarize the content or message of individual prophetic works, nor is there any explication of Blake’s mythology. I feel that both enterprises are mistaken” (xiii-xiv). Brave and challenging words, indeed; it is interesting to view these editorial statements in the context of canon formation which has recently been discussed by Morris Eaves; see #229, below. Mason’s text “may be thought of as a modernized version of the transcriptions in G. E. Bentley Jr.’s William Blake’s Writings (1978). . . . The modernizing has been thorough, but all original spellings in the verse (and in some of the prose) which have metrical consequences are retained” (xxvi). To give his readers “an edition which makes a single choice of text (with Blake’s endorsement) and is not cluttered with indications of what he rejected,” Mason after all remains indebted to one of those “editors who have fallen into the habit of transcribing what Blake crossed out, or improved on” (xiii); this relationship between the “fallen” text and the thoroughly modernized version that Mason believes his readers to be “entitled to,” is not devoid of irony.]

8. Phillips, Michael, ed. William Blake: An Island in the Moon: A Facsimile of the Manuscript. With a Preface by Haven O’More. Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge UP, in association with the Institute of Traditional Science, 1987. £75.00, $125.00. [A limited edition of 775 numbered copies; there are twenty-nine facsimile pages—reproducing the Fitzwilliam Museum manuscript in “offset litho”—which are accompanied by a new transcription of the text, extensive annotation, and an introduction by the editor (3-26). A second copy of the facsimile, folded and stitched as a single quire, is inserted inside the back cover of the slipcased volume which has been produced by the Stamperia Valdonega in Verona, Italy. While the preface claims that the “manuscript (of An Island in the Moon) had not been published” at the time the project for this facsimile was first discussed with Sir Geoffrey Keynes and Arnold Fawcus, and while there is no mention of the only other separate edition of the Island manuscript, readers of this journal will recall Erik Frykman’s not on Göran Malmqvist’s Swedish translation of Blake’s satire which includes black and white reproductions of “William Blakes manuskript;” see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 14 (1981): 217-18; and 15 (1981): 84, #7. It certainly would not have diminished the importance of the present edition if references to Malmqvist’s introductory study as well as to some other recent literature on the subject had been included in the notes to Phillip’s commentary.]

9. Punter, David, ed. William Blake: Selected Poetry and Prose. Routledge English Texts. London: Routledge, 1988. £4.95 paper. [While acknowledging the “extraordinary fidelity to Blake’s own script” of Erdman’s “most authoritative[e] edition,” the editor has based his own text on Keynes’s slightly modernized version and has “risked further modernization” as well as “conventionalized Blake’s habits of capitalization” (17). Punter supplies an “Introduction” (1-19), a “Critical Commentary” (223-46), as well as “Notes” on the text (251-83). His selections include Tiriel, Thel, the Marriage, Visions, America, the Songs, The Song of Los in full, and extracts from Poetical Sketches, The French Revolution, Urizen, Vala and other manuscript materials, Milton, the Descriptive Catalogue, and Jerusalem. A list for further reading with brief editorial comments is supplied on pages 247-49.]

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10. Sanesi, Roberto, ed. Opere di William Blake. Trans. G. Conte, R. Sanesi, and D. Villa. Parma, It.: Guanda, 1984. Lit 90000. [Not yet seen, but with more than 800 pages and at such a price this is very likely the first complete edition of Blake’s writings in Italian or, at least, a very extensive bilingual selection.]

11. Sanesi, Roberto, ed. and trans. William Blake: Libri profetici. Tascabili Bompiani 400. Milan, It.: Bompiani, 1986. Lit 6000. [Contains Thel, the Marriage, the French Revolution, Visions of the Daughters of Albion, America, Europe, Urizen, Ahania, and The Book as well as The Song of Los; the Italian translations of the Lambeth Books are printed on the rectos, while Blake’s original texts appear on the versos of this pocket edition. The editor has supplied both a “Repertorio” (vii-xxvii), a brief biography of the poet (xxix-xxxii), a select bibliography (xxxiii-xxxv), and some notes on the text (215-25). It comes as a surprise to find that Blake’s poetry is here quoted neither from Bentley’s, nor from Erdman’s, nor Keynes’s editions, but from Sampson’s 1913 “Oxford Edition” (see xxxv). Blake’s titlepages are reproduced in poor, but legible halftones.]

12. Sanesi, Roberto, ed. William Blake: Libri profetici. L’altra biblioteca 13. Milan, It.: SE-Studio Editoriale, 1987. Lit 22000. [While the contents of the present volume are almost identical with those of the edition listed in the preceding entry (though the French Revolution and “A Song of Liberty” are omitted), this printing of Sanesi’s translations is on better paper, is spaced more elagantly, and has all the editorial material grouped together at the end of the book (155-80). However, at less than a third of the price of the “Altra biblioteca” edition, the illustrated Bompiani version seems to be by far the better choice to make for Italian readers of Blake.]

13. Taylor, Joshua C., ed. “William Blake: A Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures (1809)/Marginalia to Reynolds’s Discourses (c. 1808).” Nineteenth-Century Theories of Art. California Studies in the History of Art 24. Berkeley, CA: University of California P, 1987. 139-52.

14. Tramontano Magno, Cettina, and David V. Erdman, eds. The Four Zoas by William Blake: A Photographic Facsimile of the Manuscript with Commentary on the Illuminations. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP; London: Associated UP, 1987. $65.00. [A complete set of reproductions from Blake’s manuscript in reduced format, making use of infrared photography to improve the legibility of the drawings. The “Commentary on the Illuminations”—i.e., the designs which were mostly executed in chalk or pencil and left uncolored—takes up pages 25-102 and is a page-by-page account not unlike in approach and style Erdman’s earlier facsimile edition of the Notebook (1973 and 1977) or his Illuminated Blake (1974 and 1975).]

Bibliographies, Bibliographical Essays, and Catalogues

15. Dörrbecker, D.W. “Blake and His Circle: A Checklist of Recent Publications.” Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 52-73.

16. Erdman, David V., with the assistance of Brian J. Dendle, et al., eds. The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for 1984. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 219. New York, NY: Garland, 1985. 95-112. [Especially where concerned with studies of Blake, the more extensive of the brief reviews in this annotated bibliography are also listed separately in part IV, below. There, this volume is referred to in abbreviated form as “RMB for 1984.”]

17. Erdman, David V., with the assistance of Brian J. Dendle, et al., eds. The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for 1985. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 683. New York, NY: Garland, 1986. 82-99. [Where concerned with books on Blake, the more extensive of the reviews in this annotated annual bibliography have also been listed separately in part IV, below. This volume is there referred to in abbreviated form as “RMB for 1985.”]

18. Essick, Robert N. William Blake and His Contemporaries and Followers: Selected Works from the Collection of Robert N. Essick. Exh. cat. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1987. $5.95 paper. [This is the catalogue for an exhibition shown at the Huntington Art Gallery from Nov. 1987 through Feb. 1988. It features a preface by Robert R. Wark, an introduction by the scholar-collector (3-7), and his detailed descriptions of the sixty-four works on show (8-75), many of which are illustrated.]

19. Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge. The Annual Reports of the Syndicate and of the Friends of the Fitzwilliam: For the Year Ending 1985. n.p. [Cambridge, Cambs.: Fitzwilliam Museum], n.d. [1986]. [The numerous acquisitions of works by Blake which are listed on pages 13, 29, 34-35, and 38-40 of this “Annual Report of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate for the Year 1985” record the bequest of the magnificent collection of the late Sir Geoffrey Keynes. There are three Blake reproductions on plates VI and VII.]

20. Folkenflik, Robert. “Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 27 (1987): 503-53. [While paying little attention to Blake literature, this review essay discusses many titles on related subjects: Griffin’s Regaining Paradise, Schulz’s Paradise Preserved (520-21), Redford’s Converse of the Pen (536-37), King’s Cowper (538-39), Erdman’s Commerce des Lumières (541), Barrell’s Political Theory (543-45), and Wind’s Studies (545); it closes with brief notes on Abram’s West monograph and Paley’s Apocalyptic Sublime (545).]

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21. Manning, Peter J., and Sylvia Manning. “Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 27 (1987): 685-729. [Among the books briefly reviewed in this report on current scholarship are Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism, ed. Eaves and Fischer (685), Klancher’s Reading Audiences (686-87), Metzger’s Modes of Pastoral (692), Bate’s Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination (700), and Kroeber’s Romantic Art (712); again, however, none of the recent Blake monographs figures in this review essay.]

22. Modern Language Association of America. 1986 International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures: Classified Listings. Vol. 1. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America, 1987. 55-57. [Blake entries are numbered#2129-95. Though helpful with some out-of-the-way citations, the MLA’s Blake listings for 1986 are surprisingly incomplete.]

23. Newey, Vincent, Bryan Burns, and James Michie. “The Nineteenth Century: Romantic Period.” The Year’s Work in English Studies 65 (1984). Ed. Laurel Brake, with the assistance of Susan Brock, et al. London: Murray; Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities P; for the English Association, 1987. 387-415. [Blake criticism is scarcely mentioned in the present volume—one of the reasons for this omission may well be that, in Newey’s words, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly was “unfortunately not available for consultation this year” (390); but see the index for what sporadic references to Blake-related items there are.]

24. Smith, Michael, and Elizabeth Erskine, with the assistance of Mary Jean DeMarr and D. Gene England, eds. Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature 59 for 1984. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1987. 308-13. [Blake entries are listed as #5478-568.]

25. Taylor, Dena Bain. William Blake: Books in Print. Thornhill, ON: Ben Abraham Books, n.d. [1987]. [A bookdealer’s specialized sales offer which supplies a useful and handy checklist of current scholarly publications and numerous reprint editions; copies may be requested from Ben Abraham Books, 97 Donnamora Crescent, Thornhill, ON, Canada L3T 4K6.]

26. Wordsworth, Jonathan, Michael C. Jaye, and Robert Woof, with the assistance of Peter Funnell. William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism. Exh. cat. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, in association with The Wordsworth Trust, 1987. [There are numerous (indexed) references to Blake’s poetry and art throughout this handbook for an exhibition which was presented at the New York Public Library (Oct. 1987-Jan. 1988), the Indiana University Art Museum at Bloomington (Jan.-Mar. 1988), and by the Chicago Historical Society (Apr.-June 1988). On show, with many other important manuscripts of the period, was Blake’s Vala, or The Four Zoas, lent by the British Museum. Many members of Blake’s circle are at least briefly mentioned in the text and catalogue, including Barry, Erasmus Darwin, Godwin, Joseph Johnson, Linnell, Paine, Palmer, Priestley, Crabb Robinson, Swedenborg, John Varley, and Wedgwood. Seven of the color plates reproduce works by Blake.]

Critical Studies

27. Abley, Mark, and G. E. Bentley, Jr. “New Blake Documents: Job, Oedipus, and the Songs of Innocence and of Experience.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 104-07.

28. Adams, Hazard. “Must a Poem be a Perfect Unity?” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 74-77.

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29. Ault, Donald. Narrative Unbound: Re-Visioning William Blake’s The Four Zoas. Clinamen Studies Series. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill P, 1987. $43.00. [This book claims to present “the first minutely detailed interpretation of the verbal text” (xii) of Blake’s manuscript poem; it runs to no less than 517 pages. For better or for worse, the author wanted his study to be different from all previous Blake criticism. In his “Foreword,” George Quasha says that Ault has responded “to virtually every written mark on the page as well as every created gap in the narrative,” accepting “the challenge of the text at the level of radical intentionality” (x), and Ault describes his own intentions in writing Narrative Unbound by telling his readers that it was his “desire to re-think the narrative foundations of William Blake’s The Four Zoas and to provide the reader with a process text that plausibly retells this immensely complex manuscript poem’s narrative through analytical discourse,” which made him embark on the project. “By turning critical attention to what has been left unthought in previous accounts of the poem, I offer a description of the poem’s narrative operations that is not intended to compete with the existing body of Blake scholarship but rather to be fundamentally incommensurable with it.” The “attempt to defamiliarize the reader with Blake’s poetics has involved me in a process of interpretation that requires constant retroactive reconstitution of ‘facts’ or reader ‘events’; . . . I have come to accept this process, which takes on the quality of Blake’s own interminable revising of The Four Zoas, as endless and inevitable, one in which the final fixity of meaning is neither possible nor desirable” (xi). For what I take to be an abstract of the argument in this full-length study, see the author’s contribution to Unnam’d Forms (ed. Hilton and Vogler, 1986) which was listed in Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 82, #105. One ought to remember, however, that Narrative Unbound is based on the assumption “that every detail in the poem has aesthetic and perceptual significance and that the most minute articulations of similarity and discriminations of difference hold the keys to vast narrative riches” (xi). These riches, the multiple layers of meaning and the complex narrative structure of The Four Zoas, which had in part been mapped in the earlier essay are traced in full detail only in the present book, and it is only through its careful study that all the implications of Ault’s radical suggestions for a far-reaching renovation of the reading experience will become fully apparent. To say the least then, this is an unusual and provocative book (even in its layout), and it is bound to unbind a major critical debate.]

30. Baridon, Michel. “‘Copy for Ever Is My Rule’: Blake lecteur de Reynolds dans le débat sur mémoire et création.” Mémoire et création dans le monde angloaméricain aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Ed. Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles. Strasbourg, Fr.: U de Strasbourg II, 1984. 75-87.

31. Behrendt, Stephen C. “Europe 6: Plundering the Treasury.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 85-94.

32. Bentley, G. E., Jr. Blake Records Supplement: Being New Materials Relating to the Life of William Blake Discovered since the Publication of Blake Records (1969). Oxford, Oxon.: Clarendon P, 1988. £27.50. [This important publication appeared on 16 June 1988. The Supplement updates the documentary record of Blake’s life and work from nineteenth-century sources and is bound to immediately establish itself as “required reading” alongside the same editor’s earlier compilations of Blake-related documents in the 1969 Records and his volume in the “Critical Heritage” series of 1975.]

33. Bentley, G. E., Jr. “Richard Edwards, Publisher of Church-and-King Pamphlets and of William Blake.” Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988): 283-315. [While the fully documented publication history of “Edward’s Magnificent Edition of Young’s Night Thoughts” (303) is right at the center of the present study (293-311), it is the context of Edwards’ other publishing activities during the 1790s which here supplies a new perspective for the discussion of Blake’s watercolors and engravings.]

34. Bentley, G. E., Jr. “William Blake Musician.” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 12 (1986): 147-51. [Although the author has been able to trace “a song by W. Blake, complete with its music” (148), the composer turns out to be a “Doctor in Divinity” who has nothing whatsoever to do with the poet and artist of the same name, except that the two men were contemporaries.]

35. Bergevin, Gerald Walter. “The Darkening Green: Irony and Revisionism in Blake’s Political Prophecies.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 396A. Washington State U. [“ . . . , in the political prophecies written after The Marriage there is no synthesis or progression which subsumes or contains the contradictory currents within them. On the contrary much of their emotional force comes from the ambiguity which seems to rest on an unresolved tension between hoped-for social transformation and the realities of the social ills which the poems describe. Furthermore, the affirmation of the positive social role of the Poetic begin page 43 | back to top Genius or imagination which we find in The Marriage is revised and often undercut by irony in the later political prophecies. These poems cast doubt on the political efficacy of the imagination. Enthusiasm for the revolution is tempered by serious doubts and concerns. . . . The political poems dramatize the difficulty of presenting the truth about social problems in language which is the poet’s primary task. The discourse of these works refuses to encode a settled meaning. However, the range of meanings available to the reader includes certain identifiable social themes and the poems raise important social issues.”]

36. Bhattacharya, Biswanath. Blake’s Songs: A Critical Study. Calcutta, India: KLM, 1980. Rs 40.00 cloth. [This volume only came to my notice some six or seven years after its publication (which is dated “1981” rather than “1980” on the dust jacket). It has not just been ignored in previous issues of this annual checklist, but also in all the recent studies of the Songs that are known to me, and this despite of some extraordinary claims for the importance of this critical study that are raised in the author’s “Foreword: An Apology.” Here, the book is said to be “the first-ever attempt to study Blake’s Songs in the light of his conceptual thinking and is therefore likely to immensely enrich and expand our knowledge of the subject” (iv).]

37. Bidney, Martin. “A Russian Symbolist View of William Blake.” Comparative Literature 39 (1987): 327-39. [On the Blake chapter, “Praotec sovremennykh simvolisto: Vil’jam Blek, 1757-1827” (“The Forefather of Contemporary Symbolists: William Blake, 1757-1827”), in Konstantin Bal’mont’s Gornyja Vershiny (Mountain Summits, Moscow, 1904).]

38. Billigheimer, Rachel V. “Blake’s ‘Eyes of God’: Cycles to Apocalypse and Redemption.” Philological Quarterly 66 (1987): 231-57.

39. Blondel, Jacques. “Les ‘Proverbs d’Enfer’ de William Blake.” Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 448-54.

40. Bloom, Harold, ed. William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Modern Critical Interpretations. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 1987. $19.95 cloth. [A slender collection of nine articles, all published before as parts of books and judged by the editor to represent “the most useful criticism available on William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” (vii). Besides an index and two pages of “Bibliography,” the less than 140 pages also include an “Introduction” (1-24) which is reprinted from Bloom’s 1963 monograph; the other contributors are Crehan, Damrosch, Erdman, Frosch, Frye, George, Gleckner, and Nurmi.]

41. Bloom, Harold, ed. William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Modern Critical Interpretations. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 1987. $19.95 cloth. [There are eight previously published essays and excerpts from books by the Brismans, George, Glazer, Gleckner, Frye, Paulson, and Price on the Songs, together with a list for further reading and an introduction (1-24) which, again, has been “quarried from . . . Blake’s Apocalypse” (vii). Both of these collections in Bloom’s series of recycled “Modern Critical Interpretations” seem to be designed for classroom use rather than for the specialist who will be familiar with most of their contents.]

42. *Borges, Jorge Luis, and Gert Schiff. “Blake in Heaven and Hell.” Magazine of Franco Maria Ricci 3 (1984): 67-94.

43. Brisman, Leslie. “Blake’s Comme-bined Cherubim: A Note on Milton, Plate 32.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 95-98.

44. *Burwick, Frederick. “Visceral Visions, Marionettes, and Monsters.” The Haunted Eye: Perception and the Grotesque in English and German Romanticism. Reihe Siegen: Beiträge zur Literatur-und Sprachwissenschaft 70. Heidelberg, W. Ger.: Winter, 1987. 240-54. [Contains a discussion of Blake’s The Four Zoas.]

45. Butlin, Martin. “A New Blake from His Apprentice Years?” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 143.

46. Carr, Robert. “Divine Construct and the Individual Will: Swedenborgian Theology in The Book of Thel.Colby Library Quarterly 23 (1987): 77-88.

47. Cartwright, Jerome. “Blake’s ‘The Little Black Boy.’ ” Explicator 45.3 (1987): 16-18. [The very same article reappeared in the fall 1987 issue of the Explicator where, however, Norma Greco was credited as its author (see #69, below)—this certainly calls for some future explication!]

48. Cayley, David, ed. William Blake: Prophet of the New Age. Ideas 4ID7-197. Montreal, PQ: CBC Transcripts, 1987. [The transcript of a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation program composed of statements by Northrop Frye, Kathleen Raine, David Bindman, G. E. Bentley, Jr., Michael Ferber, and George Goyder, to which are added numerous quotations from the writings of Blake, Palmer, Crabb Robinson, Hayley, etc. The original broadcastings were to be heard at CBC Toronto, ON on 12, 19, and 26 Mar. 1987.]

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49. Chayes, Irene H. “Fallen Earth and Man in Nature: William Blake in Iconographic Tradition.” Studies in Iconography 10 (1984-1986): 169-95. [Traces the iconographic tradition behind such motifs as the reclining female nude in “The Little Girl Found” and the “Introduction” page to Songs of Experience, the “human quadruped in Marriage 24” (178) and some of Blake’s watercolors to find that “the borrowed poses thems(el)ves and the traditional meanings associated with them . . . contributed to the evolution of Blake’s own meanings, supplemented or reinforced by other iconographic sources. . . . he was inextricably involved with and dependent upon a cumulative historical inheritance he might try to renounce but could not evade” (191). Thus, the essay forms a sequel to the same author’s earlier investigation into “Blake’s Ways with Art Sources;” see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 80, #57.]

50. Childers, Joseph. “Opposing the Paradigm: The Example of Blake.” Dalhousie Review 66 (1986): 301-10.

51. Clark, David Leonhard. “Auguries of Difference: Indeterminacy and Displacement in Blake’s Prophetic Texts.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 1458A. U of Western Ontario. [“Critical studies of William Blake have emphasized the integrity of his major prophecies and their commitment to a ‘grammar of the imagination’ which reconciles differences in favor of the identity of the ‘human form divine.’ This thesis throws these emphases into question in two ways. First, a close examination of Blake’s accounts of life in ‘Eden’ suggests that he could view perfection as a conflictual condition which ceaselessly undoes itself, creatively deferring rather than seeking the stability of final form. . . . The highly purposive nature of the prophetic text is the most palpable expression of the poet’s visionary will-to-order. That this emphasis on containment is made at the same time that the origin is celebrated for its resistance to (hierarchical; DWD) enclosure produces in the case of Jerusalem what I call the ‘cleft text.’ The second task of the thesis is to track the articulation of this cleft or self-difference as it complicates Blake’s language.” The author discovers a “deconstructive indeterminacy, (which) discloses an underlying complicity between terms that are arranged as origin and derivation, inside and outside, and suggests . . . that each exists as the other’s possibility in a circulation of mutual interchange that textually mirrors Blake’s primordial whole.”]

52. Clark, Lorraine Joan. “Blake, Kierkegaard, and the Spectre of Dialectic.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 396A. U of Virginia. [Earlier commentators on romantic poetry are said to “have limited themselves (and the poets they seek to interpret) to two forms of Romantic dialects (dialectics?; DWD): Hegelian mediation and Schlegelian Romantic irony. Neither pattern illuminates the more profound concept of irony underlying the Romantic enterprise of secularization. Mediation is too theologically optimistic, Romantic irony too nihilistic, to do justice to the passionate struggles of thought between theology and nihilism which run throughout Romanticism. My thesis argues that William Blake at the beginning of the age and Soren Kierkegaard at its end exemplify with particularly fierce clarity this stubbornly ironic vision, . . .”]

53. Damon, S. Foster. A Blake Dictionary: The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake. Rev. ed., with a new foreword, an annotated bibliography, and index by Morris Eaves. Hanover, NH: UP of New England, for Brown UP, 1988. $18.00 paper. [See #229, below, for a “reprint” (i.e., an advance printing) of Eaves’ preface in the pages of this journal.]

54. Davis, Patricia Elizabeth. “Revelation in Blake’s Job.Philological Quarterly 65 (1986): 451-77. [The essay is preceded by four reproductions from the series of Blake’s engravings.]

55. Dawson, P. M. S. “Blake and Providence: The Theodicy of The Four Zoas.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 134-43.

56. DiSalvo, Jackie. “The Future of an Illusion and the Imagining of the Future: The Analysis of Religion in Volney, Blake and Freud.” The Age of Enlightenment. Ed. Joseph E. Riehl. Spec. ser. of Explorations 1 (1987): 29-43.

57. Edinger, Edward F. Encounter with the Self: A Jungian Commentary on William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job. Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts 22. Toronto, ON: Inner City Books, 1986. [A plate-by-plate interpretation based on Jung’s distinction between the ego and the “Self,” that “greater, objective personality . . . the transpersonal center and totality of the psyche” (7). The author demonstrates that just “as with most great works of art, Blake expressed far more than he knew. In these pictures (i.e., the Job engravings) the objective psyche speaks directly to us” (12).]

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58. Eitner, Lorenz. “British Neoclassicism and William Blake.” An Outline of 19th Century European Painting: From David through Cézanne. Vol. 1: “Text.” New York, NY: Icon Editions-Harper, 1987. 75-99. [A general account of the achievement of Gavin Hamilton, Benjamin West, James Barry, Henry Fuseli, John Flaxman, and William Blake and their position in the history of art.]

59. Ellis, Helen B. “Added and Omitted Plates in The Book of Urizen.Colby Library Quarterly 23 (1987): 99-107.

60. Essick, Robert N. “Blake, Hayley, and Edward Garrard Marsh: ‘An Insect of Parnassus.’ ” The Age of Enlightenment. Ed. Joseph E. Riehl. Spec. ser. of Explorations 1 (1987): 58-84. [Publishes and comments on excerpts from Marsh’s letters of 1801-14 to Hayley—acquired by the author in 1985—which “constitute one of the largest groups of contemporary references to Blake discovered in this century” (65).]

61. Essick, Robert N. “Blake in the Marketplace, 1986.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 4-14.

62. Essick, Robert N. “The Resurrection of America Copy R.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 138-42.

63. Essick, Robert N. “William Blake: Essick on the Exhibition.” Huntington Calendar Nov.-Dec. 1987: 2. [The collector on the “principles and procedures” which led to the formation of the collection which was shown in an exhibition at the Huntington Art Gallery (Nov. 1987-Feb. 1988); for the catalogue accompanying this exhibition see #18, above.]

64. Everest, K. D. “Thel’s Dilemma.” Essays in Criticism 37 (1987): 193-208.

65. Fuller, David. Blake’s Heroic Argument. London: Croom Helm, 1988. £35.00. [On a relatively small number of pages (xv + 297 in all) this study manages to address a surprising range of subjects; all of Blake’s works in illuminated printing as well as Tiriel, The Four Zoas, and Blake’s critical writings are discussed at least briefly. Special reference is made to the historical contexts of Blake’s work, and to the writings of Swedenborg, Mary Wollstonecraft, Burke, and Paine, whose influence on Blake’s thought is critically reassessed. The final chapter (224-80) is concerned with methodological problems, “the issue of the proper exercise of subjectivity in criticism and (it) attempts to explain . . . the individual subjectivity as well as the historical viewpoint that operates in my own reading” (xii).]

66. George, Diana Hume. “Reading Isaiah and Ezekiel through Blake.” New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 12-21. [A contribution to a NOR spec. issue on “Reading Blake, Blake Reading” (ed. Mark Lussier); see also #76, 94, 97, and 110, below.]

67. Gleckner, Robert F. “Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ and Edward Young’s Book of Job.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 99-101.

68. *Gori, Michela. “Dalla visione al mito: The Four Zoas di William Blake.” Diss. U of Florence, It., 1985.

69. Greco, Norma A. “Blake’s ‘The Little Black Boy.’ ” Explicator 46.1 (1987): 13-15. [Concerning the dubious authorship of this article see the note to #47, above.]

70. Hagstrum, Jean H. “More on The Romantic Body.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 16-17. [Enlarges on the argument of his book—for which see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 57, #55—and replies to Anne Mellor’s review which is listed as #311(5), below.]

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71. Haigney, Catherine. “Reply to Andrew Lincoln.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 77. [See #72 and 90, below.]

72. Haigney, Catherine. “Vala’s Garden in Night the Ninth: Paradise Regained or Woman Bound?” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 116-24. [For the debate provoked by the publication of this article see the preceding entry and #90, below.]

73. *Hampsey, John C. “Blake’s Bound Children.” Forum 27.3 (1986): 20-37. [Probably a condensed version of the argument in the author’s dissertation, for which see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 17 (1983): 66, #78.]

74. Herrstrom, David Sten. “Blake’s Redemption of God in the Laocoön: Literal Incarnation and the Marriage of Picture and Text.” Perspective: Art, Literature, Participation. Ed. Mark Neuman and Michael Payne. Spec. issue of Bucknell Review 30.1 (1986): 37-71.

75. Hilton, Nelson. “Blake Rouzes the Faculties.” Teaching the Eighteenth Century: Three Courses. n.p. [Northfield, MN]: American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1987. 24-37. [The objectives of Hilton’s proposed undergraduate course are to present “Blake’s work as crystallization” of the eighteenth-century concerns with Christianity, with “a developing consciousness of education as a practice, . . . the diffusion of print culture . . . changes in language consciousness . . . the rise of natural philosophy . . . the rise of mass culture and decay of civic humanism . . . the development of graphic, visual literacy . . . deepening contradictions in patriarchy (and) some political, social, cultural chronology” (35). Perhaps not a course for students of only average talents and capacities, but—as the cunningly coined title will make known to them—“Blake Rouzes the Faculties!”]

76. Hilton, Nelson. “The Heavy Metal of Blake’s Language.” New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 34-39. [Part of a spec. section on “Reading Blake, Blake Reading;” see also #66, 94, 97, and 110 in the present list.]

77. Ide, Nancy M. “Image Patterns and the Structure of William Blake’s The Four Zoas.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 125-33. [To establish these “patterns” and the “structure” they create, “a multipurpose computer program for text analysis” (125) has been employed; their interpretation, however, is left to the reader and critic. See also the subsequent entry.]

78. Ide, Nancy M. “Patterns of Imagery in William Blake’s The Four Zoas.Méthodes quantitatives et informatiques dan l’étude des textes/Computers in Literary and Linguistic Research: En hommage à Charles Muller. Ed. Étienne Brunet. Travaux de linguistique quantitative 35. Geneva, Switz.: Slatkine, 1986. 495-505. [“This paper describes a computer-assisted analysis of semantic patterning in . . . The Four Zoas and considers the way in which such patterns contribute to the structure and meaning of the work.” (496) See also the preceding entry.]

79. Jackson, Mary V. “Reply to Charu Sheel Singh.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 16. [A brief reply to Singh’s rejoinder to the author’s review of The Chariot of Fire; see #116, below, and Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 85, #172, and 99, #466(2).]

80. *Kang, Sun-Koo. “William Blake eui Archetypal Symbolism Yeongu.” Diss. Joong-Ang U, Korea, 1982. [A study of Blake’s symbolism, seen from the perspective supplied by Jung’s theory of archetypes.]

81. *Kang, Tong-Won. “[Poetry of Mammalian to Reptilian: On William Blake’s Poetry.]” Jeju University Journal: Humanities 16 (1983): 113-29. [In Korean.]

82. *Kang, Yop. “[‘The Tyger’ of William Blake.]” University Journal: Humanities [Busan, Korea] 22 (1982): 161-78. [In Korean.]

83. *Kang, Yop. “William Blake’s Conception of God and Man.” University Journal: Humanities [Busan, Korea] 24 (1983): 297-320. [Just in case some readers may feel puzzled about this and the three preceding entries for Korean contributions to the study of Blake—or, in fact, about the identity of Sun-Koo, Tong-Won, and Yop Kang—let me point out at once that these citations seem rather mysterious to the compiler, too. I have seen none of these articles and can do no more than to identify my source: the Kang entries are listed as #5519-22 in ABELL 59, for which see #24, above.]

84. Kaufman, Andrew Frederick. “Authority and Vision: A Study of William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience.Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 399A. U of Toronto, ON. [“An overview of Blake’s understanding of authority is presented and shows how it derives from his radical but coherent reading of the Gospels. For Blake the point is that all forms of temporal authority, regardless of intentions, are pernicious. It stands in opposition to the redemptive understanding Blake identifies with Jesus, which involves the imagination’s capacity to perceive metaphorically, in terms that transfigure the visible world into a visionary one. . . . Rather than the relatively simple opposition between two states of mind that critics most often have seen the collection as, Songs of Innocence and of Experience may . . . be seen as an essentially dramatic structure in which Blake presents four distinct modes of understanding and treatments of authority, each illuminating the limitations or possibilities of the other.”]

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85. Konopacki, Adam. William Blake. Trans. Renate Böning. Welt der Kunst. Berlin, E. Ger.: Henschelverlag, 1986 [i.e., 1987]. DM 20.90/c. $14.00. [Published simultaneously at Warsaw, Pol.: Arkady; Budapest, Hung.: Corvina; and Bratislava, Czech.: Tatran. This is a book for the chicory coffee-table with sixteen plates in mostly faded and unreliable colors and forty murky black-and-white reproductions. It is sad to imagine that anybody’s understanding of Blake’s art may be dependent on reproductions of such a poor quality.]

86. Latané, David E., Jr. “A Blakean Reference in Joyce Cary’s Except the Lord.English Language Notes 24.3 (1987): 57-61.

87. Lemaitre, Henri. William Blake: vision et poésie. Paris, Fr.: Corti, 1985. Fr 115.00 paper. [There is a “Spiritual Biography of a Visionary” (7-30), a chapter on the poet’s “Search and Obsession” (31-76), another on “Obsession and Contemplation” (77-101), and the author summarizes his findings as “Une Poétique surnaturaliste de la forme-figure” (103-19). He also supplies a “Petit Lexique Blakien” (115-19), a bibliography, and thirty-four monochrome illustrations, including all the Job engravings; while the latter reproduce well enough, facsimiles have been used for the reproductions from pages of the illuminated books, with the result that the plates on pages 130-35 and 137 are considerably blurred.]

88. Lewis, Kevin. “The Impasse of Coleridge and the Way of Blake.” The Interpretation of Belief: Coleridge, Schleiermacher and Romanticism. Ed. David Jasper. London: Macmillan; New York, NY: St. Martin’s P, 1986. 225-34.

89. Lewis, Kevin. “The Use of Blake and the Recovery of Fideism.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54 (1986): 741-57.

90. Lincoln, Andrew. “Vala’s Garden.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 77. [See also #71 and 72, above.]

91. Linkin, Harriet Kramer. “The Function of Dialogue in The Book of Thel.Colby Library Quarterly 23 (1987): 66-76.

92. Lipking, Lawrence. “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” The Life of the Poet: Beginning and Ending Poetic Careers. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago P, 1981. 34-47. [This is a revised version of an essay which first appeared in 1976 as “Blake’s Initiation: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell;” see Bentley, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 11 (1977-1978): 164, #B2133. There are numerous other references to Blake’s poetic career throughout the present volume.]

93. Lundeen, Kathleen Farmer. “Ambiguous Blasphemy: Blake and the Ontology of Language.” Dissertation Abstracts International 47 (1987): 4089-90A. U of California, Santa Barbara. [“One of the more curious features of Blake’s prophetic canon is that each poem or cluster of poems describes the same event. . . . Just as each poem describes the recovery of the divine Word, the canon as a whole dramatizes the rise from Ulroan (utilitarian) to Edenic (poetic) perception of language. . . . The metaphors describe a gradual rise from the material elements to spirit . . . a close examination of Blake’s apocalyptic visions of language shows the eventual falling away of metaphor. . . . I shall begin my analysis by showing how ‘The Tyger’ wrestles with the inherent ambiguity of the fallen tongue, and I shall conclude with Heidegger’s solution to the problem of metaphor.”]

94. Lussier, Mark. “‘Vortext’ as Philosopher’s Stone: Blake’s Textual Mirrors and the Transmutation of Audience.” New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 40-50. [The guest editor’s contribution to this issue’s spec. section on “Reading Blake, Blake Reading;” Lussier has also written the “Introduction” (5) to the essays listed as #66, 76, 94, 97, and 110.]

95. Martin, Richard G. “Material Differences: The Immaterialisms of Berkeley and Blake.” English Studies in Canada 13 (1987): 391-405.

96. McCord, James. “All Human Forms Identified: William Blake’s Illustrations to The Pilgrim’s Progress.CEA Critic 48.4/49.1 (1986): 87-100. [The essay is accompanied by twelve reproductions of Blake’s watercolor designs to Bunyan.]

97. Miller, Dan. “Blake’s Allusions: Jerusalem 86.” New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 22-33. [One of the five essays which constitute this issue’s spec. section on “Reading Blake, Blake Reading;” see also #66, 76, 94, and 110.]

98. Miller, Dan, Mark Bracher, and Donald Ault, eds. Critical Paths: Blake and the Argument of Method. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1987. $45.00 cloth/$17.95 paper. [A collection of essays; besides the three editors, the contributors are Hazard Adams, David Aers, Stephen D. Cox, Nelson Hilton, William Dennis Horn, Elizabeth Langland, Thomas A. Vogler, David Wagenknecht, and Brenda S. Webster. Their subjects range from general considerations of “Methods and Limitations,” “Revisionism,” “De-Formation,” and “Feminist Revision” in Blake studies to new interpretations of Tiriel, The French Revolution, Visions of the Daughters of Albion, and The Four Zoas.]

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99. *Nanavutty, Piloo. “Blake and Medieval Christian Iconography.” Aligarh Journal of English Studies 10 (1985): 59-65.

100. Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard. William Blake: Prophet of Universal Brotherhood. n.p. [Wellingborough]: Crucible-Aquarian P, 1987. £9.95 paper. [It was Rudolf Steiner who cut the author’s key to a “new” understanding of Blake. The foreword was written by Sir George Trevelyan.]

101. *Otto, Peter. “Constructive Vision and Visionary Deconstruction: Los, Eternity and the Productions of Time in the Later Poetry of William Blake.” Diss. U of Adelaide, S. Austral., 1985. [No abstract of this dissertation has, as yet, been published; however, a large portion of Otto’s thesis will soon become available in a book forthcoming from Oxford UP.]

102. Otto, Peter. “Final States, Finished Forms, and The Four Zoas.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 144-46. [Contributes to a discussion which was started by Mann and Essick in 1985; see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 81, #72, and 83, #128.]

103. Otto, Peter. “The Spectrous Embrace, the Moment of Regeneration, and Those Two Seventh Nights.” Colby Library Quarterly 23 (1987): 135-43. [In Vala, or The Four Zoas “Night the Seventh (a) and Night the Seventh (b) are . . . in a relationship which can only be called an embrace. At the same point in narrative place and time the reader has two Nights which persist in standing alongside one another. . . . if the Nights are read as parallel narratives of the flesh and the spirit then the apparent discontinuity between the accounts is no longer a problem which must be solved or explained” (142). What a snappy and ingenious explanation!]

104. Otto, Peter. “Visionary Deconstruction: The Bard’s Song in Blake’s Milton.Philological Quarterly 66 (1987): 207-30.

105. Owens, Norah. William Blake and Felpham 1800-1803. Bognor Regis, W. Sx.: Bognor Regis Local History Society, 1987. £1.60.

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106. Pagliaro, Harold. Selfhood and Redemption in Blake’s Songs. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State UP, 1987. $20.00. [The author, following up the argument of some of his earlier essays—see, e.g., Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 16 (1982): 114, #99—“intends to offer a reading of Songs of Innocence and of Experience as a basis for a more immediate sense of Blake’s psychology of redemption than is generally available in the scholarship” (ix). To do so, the evidence found in the later prophecies which “gives meaning to words like ‘Self-hood,’ ‘Self-examination,’ and ‘Self-annihilation’ ” is brought to bear upon an interpretation of the Songs that considers these poems as “a consistent human psychology,” good for “our psychological disorientation and renewal,” rather than seeing them “in a perspective defined by social criticism, by irony, or by some derivative of Christian doctrine” (ix-x). The book’s concluding chapter (111-30) argues that the Songs “may be regarded as the individuated prelude to the prophecies” (x); while stressing “some continuities,” the author treats the conceptual “differences” between the shorter poems and the major prophecies as well.]

107. *Patterson, Annabel. Pastoral and Ideology: Virgil to Valéry. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 1988. £28.15. [Though I have not yet seen a copy of this book, I expect it to contain a chapter on Blake’s Virgil wood engravings; see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 59, #89.]

108. *Raine, Kathleen. “The City in William Blake.” Aligarh Journal of English Studies 11 (1986): 75-92. [Probably much the same text that was previously printed in a limited edition as an “Academic Inn Discussion Paper;” see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 84, #159.]

109. Ricards, Philip Clayton. “Visionary Mysticism: A Study of Visionary Mystical Experience as It Informs the Works of Jacob Boehme and William Blake and Its Importance for the Philosophy of Religion.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 153-54A. Claremont Graduate School. [The “meaning of the presence in Blake’s works of many of Boehme’s themes, ideas, symbols, and concepts is best understood as an effect of their similar mystical experiences. Accordingly, this study investigates this type of mysticism as it is found in Blake and Boehme and in this way seeks to clarify the nature of Boehme’s presence in Blake’s thought and to access the nature of visionary mystical experience from the perspective of the philosophy of religion. The historical, cultural, literary, and religious connections and continuities between Boehme and Blake are discussed with a view to establishing the nature of the indebtedness of Romantic thought in general and Blake’s thought in particular to Boehme’s heritage. The nature of the language of mystical vision will be shown to be similar to that of poetic discourse.”]

110. Riehl, Joe [i.e., Joseph E.]. “Gnosticism in Blake’s ‘I saw a chapel all of gold.’ ” New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 6-11. [This essay, together with the articles listed as #66, 76, 94, and 97, above, makes up a spec. section on “Reading Blake, Blake Reading,” edited by Mark Lussier.]

111. Rothenberg, Molly Anne. “Blake Reads ‘The Bard’: Contextual Displacement and Conditions of Readability in Jerusalem.Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 27 (1987): 489-502.

112. Rothenberg, Molly [Anne]. “The Provisional Vision of Blake’s Jerusalem.Word and Image 3 (1987): 305-11.

113. Scrivener, Michael. “A Swedenborgian Visionary and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 102-04.

114. Shabetai, Karen. “Blake’s Antifoundationalist Poetics.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 27 (1987): 555-70.

115. *Singer, June. The Unholy Bible: Blake, Jung and the Collective Unconscious. Boston, MA: Sigo P, 1986. $24.95 cloth/$12.95 paper. [A new edition or a reprint of the 1970 and 1973 publications, then subtitled “A Psychological Interpretation of William Blake.”]

116. Singh, Charu Sheel. “Reply to Mary V. Jackson.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 14-15. [In defence of the argument in his Study of William Blake in the Light of Hindu Thought; Jackson’s review was listed in Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1986-1987): 99, #466(2); for her rejoinder to Singh see #79, above.]

117. Spector, Sheila A. “The Reasons for ‘Urizen.’ ” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 147-49.

118. Summerfield, Henry. “Beards, Disputations and Revelry: Observations on Blake’s Job Engravings with Special Reference to Plates 2 and 3.” Colby Library Quarterly 23 (1987): 89-98.

119. *Sung, Chan-Kyung. “[William Blake, with Special Reference to His Imagination.]” Journal of the English Language and Literature [Seoul, Korea] 28 (1982): 23-46. [In Korean; see also #80-83, above.]

120. Tandecki, Daniela. “ ‘Mind-Forg’d Manacles’: William Blake und das Moralgesetz.” English and American Studies in German (1986): 78-79. [A dissertation abstract; for the published version of this thesis see the subsequent entry.]

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121. Tandecki, Daniela. Mind-Forg’d Manacles: William Blake und das Moralgesetz. Diss. U of Bonn, W. Ger., 1986. Studien zur englischen und amerikanischen Literatur 10. Frankfort on the Main, W. Ger.: Lang, 1987. SFr 65.00 paper. [This is the first full-length study of what Denis Saurat described as the “rebellion of Blake against dogma and morality,” his “reversal of all values” (Blake and Modern Thought, London: Constable, 1929, 9). The author traces the history of the concept of a moral law from Wycliff to the eighteenth-century Deists (17-57), studies Blake’s critique of these concepts in the entire corpus of his writings (59-252), and draws attention to similar ideas in the productions of a large array of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century writers (253-77). For an abstract of the useful summary and explication of one of the central tenets in Blake’s thinking which is presented in this thesis, see the preceding entry.]

122. Thinès, Georges. “William Blake et Arthur Rimbaud: Deux visions de l’infernal.” Bulletin de l’Académie Royale de Langue et de Littérature Françaises 44.1 (1986): 12-27.

122A. Tomlinson, Alan. Songs of Innocence and of Experience by William Blake. Macmillan Master Guides. Basingstoke, Hants.: Macmillan Education, 1987. £1.95 paper. [This booklet is meant to help its readers with understanding as well as enjoying Blake’s poems when used as a study guide for “passing an examination in literature” (vi). In a series of brief chapters it offers information on the poet’s “Life and Background” (1-8), on his “Printing Methods” (9-13), the “Themes and Issues” of the Songs (14-24), a “Commentary” on the poems (25-66), an introduction to “Blake’s Style” (67-75), a “Critical Analysis of a Specimen Poem” (i.e., of “London,” 76-79), a note on the “Critical Reception” of the Songs (80-82), some “Revision Questions,” and a few suggestions for “Further Reading” (83-86). In its general organization then, Tomlinson’s “Master Guide” may be compared with Handley’s and Hyland’s earlier publications in the “Brodie’s Notes” (1979) and “York Notes” (1982) series.]

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123. Turman, Kathryn Lee Green. “The Illumination of the Paradise Within: An Iconological Analysis of Milton, a Poem in 2 Books.Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 1213A. U of Texas. [“This iconological analysis . . . tests the utility of a critical method based on C. G. Jung’s theory of archetypal analysis and Owen Barfield’s theory of idolatry as a hermeneutic program for reading the verbal and visual text of this apocalyptic prophecy. . . . Milton (unlike Paradise Lost) is a wholly theocentric iconological system. Not only topographic and structural but also vital and pictorial configuration(s) make multiply manifest Christocentric circled-cross patterns. . . . Exploring the evolution of the significance of iconological configuration in Milton reveals both the conceptual coherence and the representational simplicity of the poem. Milton is radically Christological in that it is conceptually as well as spiritually anchored in Jesus. The test is representationally simple in that both verbally and visually posited configurations are ultimately defined by the central point identified with Jesus. Because this point is also defined as the emanative divine center of every being, Milton may be said to be mystic.” May I add that to the compiler who, after all, is not a native speaker of the English language, this abstract sounds like a mere bubble of words. It is only fair to say, however, that for the reader of dissertation abstracts Turman’s is no isolated case.]

124. Watkinson, Ray. “A Meeting with Mr. Rossetti.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 4.1 (1983): 136-39. [Publishes material from an anonymous nineteenth-century notebook. Its unidentified owner was a collector of Blake drawings who had attended the 1852 Butts sale of “works of that able but eccentric artist, William Blake, with many of his best drawings” (Bentley, Blake Books, 1977, 659, #559), and had planned to write a monograph on the artist until he learned of Gilchrist’s then projected Life. According to this manuscript, its owner was among the informants consulted by Gilchrist. The present article, however, is mostly concerned with a report in this notebook about a visit to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; the conversation of the two men centered on Blake, and the Pre-Raphaelite painter is said to have kindly lent Blake’s Notebook to the anonymous collector, allowing him to copy or trace from its pages whatever he may like. Since Watkinson claims that the author of his notebook was in possession of a large and important collection of Blake’s (watercolor?) drawings, superior to that of Monckton Milnes, it is tempting to identify him with some such figure as “Mr. Strange” from the catalogue of works compiled by William Michael Rossetti for the second volume of the 1863 Life of Blake. J. C. Strange, however, mostly bought at the 1853 Foster’s rather than the 1852 Sotheby’s sale, and without a hint at the subject of any of the works then owned by Rossetti’s visitor, all this speculation lacks a sound factual basis. In any case, this manuscript source—of which I had never heard before reading Watkinson’s short article—seems to supply a fascinating account of the feelings and motives of an early Blake collector, and it is to be hoped that either the present owner of this nineteenth-century notebook or some Blake scholar will comment in more detail about its contents in the future.]

125. “William Blake: Exhibit Opens, Enriches Huntington as the Center of Blake Studies,” and “William Blake: Exhibition Catalogue, Other Huntington Blake Publications . . . Events Related to the Exhibition.” Huntington Calendar Nov.-Dec. 1987: 1 and 3. [An unsigned announcement of the exhibition from the Essick collection; see also #18 and 63, above.]

Part II Blake’s Circle

General Studies

126. *Pointon, Marcia. “Romanticism in English Art.” Romantics. Ed. Stephen Prickett. Context of English Literature. London: Methuen; New York, NY: Holmes, 1981. 76-114. [Discusses, inter alia, the work of Barry, Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake.]

127. Spencer, Keith. At the Sign of the Dial: Charles Haslewood Shannon and His Circle. Exh. cat. Lincoln, Lincs.: Usher Gallery-Lincolnshire County Council, 1987. [Shown in the exhibition and catalogued as #71-75 were Blake’s Virgil wood engravings and three prints by Palmer and Calvert. These works are described as “an important influence on the book design and illustration of The Vale Press” (40). The exhibition was presented at the Usher Gallery from 9 Aug.-13 Sept. 1987 and then traveled to the University of Hull Art Collection, the Nottingham University Art Gallery, and the Carlisle Museum and Art Gallery until 23 Apr. 1988. The catalogue was designed to resemble the books produced by Shannon and Ricketts in the late nineteenth century, and was printed in an edition of only 750 copies.]

See also #18, 26, and 58, above, and 165, below.

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James Barry

128. Allan, D. G. C. “James Barry as a Member of the Society.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 135 (1987): 330-33. [The revised version of a paper read at the 1983 James Barry Symposium, which was organized by the Royal Society on the occasion of the Barry exhibition at the Tate Gallery.]

See also #160, 164, and 173, below.

William Cowper

129. Marshall, W. Gerald. “The Presence of ‘the Word’ in Cowper’s The Task.Studies in English Literature 1500-1600 27 (1987): 475-87.

130. *Pache, Walter, ed. 18. Jahrhundert II. Die englische Literatur in Text und Darstellung 6. Stuttgart, W. Ger.: Reclam, 1983. [German translations of some of Cowper’s poems and prose writings, printed to face their English originals on opposite pages as part of an anthology.]

131. *Redford, Bruce. The Converse of the Pen: Acts of Intimacy in the Eighteenth-Century Familiar Letter. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago P, 1987. [Cowper’s letters are studied at some length.]

132. *Rhodes, Nick, ed. William Cowper: Selected Poems. The Fyfield Series. Manchester, Lancs.: Carcanet P, 1984. £3.95/$7.50 paper.

133. Sherbo, Arthur. “More from the Gentleman’s Magazine: Graves, Mainwaring, Wren, Sterne, Pope, Bubb Dodington, Goldsmith, Hill, Herrick, Cowper, Chatterton.” Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987): 164-74.

Robert Hartley Cromek

134. Read, Dennis M. “Cromek, Cunningham, and Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song: A Case of Literary Duplicity.” Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987): 175-87.

Erasmus Darwin

135. Busch, Werner. “Wright, die Lunar Society und die Ästhetik des Erasmus Darwin.” Joseph Wright of Derby: Das Experiment mit der Luftpumpe: Eine Heilige Allianz zwischen Wissenschaft und Religion. Kunststück: Fischer Taschenbuch 3941. Frankfort on the Main, W. Ger.: Fischer, 1986. 57-74.

136. *McNeil, Maureen. “The Scientific Muse: The Poetry of Erasmus Darwin.” Languages of Nature: Critical Essays on Science and Literature. Ed. L. J. Jordanova. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1986. 159-203. [Compares Darwin’s imagery with Blake’s.]

137. McNeil, Maureen. Under the Banner of Science: Erasmus Darwin and His Age. Manchester, Lancs.: Manchester UP, 1987. £27.95, $49.95. [This study, which incorporates the material of the essay listed in the preceding entry, is a fully revised version of the author’s dissertation of 1980, for which see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 61, #122. Aiming at “an exploration of one component of the cultural legacy of the Industrial Revolution” and “a reconsideration of the bonds between science and technology on the one hand, and culture on the other” (7), and unlike previous biographical studies of Erasmus Darwin, this book attempts to view Darwin in the context of the history of eighteenth-century science and its interrelations with the history of economic and political revolutions. “In short, this book is concerned to situate Darwin in his full historical context and to begin to clear the way to see the interrelations among his various interests and involvements. . . . the analysis is structured into four units, (which focus) on . . . the Industrial Revolution, the British reaction to the French Revolution, the medical world of late-eighteenth-century begin page 53 | back to top Britain, and the Agricultural Revolution. The first chapter of each of the units explores Darwin’s situation in these social settings. The second chapters consider the specific ways in which his writings relate to these features of his setting” (6).]

John Flaxman

138. *Chan, Victor. “A Note on Géricault, Flaxman, and Michelangelo.” Arts Magazine 57.6 (1983): 88-90. [The French artist is said to have looked at Michelangelo through Flaxman’s classicist eyes.]

139. Morris, Barbara. “Flaxman’s Illustrations to Homer as a Design Source for Glass Decoration in the 1870s.” Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 318-21.

140. Yarrington, Alison. “Nelson the Citizen Hero: State and Public Patronage of Monumental Sculpture 1805-18.” Art History 6 (1983): 315-27. [Includes a brief discussion of Flaxman’s Nelson monument in St. Paul’s Cathedral (318-19); also should make useful background reading for anyone attempting a new interpretation of Blake’s “The Spiritual Form of Nelson Guiding Leviathan.”]

See also #18, 58, 152, 154, 165, and 182 in the present list.

Henry Fuseli

141. *Bechtold, Carmen. “‘Die Nachtmahr’: Johann Heinrich Füsslis Alptraumdarstellung.” M. A. thesis. U of Karlsruhe, W. Ger., 1986-1987.

142. “A Drawing by Fuseli.” National Galleries of Scotland Apr.-May 1988: n. pag. [A brief and unsigned note, commenting on the acquisition of a pen and wash drawing by Fuseli, presumably a portrait of the artist’s wife Sophia, for the Department of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery in Edinburgh. The female head is reproduced in poster size on the verso of this issue of the Scottish National Galleries’ newsletter.]

143. Gantner, Joseph. “Formen der Angst im Bild.” Sandoz Bulletin 21.73 (1985): 20-30. [Discusses the “objective representation of fear” in two of Fuseli’s drawings and the “Nightmare” (21-23).]

144. Klein, Jürgen. “11. Vorlesung.” Anfänge der englischen Romantik 1740-1780: Heidelberger Vorlesungen. Anglistische Forschungen 191. Heidelberg, W. Ger.: Winter, 1986. 245-71. [The entire lecture was devoted to Fuseli’s early literary career as a translator and critic in London during the 1760s.]

145. Weinglass, D. H. “Henry Fuseli’s Letter of Enquiry to Paris on Behalf of Mary Wollstonecraft’s Sister, Everina.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 144-46.

See also #18, 58, 159, 160, 164, 165, 173, 180, and 182 in the present list.

William Hayley

146. LeFaye, Deirdre. “Jane Austen and William Hayley.” Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 25-26.

See also #60, above, and #152, below.

John Linnell

147. Crouan, Katharine. John Linnell: Truth to Nature (A Centennial Exhibition). Martyn Gregory Catalogue 31. Exh. cat. London: Martyn Gregory Gallery, 1982. [This catalogue accompanied an exhibition which was shown from 8-20 Nov. 1982 at the London gallery and, later on, at Davis and Langdale’s of New York. The majority of the 112 drawings, watercolors, and oils on exhibition came from the collections of the artist’s descendants and are still little known. The fifty pages of the catalogue are profusely illustrated, including eight color plates, and effectively supplement the same author’s better known catalogue for the centennial exhibitions held at the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Yale Center for British Art; see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 16 (1982): 117, #152.]

See also #26, above.

John Hamilton Mortimer

148. Wynne, Michael. “Drawings by John Hamilton Mortimer in the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, and a Stained Glass Window at Brasenose College, Oxford.” Pantheon 47 (1987): 107-11. [Treats Mortimer’s drawings of “Christ and the Four Evangelists,” Blackberd’s engravings after these designs, and their adoption in a stained glass window executed by James Pearson in 1776.]

See also #181, below.

Samuel Palmer

149. Brown, David Blayney. Samuel Palmer 1805-1881: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings and Drawings, and a Selection of the Prints in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford, Oxon.: Ashmolean Museum, 1983. [This is a retitled reprint of the 1982 Palmer exhibition catalogue; see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 17 (1983): 69, #159. According to the “Compiler’s acknowledgements,” the “text is presented as in the original” edition which was published on the occasion of the exhibitions held at London and Edinburgh and sold in aid of The Friends of the Ashmolean Museum.]

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150. Lister, Raymond. Samuel Palmer: His Life and Art. Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge UP, 1987. £25.00. [Not an entirely new book, but rather a revised and expanded version of the author’s Palmer biography of 1974. The present edition is published to team up with Lister’s forthcoming catalogue raisonné of Palmer’s works. Blake’s influence on Palmer is discussed on many pages scattered throughout the book. There are 102 half-tone reproductions.]

151. Thurin, Susan Schoenbauer. “Pictures from Italy: Pickwick and Podsnap Abroad.” Dickensian 83 (1987): 67-78. [Reproduces and briefly mentions Palmer’s vignette illustrations to Dicken’s book.]

See also #18 and 26, above, and 165, below.

George Romney

152. Tscherny, Nadia. George Romney: “Flaxman Modelling the Bust of Hayley.” n.p. [New Haven, CT]: Yale Center for British Art, n.d. [1987]. [A single folding sheet which served as the catalogue for a “Yale Center for British Art Painting in Focus” exhibition; it contains a brief essay on the painter, the two Hayleys and the sculptor depicted, and on the history of the portrait painting which commemorates their friendship. There also is a checklist of the thirty-five items which made up this small studio exhibition, including two drawings and an engraving by Blake as well as some Flaxman materials.]

153. Watson, Jennifer C. George Romney in Canada. Exh. cat. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier UP, for the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, 1985. [Catalogue of an exhibition which was to be seen in Ontario and Alberta, at the Art Gallery of Windsor, 22 Dec. 1985-16 Feb. 1986, and at the Edmonton Art Gallery, 8 Mar.-20 Apr. 1986.]

See also #159 and 164, below.

Thomas Stothard

154. Bennett, Shelley M. Thomas Stothard: The Mechanisms of Art Patronage in England circa 1800. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1988. #29.00. [Published 82 years after Coxhead’s Stothard, this is only the third and certainly much needed monograph on the most industrious book illustrator of Blake’s times. Bennett’s book is a fully revised version of her 1977 U of California, Los Angeles, dissertation in which she takes a fresh look at Stothard’s oeuvre by placing it in the context of an increasingly industrialized society, which thoroughly affected both the production and the marketing of art. This context enables the author to explain Stothard’s success with his contemporaries as well as his later relegation to a minor place in the history of English art. Thus, the book examines the reverse of the medal coined in Blake’s “Laocoön” plate. Bennett also supplies a reassessment of Stothard’s close association with both Flaxman and Blake.]

John Varley

155. Wark, Robert [R.] British Landscape Watercolors from Southern California Private Collections: An Exhibition at the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Exh. cat. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1986. 12-15. [The author refers to the special attraction of the works of Blake and Rowlandson for American collectors in his introduction (4); Varley was represented in this exhibition with six of his landscape designs which are described in #6-11.]

See also #26, above.

Part III Works of Related Interest

Some General Studies, Mostly of Romantic Art and Poetry, and Their Historical Context

156. Adams, Hazard. “Titles, Titling, and Entitlement To.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1987): 7-21. [Briefly discusses “Blake’s title Jerusalem the Emanation of the Giant Albion” on page 17.]

157. *Anderson, Ross, ed. A Brush with Shakespeare: The Bard in Painting, 1780-1910. Exh. cat. Montgomery, AL: Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, 1985. $12.00. [Contributions by Lucy Oakley, et al.; includes discussion of Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery.]

158. Bonnell, Thomas F. “John Bell’s Poets of Great Britain: The ‘Little Trifling Edition’ Revisited.” Modern Philology 85 (1987): 128-52. [Blake engraved one of the Chaucer frontispieces after a design by Stothard for Bell’s collection.]

159. Brosch, Renate, Joachim Möller, and Gretel Wagner. Shakespeare: Buch und Bühne. Exh. cat. Berlin, W. Ger.: Kunstbibliothek Berlin-Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz,[e] 1986. [Published on the occasion of the Third World Shakespeare Congress on “Images of Shakespeare” to accompany an exhibition at the Kunstbibliothek in Apr. 1986. Romney, Fuseli, and Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery are discussed by the authors in the context of 400 years of Shakespeare illustrations.]

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160. Dingley, R. J. “A Note on the Historical Sublime.” Durham University Journal ns 48 (1987): 249-56. [The subject of this article are the writings and/or paintings of Baillie, Burke, Priestley, Winckelmann, Reynolds, Fuseli, Barry, Turner, and John Martin.]

161. *Erdman, David V. Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1986. $39.00 [Studies the cooperation of French and British intellectuals during the years following the Great Revolution.]

162. *Gordon, Catherine M. British Paintings of Subjects from the English Novel, 1740-1870. Diss. Courtauld Institute of Art (U of London), 1981. Outstanding Theses in the Fine Arts from English Universities. New York, NY: Garland, 1987. $150.00. [Should have something to say about Stothard and some other members of Blake’s circle.]

163. *Gross, Kenneth. Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1985 [i.e., 1986]. $24.95.

164. Gully, Anthony Lacy. “John Milton’s ‘Unholy Trinity’ (Satan, Sin, and Death).” Phoebus 3 (1981): 19-36. [This article on illustrating Paradise Lost, bk. 2, ll. 711-26, effectively supplements the respective references in Marcia R. Pointon’s Milton and English Art (Manchester, Lancs.: Manchester UP, 1970), by studying Romney’s, Barry’s, Fuseli’s, Gillray’s, and Blake’s versions of the subject in the context of the “interest in utilizing Milton’s text as a vehicle for exploring political allegory or the sublime” (33).]

165. Hodnett, Edward. Five Centuries of English Book Illustration.[e] Aldershot, Hants.: Scolar P, 1988. £65.00. [The chapter on “The Eighteenth Century (II): 1776-1800” of this posthumous publication contains brief sections on Blake (94-97), Burney (97-98), Flaxman (99), Fuseli (101-03), Loutherbourg (103), and Stothard (106) as book illustrators.[e] Just as the texts on Palmer (135) and Shields (175) in subsequent chapters, these notes add little that is new in fact or in approach to the existing literature on the subject, and some of them appear to be strongly condensed versions of chapters in the author’s previous “studies in the illustration of English literature;” see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 17 (1983): 66, #83. However, the book seems to have been designed primarily for use as a reference work and a general instruction; as such and on account of its illustrations it may indeed serve its purpose.]

166. *Hope, Ann M. The Theory and Practice of Neoclassicism in English Painting: The Origins, Development and Decline of an Ideal. Diss. U of Nottingham, Notts., 1968. Outstanding Theses in the Fine Arts from English Universities. New York, NY: Garland, 1987. $125.00.

166. *Hope, Ann M. The Theory and Practice of Neoclassicism in English Painting: The Origins, Development and Decline of an Ideal. Diss. U of Nottingham, Notts., 1968. Outstanding Theses in the Fine Arts from English Universities. New York, NY: Garland, 1987. $125.00.

167. The Huntington Art Collections: A Handbook. [Ed. Robert R. Wark]. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1986. $12.95. [This is a revised and enlarged edition of The Huntington Art Collection, a summary catalogue compiled by the curatorial staff, edited by Robert Wark, and published in 1970. While the extensive Blake collection at the Huntington is covered separately and in full detail in Robert Essick’s Complete Catalogue, the present handbook describes in brief the important collection of works by Blake’s contemporaries that is housed at San Marino.]

168. Isphording, Eduard, with the assistance of Manfred von Arnim. Fünf Jahrhunderte Buchillustration: Meisterwerke der Buchgraphik aus der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer. Ausstellungskataloge des Germanischen Nationalmuseums ser. A/Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Ausstellungskataloge 42. Exh. cat. Nuremberg, W. Ger.: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1987. DM 42.50. [The finely printed and lavishly illustrated catalogue of an exhibition which was first shown at the GNM in Nuremberg (11 Sept.-15 Nov. 1987) and then at the BSB in Munich (4 Feb.-16 Apr. 1988). The exhibition handbook supplies a general introduction to the history of book illustration from the fifteenth to the early twentieth century, catalogues an impressive selection of mostly French illustrated eighteenth-century books, and includes a copy of Blake’s Blair designs as #162 (with some misunderstandings of both technique and publication history in the text), probably a copy of the 1813 large paper folio “proof” edition rather than of the 1808 folio as stated by the authors.]

169. Keener, Frederick M. “Parallelism and the Poets’ Secret: Eighteenth-Century Commentary on Paradise Lost.Essays in Criticism 37 (1987): 281-302.

170. *Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters and Samuel Johnson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1987. $29.50.

171. *Klancher, Jon P. The Making of English Reading Audiences, 1790-1832. Madison, WI: U of Wisconsin P, 1987. $25.00. [For an exposition of the book’s central thesis, see the author’s earlier article “From ‘crowd’ to ‘audience’: The Making of an English Mass Readership in the Nineteenth Century.” ELH 50 (1983): 155-73.]

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172. Macmillan, Duncan. Painting in Scotland: The Golden Age. Exh. cat. Oxford, Oxon.: Phaidon P, in association with the Talbot Rice Art Centre, the University of Edinburgh, and the Tate Gallery, London, 1986. £19.95 cloth/£12.95 paper. [Macmillan’s book was published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Talbot Rice Art Centre in Edinburgh (8-31 Aug. 1986) and the Tate (15 Oct. 1986-4 Jan. 1987). It contains extensive sections on Gavin Hamilton’s proto-classicism of the 1760s and 1770s (31-42) and the works of the two Runciman brothers (43-62), which are illustrated in eight color plates and numerous half-tone reproductions.]

173. Mai, Ekkehard, and Anke Repp-Eckert, eds. Triumph und Tod des Helden: Europäische Historienmalerei von Rubens bis Manet. Exh. cat. Milan, It.: Electa, for the Museen der Stadt Köln, 1987. [The exhibition was to be seen at the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne, W. Ger. (30 Oct. 1987-10 Jan. 1988), at the Kunsthaus in Zurich, Switz. (3 Mar.-24 Apr. 1988), and at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon, Fr. (18 May-17 July 1988). On show in the British section were paintings, drawings, and engravings by and after such artists as Barry (#96), Copley (#97, 110), Fuseli (#98-99, 122-24), Gillray (#131-33), Gavin Hamilton (#100, 141-43), Kauffmann (#83), Trumbull (#101, 157-58), and West (#102-03, 159). The massive catalogue contains essays on English history painting from 1750 to 1830 by David Irwin (81-90), and on West’s “The Death of Nelson” by Robert Rosenblum (91-94).]

174. *Metzger, Lore. One Foot in Eden: Modes of Pastoral in Romantic Poetry. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1986. $25.00. [Said to include a discussion of the pastoral mode in Blake’s Songs.]

175. Ostriker, Alicia. “Dancing at the Devil’s Party: Some Notes on Politics and Poetry.” Critical Inquiry 13 (1987): 579-96. [“My education in political poetry begins with William Blake’s remark about John Milton in The Marriage . . .” (579).]

176. Rajan, Tilottama. “The Supplement of Reading.” New Literary History 17 (1986): 573-94. [Treats Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and his Songs of Innocence and of Experience in a theoretical context (580-82), the phenomenon described by the author as “the disappearance of narrative, dramatic, or conceptual actualization” (573) in romantic texts.]

177. *Reiman, Donald H. Romantic Texts and Contexts. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1987. $32.00. [A selection of the author’s essays and reviews concerned with romantic literature.]

178. Rousseau, G. S. “ ‘Till we have built Jerusalem’: The Berkeley Symposium and the Future of Literature and Science.” Annals of Scholarship 4 (1986): 1-21. [The introductory essay to a spec. issue on “Science and the Imagination;” places the Blakean contributions by Nelson Hilton and Mark L. Greenberg into a bigger context; for the latter, see Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 57, #53 and 59.]

179. *Summerfield, Geoffrey. Fantasy and Reason: Children’s Literature in the Eighteenth Century. London: Methuen, 1984. £20.00. [Mrs. Barbauld, Godwin, Wollstonecraft, and Blake are amongst the authors who are the subject of Summerfield’s study.]

180. Tscherny, Nadia. “Likeness in Early Romantic Portraiture.” Art Journal 46 (1987): 193-99. [Besides Reynolds, Northcote, Opie, and Gainsborough, Fuseli’s early self-portrait at the Victoria and Albert Museum is briefly analyzed.]

181. Westfehling, Uwe. Englische Druckgraphik des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Exh. cat. Cologne, W. Ger.: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum der Stadt Köln, 1984. [The exhibition was to be seen at the WRM from 30 Nov. 1984-3 Feb. 1985; the catalogue includes entries for prints by Bartolozzi, Blake (#142-43), Boydell, Gillray, Heath, Mortimer, Woollett, et al.]

182. Yates, Frances A. “Transformations of Dante’s Ugolino.” Renaissance and Reform: The Italian Contribution. Collected Essays 2. London: Routledge, 1983. 30-58. [A reprint of the late Dame Frances Yates’s classic study in Dantesque iconography of 1951. Fuseli’s, Blake’s, and Flaxman’s pictorial translations of the Ugolino story are discussed on pages 53-55.]

See also #26, above.

Some Contemporary Artists and Authors

183. *Ayer, A. J. Thomas Paine. London: Secker, 1988. £12.95.

184. “Benjamin West, 1738-1820.” National Galleries of Scotland News Summer [1987]: n. pag. [An unsigned note recording the acquisition of West’s “Alexander III of Scotland Rescued from the Fury of a Stag by the Intrepidity of Colin Fitzgerald,” commissioned in 1784, for the National Gallery at Edinburgh; the painting is reproduced in color.]

185. *Bernstein, Samuel. Joel Barlow: A Connecticut Yankee in an Age of Revolution. Cliff Island, ME: Ultima Thule P, 1985. $5.95.

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186. Brantley, Richard E. “Charles Wesley’s Experiential Art.” Eighteenth-Century Life ns 11.2 (1987): 1-12. [The younger Wesley’s poems and hymns seen as “a record of common feeling” (1), and his view of “experience and subjectivity” interpreted as an anticipation of “the Romantic apotheosis of self” (2); also compares Wesley with Blake.]

187. Claeys, Gregory. “William Godwin’s Critique of Democracy and Republicanism and Its Sources.” History of European Ideas 7 (1986): 253-69.

188. Conger, Syndy McMillen. “The Sentimental Logic of Wollstonecraft’s Prose.” Prose Studies 10 (1987): 143-58.

189. Cozzens, Christine Suzanne. “The Magic Circle: Elizabeth Inchbald, Mary Hays, and Mary Wollstonecraft and the Politics of Domestic Fiction.” Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1987): 1209A. U of California, Berkeley, 1986.

190. Cronin, Richard. “Carps and Caleb Williams.Keats-Shelley Review 1 (1986): 35-48.

191. *Denizot, Paul. “Quelques réflexions sur A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles 23 (1986): 79-89.

192. *Dole, George, ed. and trans. Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Love and Wisdom. New York, NY: Swedenborg Foundation, 1986. $6.95. [A new translation, not part of the well-known “Student Edition” of Swedenborg’s theological writings.]

193. *Douglas, Aileen. “Anna Seward’s Annotated Copy of Caleb Williams.Princeton University Library Chronicle 49 (1987): 74-78.

194. *Duhet, Paule-Marie. “Bonheur et douleur dans Elements of Morality for the Use of Children (1790-1791) de Mary Wollstonecraft.” Le Corps et l’âme en Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIe siècle. Ed. Paul-Gabriel Boucé and Suzy Halimi. Langues et Langages 14. Paris, Fr.: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1986. 167-77. [On Wollstonecraft’s translation of Salzmann’s Elementarbuch, which was illustrated with engravings by Blake.]

195. *Duhet, Paule-Marie. “Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792): Bibliographie sélective et critique.” Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles 23 (1986): 25-36.

196. Durey, Michael. “Thomas Paine’s Apostles: Radical Emigrés and the Triumph of Jeffersonian Republicanism.” William and Mary Quarterly 3rd ser. 44 (1987): 661-88.

197. Durey, Michael. “William Cobbett, Military Corruption and London Radicalism in the Early 1790s.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 131 (1987): 348-66. [Should be of interest to those readers who would like to learn more about Cobbett, Priestley, and “the hapless Soldiers sigh” in Blake’s London.]

198. *Dyck, Ian, ed. Citizen of the World: Essays on Thomas Paine. Bromley, Greater London: Christopher Helm, 1988. £14.95.

199. Farr, Richard. “New Thoughts on Godwin’s Mother.” Durham University Journal ns 48 (1987): 269-78.

200. *Feldman, Burton, and Robert R. Richardson, eds. William Godwin: The Pantheon: or, Ancient History of the Gods of Greece and Rome. Myth and Romanticism [series]. New York, NY: Garland, 1984. $80.00.

201. *Foot, Michael, and Isaac Kramnick, eds. The Thomas Paine Reader. Harmondsworth, Mddx.: Penguin, 1987. £5.95.

202. *Hammer, Sabine. Angelika Kauffmann. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Staedlezo, 1987.

203. *Herrick, Jim. “Thomas Paine’s 250th Anniversary.” New Humanist 102.1 (1987): 12-13.

204. Jolles, Evelyn B. G. A. Bürgers Ballade Lenore in England. Sprache und Literatur: Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 7. [2nd ed.] Frankfort on the Main, W. Ger.: Lang, 1987. SFr 44.80. [The third part of this study, which was first published in Nuremberg and Regensburg in 1974, traces the history of the British reception of Bürger’s ballad by analyzing the translations that were published in England between 1790 and 1798. Stanley’s version of 1796, which was illustrated with engravings after designs by Blake in the second and considerably revised edition, is discussed at length on pages 93-116, and the illustrations are at least mentioned in passing on pages 107-08.]

205. Jones, Chris. “Godwin to Mary: The First Letter.” Keats-Shelley Review 1 (1986): 61-74.

206. Kramnick, Isaac. “Eighteenth-Century Science and Radical Social Theory: The Case of Joseph Priestley’s Scientific Liberalism.” Journal of British Studies 25.1 (1986): 1-30.

207. Kuzniar, Alice A. “Signs of the Future: Reading (in) Lavater’s Aussichten.Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 22 (1986): 1-19.

208. Lavater, Johann Caspar. Sämtliche kleinere prosaische Schriften vom Jahr 1763-1783. Winterthur, Switz. 1784-1785. Hildesheim, W. Ger.: Olms, 1987.

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209. Maison, Margaret. Mary Wollstonecraft and Mr. Cresswick.” Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 467-68.

210. *Morvan, Alain. “Passion et idéologie dans les romans de Mary Wollstonecraft.” Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles 23 (1986): 65-78.

211. Mulford, Carla Jean. “Joel Barlow’s Letters, 1775-1788.” Dissertation Abstracts International 45 (1984): 1753A. U of Delaware.

212. *Myers, Mitzi. “Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children’s Books.” Children’s Literature 14 (1986): 31-59.

213. Obermeier, Siegfried. Die Muse von Rom: Angelika Kauffmann und ihre Zeit. Frankfort on the Main, W. Ger.: Oberon, 1987. DM 25.00.

214. Peters, Anne. Francesco Bartolozzi: Studien zur Druckgraphik nach Handzeichnungen. Diss. U of Cologne, W. Ger., 1985. Duisburg, W. Ger.: privately printed, 1987. [Studies Bartolozzi’s engravings after drawings by Guercino, Castiglione, Holbein, Leonardo, Carracci, etc. (109-38) in the context of the history of collecting (15-54) and engraving (54-108) in eighteenth-century Britain. Besides a brief chapter on William Young Ottley (138-40), and another on the techniques employed for printed “facsimile” reproductions after old master drawings (151-53), the author also supplies a catalogue of Bartolozzi’s works in this genre (189-224). The 286 illustrations which were part of the original dissertation had to be reduced to 32 plates in the published version.]

215. Roth, Martin. “Tom Paine and American Loneliness.” Early American Literature 22 (1987): 175-82.

216. Schotte, Edith. “Eine frühe politische Kampfschrift für die Rechte der Frau: Christian Gotthilf Salzmanns Standpunkt zu den Auffassungen von Mary Wollstonecraft.” Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 36 (1988): 226-31. [Wollstonecraft translated Salzmann’s Elementarbuch into English; Salzmann translated Wollstonecraft’s Vindication into German. It is this German version of the Rights of Woman of 1793 which is studied in the present article.]

217. *Sheriton, Janet. “Reason and Romance: Mary Wollstonecraft.” New Humanist 102.9 (1987): 8-13.

218. Simms, Karl N. “‘Caleb Williams’ Godwin: Things as They Are Written.” Studies in Romanticism 26 (1987): 343-63.

219. Stafford, Barbara Maria. “‘Peculiar Marks’: Lavater and the Countenance of Blemished Thought.” Art Journal 46 (1987): 185-92. [Includes a brief discussion of Blake’s aesthetic theory in the context supplied by Lavater’s Essays on Physiognomy.]

220. Tomory, Peter. “Angelika Kauffmann’s ‘Costanza.’ ” Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 668-69.

221. *Tysdahl, B. J. “A Defence of Mary Wollstonecraft’s Last Novel.” Proceedings from the Second Nordic Conference for English Studies. Ed. Håkan Ringbom and Matti Rissanen. Publications of the Research Institute of the Åbo Akademi Foundation 92. Åbo, Finland: Åbo Akademi, 1984. 463-75.

222. *Vincent, Bernard. Thomas Paine ou la religion de la liberté. Paris, Fr.: Aubier, 1987. [A translation.]

223. Warren, Leland E. “Caleb Williams and the ‘Fall’ into Writing.” Mosaic 20.1 (1987): 57-69.

Some Blake Scholars and Collectors

224. Ash, Beth Sharon. “Jewish Hermeneutics and Contemporary Theories of Textuality: Hartman, Bloom, and Derrida.” Modern Philology 85 (1987): 65-80.

225. *Beckson, Karl. Arthur Symons: A Life. Oxford, Oxon.: Clarendon P, 1987. £35.00.

226. *Bradley, John Lewis, and Ian Ousby, eds. The Correspondence of John Ruskin and Charles Eliot Norton. Cambridge, Cambs.: Cambridge UP, 1987. $59.50. [Both correspondents are to be considered as—at least—minor figures in the history of nineteenth-century Blake collections and Blake publications.]

227. *Bronowski, Rita, et al. Jacob Bronowski: A Retrospective. Spec. issue of Leonardo 18.4 (1987). [Other contributors include Gerald Holton, Jonas Salk, Bruce Mazlish, Clifford Grobstein, and Paul Saltman.]

228. Cumming, Mark. “Wagner, Verlaine, and Arthur Symons’ ‘Parsifal.’ ” English Language Notes 25.1 (1987): 66-73.

229. Eaves, Morris. “Blake as Conceived: The Endurance of S. Foster Damon.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 132-37. [A “reprint” (i.e., an advance printing) of the preface to the new edition of Damon’s Blake Dictionary (see #53, above); supplies a critical assessment of Damon’s role in the academic institutionalization of Blake studies and an outline of those critical paradigma which essentially shaped the history of Blake scholarship from c. 1875 to c. 1975.]

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230. Gonzalez, Alexander. “The Achievement of Darrell Figgis’s Children of Earth: Realism and Folk Custom.” Éire-Ireland 22.3 (1987): 129-43. [An appraisal of a novel, published in 1918, by the author of The Paintings of William Blake.]

231. Goyder, George. “The Origins of the William Blake Trust.” Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 150-51. [The author, himself a trustee of the first hour, adds to and corrects the late Sir Geoffrey Keynes’s account of the Trust’s early history.]

232. Gutiérrez, Félix Martín. “Hacia una historia literaria crítica sobre el romanticismo inglés y americano 1920-1960.” Filología Moderna 73 (1981): 77-117. [Discusses Blake scholarship in general, and Frye’s Fearful Symmetry in particular on pages 107-17.]

233. Harmer, Michael, et al. Sir Geoffrey Keynes 1887-1982, Surgeon and Scholar: A Tribute. Suppl. to Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1983). London: Royal College of Surgeons of England, n.d. [1983]. [Five commemorative essays, including one on Keynes’s achievements as a bibliographer by Nicolas Barker, and “A List of the Writings of Sir Geoffrey Keynes,” compiled by William R. LeFanu (16-20).]

234. *Healey, R. M., ed. Grigson at Eighty: Tributes from Friends and Admirers. Cambridge, Cambs.: Rampant Lions P, 1985. [A festschrift for the poet-scholar who died in the year of the publication of this limited edition of 375 copies.]

235. Jeffrey, Ian. “Neo-Romanticism Against Itself: The Case of Geoffrey Grigson.” A Paradise Lost: The Neo-Romantic Imagination in Britain 1935-55. Ed. David Mellor. Exh. cat. London: Lund Humphries, in association with the Barbican Art Gallery, 1987. 129-35. [See also #246, below.]

236. *Lea, F. A. Lawrence and Murry: A Twofold Vision. London: Brentham P, 1985. £2.95.

237. McKitterick, David. “The Young Geoffrey Keynes.” Book Collector 36 (1987): 491-517. [Contains a lot of background information on the compilation and the reception of the 1921 Bibliography of William Blake that is not to be found in its author’s own account of the history of that milestone in Blake scholarship, i.e., in his “Religio Bibliographici,” or elsewhere.]

238. *Moynihan, Robert. A Recent Imagining: Interviews with Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man. Hamden, CT: Archon Books-Shoe String P, 1986. $17.50.

239. Müller, Marianne. “Humanistisches Literaturerbe im Dienste des Überlebens der Menschheit: Zu Northrop Fryes Funktionsverständnis und Traditionsauffassung.” Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Reihe 36 (1987): 313-18. [In the 1960s Frye provoked some of the best contributions to Marxist literary theory that are known to me (see, e.g., Robert Weimann’s Literaturgeschichte und Mythologie: Methodologische und historische Studien, 3rd ed., Berlin, E. Ger.: Aufbau, 1974); it comes as some surprise then, that in the late 1980s one finds East German critics attempting to pocket Frye’s myth criticism by reading him in a “revisionist” way and stressing the “humanitarian” basis of his theory of literature.]

240. *Raine, Kathleen, and K. D. Sethna. The English Language and the Indian Spirit: Correspondence. Pondicherry, India: [n.p. known], 1986. [Both correspondents have contributed to the study of Blake whose works are likely to be one of the subjects discussed in their letters.]

241. Salusinsky, Imre, et al. “Special Section: Northrop Frye.” AUMLA 66 (1986): 154-259. [Articles by Salusinsky, K. K. Ruthven, David Lawton, Mary Dove, Catherine Runcie, and Eric J. Sharpe, plus an interview with Frye.]

242. *Sharma, L. R. In Defence of J. Middleton Murry. Allahabad, India: Dikshit, 1986. Rs 150.00.

243. Stokes, John. “Arthur Symons’s ‘Romantic Movement’: Transitional Attitudes and the Victorian Precedent.” English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 31 (1988): 133-50.

244. Watkinson, Ray. “Shields in Manchester: The Making of an Artist.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite and Aesthetic Studies 1.1 (1987): 15-27. [The Manchester City Art Gallery’s version of Shields’s “William Blake’s Room (3 Fountain Court), Strand” appears as fig. 12 and is twice mentioned as an example for the artist’s “significant works” (26). There are ten pages (28-37) of reproductions.]

See also #124, above.

Some Blakean Echoes in the Twentieth Century

245. *Lima, Marcelo. Hommage à William Blake: Poème-objet bilingue brésilien-français en quatre lithotriptyques en couleur. Grospierres, Fr.: Aux Enfants de la Balle, 1984. Fr 400.00. [Hitherto, I have not been able to get hold of a copy of this limited edition through my French bookdealer. It may well be that this suite of color lithographs is out of print by the time it gets listed in “Blake and His Circle.”]

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246. Mellor, David, ed. A Paradise Lost: The Neo-Romantic Imagination in Britain 1935-55. Exh. cat. London: Lund Humphries, in association with the Barbican Art Gallery, 1987. £14.95. [Published on the occasion of an exhibition of works by such artists as Cecil Collins, Henry Moore, Ceri Richards, John Piper, David Jones, Robert Colquhoun, John Minton, Michael Ayrton, and Graham Sutherland that was presented at the Barbican from 21 May-19 July 1987. The catalogue is profusely illustrated with an anthology of drawings, paintings, prints, and photographs, many of which refer back to the example of Blake’s Virgil wood engravings and/or the prints and drawings of the “Ancients.” One of the catalogue essays is listed separately as #235, above.]

247. *Robinson, Abby. The Dick and Jane. New York, NY: Dell, 1985. $14.95 cloth/$3.50 paper. [Refer to #370, below, to learn about the Blakean plot of this novel.]

Part IV Reviews of Works Cited Above and in Previous Checklists

248. Abrams, Ann Uhry. The Valiant Hero: Benjamin West and Grand-Style History Painting [20#283]. Reviewed by James T. Callow, American Historical Review 91 (1986): 727-28.

249. Adams, Hazard. Philosophy of the Literary Symbolic [18#23]. Reviewed by (1) Martin Bickman, Philosophy and Literature 8 (1984): 143-44; by (2) Wallace Martin, Criticism 29 (1987): 242-45.

250. Albright, Daniel. Lyricality in English Literature [20#254]. Reviewed by (1) Christopher Clausen, Sewanee Review 95 (1987): 633-39; by (2) David E. Latané, Jr., South Atlantic Review 52 (1987): 107-09; by (3) Nicholas Roe, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 114-15.

251. Aldridge, A. Owen. Thomas Paine’s American Ideology [21#174]. Reviewed by Ralph Ketcham, American Historical Review 91 (1986): 174.

252. Alford, Steven E. Irony and the Logic of the Romantic Imagination [20#255]. Reviewed by M. T. S. [Mark T. Smith], RMB for 1984 (1985): 96-98.

253. Altick, Richard D. Paintings from Books: Art and Literature in Britain, 1760-1900 [21#143]. Reviewed by (1) Kenneth Garlick, Notes and Queries ns 35 (1988): 134-35; by (2) Michael Hancher, Victorian Studies 30 (1987): 421-22; by (3) Dianne Sachko Macleod, Victorian Poetry 25 (1987): 251-57; by (4) Martin Meisel, Nineteenth-Century Literature 42 (1987): 97-101; by (5) Leonée Ormond, Word and Image 3 (1987): 321-22; by (6) Clive Wainwright, Apollo 126 (1987): 301-02.

254. Altizer, Thomas J. J. History as Apocalypse [21#144]. Reviewed by (1) Richard Kenneth Emmerson, Modern Language Quarterly 46 (1985): 429-39; by (2) Steven Goldsmith, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 154-57; by (3) Paul Merkley, American Historical Review 92 (1987): 97-98; by (4) Eugene Webb, Religion and Literature 19.2 (1987): 87-90.

255. Anderson, Ross, ed. A Brush with Shakespeare: The Bard in Painting, 1780-1910 [22#157]. Reviewed by Peter Cummings, Shakespeare on Film Newsletter 11.1 (1986): 2.

256. Aubrey, Bryan. Watchmen of Eternity: Blake’s Debt to Jacob Boehme [21#22]. Reviewed by George Mills Harper, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 25-27.

257. Ayer, A. J. Thomas Paine [22#183]. Reviewed by Maurice Cranston, Times Higher Education Supplement 6 May 1988: 24.

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258. Baine, Rodney M., with the assistance of Mary R. Baine. The Scattered Portions: William Blake’s Biological Symbolism [21#23]. Reviewed by (1) Andrew Lincoln, Review of English Studies ns 39 (1988): 117-18; by (2) Molly Anne Rothenberg, Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987): 127-33.

259. Baker, Carlos. The Echoing Green: Romanticism, Modernism, and the Phenomena of Transference in Poetry [20#257]. Reviewed by (1) Philip Hobsbaum, Times Higher Education Supplement 27 July 1984: 16; by (2) Edward Larrissy, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 335-36.

260. Barrell, John. The Political Theory of Painting from Reynolds to Hazlitt:The Body of the Public” [21#25]. Reviewed by (1) David Carrier, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (1987): 420-21; by (2) Andrew Hemingway, Art History 10 (1987): 381-95; by (3) L. R. Matteson, Choice 24 (1987): 1205; by (4) W. J. T. Mitchell, Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987): 91-95; by (5) C. L. R. [Carlo L. Ragghianti], Critica d’Arte 4th ser. 52.13 (1987): 6-7; by (6) David H. Solkin, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 460-61; (7) see also #20, above.

261. Bate, Jonathan. Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination [21#145]. Reviewed by (1) Larry S. Champion, English Studies 68 (1987): 285-88; by (2) Harriett Hawkins, Essays in Criticism 37 (1987): 170-78; by (3) Angela Leighton, Times Literary Supplement 31 July 1987: 814; by (4) Nicholas Roe, Notes and Queries ns 35 (1988): 128-29; by (5) *Donald Sultana, British Book News Aug. 1986: 483-84.

262. Beckson, Karl. Arthur Symons: A Life [22#225]. Reviewed by (1) Isobel Murray, Durham University Journal ns 49 (1987): 152; by (2) Edmund White, Times Literary Supplement 13-19 Nov. 1987: 1239-40.

263. Bellin, Harvey F., and Darrell Ruhl, eds. Blake and Swedenborg: Opposition Is True Friendship: The Sources of William Blake’s Arts in the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg [21#27]. Reviewed by Inge Jonsson, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 158-60.

264. Bernstein, Samuel. Joel Barlow: A Connecticut Yankee in an Age of Revolution [22#185]. Reviewed by James Kirby Martin, Historian 50 (1987): 99-100.

265. Bindman, David, ed. Colour Versions of William Blake’s Job Designs from the Circle of John Linnell: Facsimiles of the New Zealand and Collins Sets and the Fitzwilliam Museum Plates [21#1]; and William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job: The Engravings and Related Material with Essays, Catalogue of States and Printings, Commentary on the Plates and Documentary Record [21#2]. Reviewed together by (1) David McKitterick, Book Collector 36 (1987): 305-20; by (2) Morton D. Paley, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 747-48; by (3) Andrew Wilton, Times Literary Supplement 14 Aug. 1987: 879.

266. Bloom, Harold. Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism [21#34]. Reviewed by (1) Steven Gould Axelrod, Modern Philology 81 (1984): 290-97; by (2) Thomas R. Frosch, Wordsworth Circle 15 (1984): 87-91; by (3) Charles Molesworth, Partisan Review 51 (1984): 155-58.

267. Bloom, Harold. William Blake [20#50]. Reviewed by Peter Otto, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 29-31.

268. Bogel, Fredric V. Literature and Insubstantiality in Later Eighteenth-Century England [21#148]. Reviewed by (1) *Stephen D. Cox, Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 27 (1986): 299-304; by (2) Robert Markley, Criticism 27 (1985): 211-14; by (3) Serge Soupel, Études Anglaises 38 (1985): 465 [this last entry is a correction of #251(3) in last year’s checklist].

269. Boime, Albert. A Social History of Modern Art. Vol. 1 [21#149] briefly reviewed in Gazette des Beaux-Arts 6th ser. 110 (1987): “La Chronique des Arts” Dec. 1987: 24.

270. Bolcom, William. Songs of Innocence and of Experience: A Musical Illumination of the Poems of William Blake [see 21#228, 234-35]. Reviewed by Jackie DiSalvo, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 152-57.

271. Borck, Jim Springer, ed. The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography. Vol. 7 for 1981 [20#9] reviewed by (1) Thomas Lockwood, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 277-78. Vol. 8 for 1982 [21#8] reviewed by (2) Peter Sabor, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 278-80.

272. Bracher, Mark. “Being Form’d”: Thinking Through Blake’s Milton [20#51]. Reviewed by (1) D. V. E. [David V. Erdman], RMB for 1985 (1986): 83; by (2) Brian Wilkie, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 43-44.

273. Bradley, John Lewis, and Ian Ousby, eds. The Correspondence of John Ruskin and Charles Eliot Norton [22#226]. Reviewed by (1) A. R. Vogeler, Choice 25 (1988): 754; by (2) Raymond Williams, London Review of Books 25 June 1987: 13-14.

274. Brantley, Richard E. Locke, Wesley, and the Method of English Romanticism [18#163]. Reviewed by (1) Richard Fadem, Philosophy and Literature 10 (1986): 120-21; by (2) A. J. Sambrook, Modern Language Review 82 (1987): 922-23; by (3) Ronald A. Sharp, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86 (1987): 563-65; by (4) Roger Sharrock, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 405-06; by (5) Ernest Tuveson, Studies in Romanticism 26 (1987): 468-71.

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275. Bridson, Gavin, and Geoffrey Wakeman. Printmaking and Picture Printing: A Bibliographical Guide to Artistic and Industrial Techniques in Britain 1750-1900 [20#261]. Reviewed in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 81 (1987): 381.

276. Brosch, Renate, Joachim Möller, and Gretel Wagner. Shakespeare: Buch und Bühne [22#159]. Reviewed by (1) Manfred Pfister, Word and Image 3 (1987): 319-20; by (2) Gretel Wagner, Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West: Jahrbuch (1987): 239-44.

277. Bruntjen, Sven H. A. John Boydell (1719-1804): A Study of Art Patronage and Publishing in Georgian London [20#262]. Reviewed by Louise Lippincott, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 44-46.

278. Busch, Werner. Joseph Wright of Derby: Das Experiment mit der Luftpumpe: Eine Heilige Allianz zwischen Wissenschaft und Religion [22#135]. Reviewed in Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 752.

279. Butler, Marilyn, ed. Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolutionary Controversy [20#299]. Reviewed by Peter [H.] Marshall, Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 160-61.

280. Butler, Marilyn. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and Its Background 1760-1830 [17#174]. Reviewed by (1) Richard Lehan, Nineteenth-Century Fiction 37 (1982): 248-49; by (2) *Raymond N. MacKenzie, Victorian Periodicals Review 15 (1982): 149-51; by (3) *Susanna Roxman, Edda 83 (1983): 126-27.

281. Cantor, Paul A. Creature and Creator: Myth-Making and English Romanticism [20#263]. Reviewed by (1) *John Coulson, Journal of Theological Studies ns 37 (1986): 652-54; by (2) Edward T. Duffy, Keats-Shelley Journal 36 (1987): 206-07; by (3) Derek Roper, Times Higher Education Supplement 28 Sept. 1984: 18.

282. Cook, David. Northrop Frye: A Vision of the New World [21#205]. Reviewed by (1) Michael Hurley, Queen’s Quarterly 94 (1987): 219-22; by (2) Lauriat Lane, Jr., English Studies in Canada 13 (1987): 349-52.

283. Cook, Eleanor, et al., eds. Centre and Labyrinth: Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye [18#167]. Reviewed by Gabriel Josipovici, Modern Language Review 82 (1987): 687-89.

284. Crehan, Stewart. Blake in Context [18#39]. Reviewed by (1) D. V. E. [David V. Erdman], RMB for 1984 (1985): 101; by (2) Ken Edward Smith, British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 10 (1987): 110; by (3) Frank Stack, Times Higher Education Supplement 4 May 1984: 24.

285. Crouan, Katharine. John Linnell: A Centennial Exhibition [16#152]; and John Linnell: Truth to Nature (A Centennial Exhibition) [22#147]. Reviewed together by A.-M. L. [Anne-Marie S. Logan], Master Drawings 23-24 (1985-1986): 420-21.

286. Di Salvo, Jackie. War of Titans: Blake’s Critique of Milton and the Politics of Religion [18#44]. Reviewed by (1) George Anthony Rosso, Jr., Studies in Romanticism 26 (1987): 317-21; by (2) Joseph Wittreich, Milton Quarterly 18 (1984): 92-94 [this review has previously been recorded only s.v. Behrendt’s Moment of Explosion.]

287. Dorment, Richard. British Painting in the Philadelphia Museum of Art: From the Seventeenth through the Nineteenth Century [21#9]. Reviewed by J. Barter, Choice 24 (1987): 1043.

288. Dowdey, Landon, ed. The Four Zoas: The Torments of Love and Jealousy in the Death and Judgment of Albion the Ancient Man, by William Blake [18#3]. Reviewed by *Michael Patrick Hearn, American Book Collector ns 5.3 (1984): 56.

289. Dyck, Ian, ed. Citizen of the World: Essays on Thomas Paine [22#198]. Reviewed by Maurice Cranston, Times Higher Education Supplement 6 May 1988: 24.

290. Eaves, Morris, and Michael Fischer, eds. Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism [20#141/270]. Reviewed by (1) Marcel Cornis-Pop, Criticism 29 (1987): 133-36; by (2) V. A. De Luca, University of Toronto Quarterly 56 (1987): 575-87; by (3) Michael Hurley, Queen’s Quarterly 94 (1987): 219-22; by (4) Virgil Nemoianu, MLN 102 (1987): 1220-22; (5) see also #21, above.

291. Edwards, Ruth Dudley. Victor Gollancz: A Biography [21#207]. Reviewed by Frank Bealey, Political Studies 36 (1988): 146-47.

292. Eitner, Lorenz. An Outline of 19th Century European Painting: From David through Cézanne [22#58]. Reviewed by Philip Conisbee, Times Literary Supplement 25-31 Dec. 1987: 1426.

293. Erdman, David V. Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793 [22#161]. Reviewed by (1) Alan Forrest, Times Literary Supplement 11-17 Sept. 1987: 983; by (2) Christine Gallant and by (3) Burton R. Pollin, Wordsworth Circle 18 (1987): 168-69 and 169-71 [two separate reviews]; (4) see also #20, above.

294. Erffa, Helmut von, and Allen Staley. The Paintings of Benjamin West [20#285]. Reviewed by (1) Mark A. Cheetham, Canadian Review of American Studies 18 (1987): 121-25; by (2) *Jane van Norman Turano, American Art Journal 18.3 (1986): 74-75.

295. Essick, Robert N. William Blake and His Contemporaries and Followers: Selected Works from the Collection of Robert N. Essick [22#18]. Reviewed by Suzanne Muchnic, Los Angeles Times 5 Jan. 1988, sec. IV: 1 and 4.

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296. Essick, Robert N. The Works of William Blake in the Huntington Collections: A Complete Catalogue [20#16]. Reviewed by (1) G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 114-16; by (2) I. H. C. [Irene H. Chayes], RMB for 1985 (1986): 85.

297. Ferber, Michael. The Social Vision of William Blake [20#77]. Reviewed by (1) D. V. E. [David V. Erdman], RMB for 1985 (1986): 85-86; by (2) Edward Larrissy, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 41-42; by (3) Morton D. Paley, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86 (1987): 567-70; by (4) David Worrall, British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 10 (1987): 110-12.

298. Fite, David. Harold Bloom: The Rhetoric of Romantic Vision [21#209]. Reviewed by V. A. De Luca, University of Toronto Quarterly 56 (1987): 575-87.

299. Foot, Michael, and Isaac Kramnick, eds. The Thomas Paine Reader [22#201]. Reviewed by Brian Lee, Times Literary Supplement 11-17 Sept. 1987: 996.

300. Fruchtman, Jack, Jr. The Apocalyptic Politics of Richard Price and Joseph Priestley: A Study in Late Eighteenth-Century English Republican Millennialism [20#305]. Reviewed by Arthur H. Williamson, Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1986): 418-20.

301. Gardner, Stanley. Blake’s Innocence and Experience Retraced [21#47]. Reviewed by (1) Nelson Hilton, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 27-29; by (2) Molly Anne Rothenberg, Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987): 127-33.

302. Gleckner, Robert F. Blake and Spenser [20#86]. Reviewed by (1) J. M. Q. Davies, Review of English Studies ns 39 (1988): 118-20; by (2) François Piquet, Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 355-56; by (3) George Anthony Rosso, Jr., Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 34-37; by (4) M. T. S. [Mark T. Smith], RMB for 1985 (1986): 86-87; by (5) Irene Tayler, Renaissance Quarterly 39 (1986): 802-03.

303. Gleckner, Robert F. Blake’s Prelude: Poetical Sketches [17#71]. Reviewed by (1) *Pamela Dunbar, Review 6 (1984): 187-90; by (2) Edward Larissy [rect.: Larrissy], Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 100; by (3) Michael J. Tolley, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 146-51.

304. Glen, Heather. Vision and Disenchantment: Blake’s Songs and Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads [18#54]. Reviewed by (1) P. M. S. Dawson, Critical Quarterly 26.1/2 (1984): 139-46 [part of an omnibus review, see 144-46]; by (2) M. T. S. [Mark T. Smith], RMB for 1984 (1985): 102.

305. Godard, Jerry Caris. Mental Forms Creating: William Blake Anticipates Freud, Jung, and Rank [20#87]. Reviewed by Christine Gallant, RMB for 1985 (1986): 87.

306. Goslee, Nancy Moore. Uriel’s Eye: Miltonic Stationing and Statuary in Blake, Keats, and Shelley [21#50]. Reviewed by Beth Lau, Keats-Shelley Journal 36 (1987): 199-202.

307. Griffin, Dustin. Regaining Paradise: Milton and the Eighteenth Century [21#153]. Reviewed by (1) Balz Engler, English Studies 68 (1987): 468-71; by (2) David Hopkins, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 388-89; by (3) Frederick M. Keener, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 285-86; (4) see also #20, above.

308. Griffiths, Antony, and Reginald Williams. The Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum [21#11]. Reviewed in (1) Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 687; by (2) Howard Coutts, Apollo 125 (1987): 459; in (3) Gazette des Beaux-Arts 6th ser. 109 (1987): “La Chronique des Arts” May-June 1987: 9.

309. Gross, Kenneth. Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic [22#163]. Reviewed by (1) Robert F. Gleckner, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 19-21; by (2) Jonathan Goldberg, Criticism 28 (1986): 341-43; by (3) Michael Murrin, Renaissance Quarterly 40 (1987): 363-65; by (4) Patricia Thomson, Review of English Studies ns 38 (1987): 545-47.

310. [Haddad, Rosemary, Christopher Heppner, and Elizabeth Lewis]. A Catalogue of the Lawrence Lande William Blake Collection in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections of the McGill University Libraries [20#17]. Reviewed by G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 33-34.

311. Hagstrum, Jean H. The Romantic Body: Love and Sexuality in Keats, Wordsworth, and Blake [21#55]. Reviewed by (1) Joan Baum, Keats-Shelley Journal 36 (1987): 207-08; by (2) Frederick L. Beaty, Nineteenth-Century Literature 42 (1987): 365-68; by (3) Jerome Christensen, English Language Notes 24.4 (1987): 77-80; by (4) V. A. De Luca, University of Toronto Quarterly 56 (1987): 575-87; by (5) Anne K. Mellor, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 17-19; by (6) Lucy Newlyn, Times Literary Supplement 15 May 1987: 525-26; by (7) Jack Stillinger, South Atlantic Quarterly 86 (1987): 181-83; in addition, see #70, above.

312. Halsband, Robert. The Rape of the Lock and Its Illustrations [18#137]. Reviewed by (1) Morris R. Brownell, Eighteenth-Century Studies 16 (1982): 90-93; by (2) Peter Conrad, Times Literary Supplement 7 Nov. 1980: 1255-56; by (3) Peter Quennell, Apollo 112 (1980): 214; by (4) *Daniel Traister, American Book Collector ns 2.2 (1981): 60-73.

313. Hilton, Nelson, ed. Essential Articles for the Study of William Blake [21#60]. Reviewed by Peter Otto, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 29-31.

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314. Hilton, Nelson. Literal Imagination: Blake’s Vision of Words [18#62]. Reviewed by (1) Mark Bracher, Philosophy and Literature 8 (1984): 136-37; by (2) *Pamela Dunbar, Review 6 (1984): 187-90; by (3) Aaron Fogel, Studies in Romanticism 26 (1987): 591-98.

315. Hilton, Nelson, and Thomas A. Vogler, eds. Unnam’d Forms: Blake and Textuality [20#105]. Reviewed by (1) Dan Miller, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 116-24; by (2) David Punter, Studies in Romanticism 26 (1987): 612-17.

316. Hoagwood, Terence Allan. Prophecy and the Philosophy of Mind: Traditions of Blake and Shelley [20#109]. Reviewed by Mark Bracher, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987-1988): 108-14.

317. Hodnett, Edward. Image and Text: Studies in the Illustration of English Literature [17#83]. Reviewed by Valerie Wainwright, Revista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 35 (1982): 379-82.

318. Hošek, Chaviva, and Patricia Parker, eds. Lyric Poetry: Beyond New Criticism [21#37/162]. Reviewed by (1) Joseph Adamson, English Studies in Canada 12 (1986): 246-54; by (2) Gabriella Bedetti, Genre 20 (1987): 91-95; by (3) Hans Bertens, Revue de Littérature Comparée 61 (1987): 232-34.

319. Howard, John. Infernal Poetics: Poetic Structure in Blake’s Lambeth Prophecies [20#111]. Reviewed by M. T. S. [Mark T. Smith], RMB for 1984 (1985): 103.

320. The Huntington Art Collections: A Handbook [22#167]. Reviewed by Geoffrey Ashton, Apollo 127 (1988): 68-69.

321. Isphording, Eduard, with the assistance of Manfred von Arnim. Fünf Jahrhunderte Buchillustration: Meisterwerke der Buchgraphik aus der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer [22#168]. Reviewed by Eduard Isphording, Monatsanzeiger: Museen und Ausstellungen in Nürnberg Sept. 1987: 621-22.

322. Jaffé, Michael, ed. William Blake and His Contemporaries [21#12]. Reviewed by David McKitterick, Book Collector 36 (1987): 305-20 [a few passing remarks on the exhibition and catalogue are included with a review essay on the Blake Trust Job publications and their history.]

323. James, G. Ingli, ed. William Blake: Annotations to Richard Watson, An Apology for the Bible in a Series of Letters Addressed to Thomas Paine, 8th ed. 1797 [18#1]. Reviewed by (1) D. V. E. [David V. Erdman], RMB for 1984 (1985): 104; by (2) Peter [H.] Marshall, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 333-34.

324. Jordan, Frank, ed. The English Romantic Poets: A Review of Research and Criticism. The 4th ed. [21#13] reviewed by (1) Eric Birdsall, Wordsworth Circle 18 (1987) 184-86; by (2) Jacques Blondel, Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 220-21; by (3) Nicholas Roe, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 554-55.

325. Kauffmann, C. M. John Varley 1778-1842 [20#253]. Reviewed by Judy Egerton, Burlington Magazine 127 (1985): 244-47 [part of an exhibition review].

326. Kavanagh, P. J., and James Michie, eds. The Oxford Book of Short Poems [22#4]. Reviewed by D. L., UNISA English Studies 25.2 (1987): 55-56.

327. Kelly, John, with the assistance of Eric Domville, eds. The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats. Vol. 1 [21#214] reviewed by (1) Linda Dowling, Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 174-75; by (2) Ian Fletcher, English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 30 (1987): 475-81; by (3) John P. Frayne, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86 (1987): 464-66; by (4) Nicholas Grene, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 565-67; by (5) Steven Helmling, Sewanee Review 95 (1987): 490-94; by (6) Eberhard Kreutzer, Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 224 (1987): 171-75; by (7) Diane Roberts, Western Humanities Review 41 (1987): 88-91; by (8) Alan Robinson, Review of English Studies ns 38 (1987): 271-72.

328. Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters and Samuel Johnson [22#170]. Reviewed by Nelson Hilton, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 165-67.

329. King, James. William Cowper: A Biography [20#211]. Reviewed in (1) “The Editorial Miscellany,” English 36 (1987): 191-96; by (2) D. L. Macdonald, University of Toronto Quarterly 57 (1987): 115-17; by (3) Donald H. Reiman, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 167-70; by (4) William Roosen, American Historical Review 92 (1987): 661-62; by (5) Patricia Meyer Spacks, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86 (1987): 432-34; by (6) Geoffrey Ward, Durham University Journal ns 48 (1987): 391-92; by (7) Karina Williamson, Review of English Studies ns 38 (1987): 567-68; by (8) David Willis, Queen’s Quarterly 94 (1987): 212-14; (9) see also #20, above.

330. King, James, and Charles Ryskamp, eds. The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper. Vol. 4 [18#122] reviewed by (1) Donald H. Reiman, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 20 (1987): 151-54. Vol. 5 [21#121] reviewed in (2) “The Editorial Miscellany,” English 36 (1987): 191-96.

331. King-Hele, Desmond. Erasmus Darwin and the Romantic Poets [20#230]. Reviewed by (1) Joseph Bristow, Times Higher Education Supplement 6 June 1986: 20; by (2) Richard Gravil, British Book News July 1986: 428; by (3) J. C. C. Mays, Review of English Studies begin page 65 | back to top ns 38 (1987): 396-97; by (4) Peter Scupham, Poetry Review 77.2 (1987): 38-40; by (5) David Worrall, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 31-33.

332. Klancher, Jon P. The Making of English Reading Audiences, 1790-1832 [22#171]. Reviewed by (1) C. B. Dodson, Choice 24 (1987): 1693; by (2) John Kucich, Criticism 29 (1987): 527-32; by (3) David Simpson, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 170-72.

333. Knapp, Steven. Personification and the Sublime: Milton to Coleridge [21#154]. Reviewed by (1) Bruce Clarke, Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 28 (1987): 271-77; by (2) Paul Hamilton, Notes and Queries ns 35 (1988): 130-32.

334. Kroeber, Karl. British Romantic Art [21#73]. Reviewed by (1) Nicola Kalinsky, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 748-49; (2) see also #21, above.

335. Larrissy, Edward. William Blake [21#77]. Reviewed by (1) Rikky Rooksby, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 556-57; by (2) M. T. S. [Mark T. Smith], RMB for 1985 (1986): 89-91.

336. Lea, F. A. Lawrence and Murry: A Twofold Vision [22#236]. Reviewed by Keith Cushman, D. H. Lawrence Review 19 (1987): 43-45.

337. Lemaitre, Henri. William Blake: vision et poésie [22#87]. Reviewed by François Piquet, Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 471-72.

338. Lister, Raymond. The Paintings of Samuel Palmer [20#249]. Reviewed by Krzysztof Z. Cieszkowski, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 134 (1986): 847.

339. Lister, Raymond. The Paintings of William Blake [21#82]. Reviewed by (1) J. Barter, Choice 24 (1987): 1388; by (2) David Fuller, Durham University Journal ns 48 (1987): 373-74.

340. Lister, Raymond. Samuel Palmer: His Life and Art [22#150]. Reviewed by Christopher Newall, Times Literary Supplement 4-10 Mar. 1988: 250.

341. Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann. Yeats and the Visual Arts [21#231]. Reviewed by (1) Ian Fletcher, English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 30 (1987): 475-81; by (2) E. F. Harden, Choice 24 (1987): 1398; by (3) Claude Rawson, Times Literary Supplement 24 July 1987: 783-85 [a brief mention as part of a review essay on recent Yeats literature].

342. Macmillan, Duncan. Painting in Scotland: The Golden Age [22#172]. Reviewed by (1) John Hayes, Burlington Magazine 128 (1986): 912-14; by (2) John Spurling, New Statesman 31 Oct. 1986: 21; by (3) [Denys Sutton], Apollo 124 (1986): 72-77 [a brief announcement of the exhibition as part of an editorial].

343. Mai, Ekkehard, and Anke Repp-Eckert, eds. Triumph und Tod des Helden: Europäische Historienmalerei von Rubens bis Manet [22#173]. Reviewed by Gisela Zick, Kunstchronik 41 (1988): 46-53.

344. Marshall, Peter [H.], ed. The Anarchist Writings of William Godwin [21#187]. Reviewed by Gregory Claeys, Historical Journal 30 (1987): 759-64.

345. Marshall, Peter H. William Godwin: Philosopher, Novelist, Revolutionary [20#312]. Reviewed by (1) Gregory Claeys, Historical Journal 30 (1987): 759-64; by (2) John P. Clark, Criticism 27 (1985): 320-24; by (3) Seamus Deane, Keats-Shelley Review 1 (1986): 85-90; by (4) H. T. Dickinson, Times Higher Education Supplement 14 Sept. 1984: 18; by (5) *John Lucas, Listener 12 July 1984: 24-25; by (6) Serge Soupel, Études Anglaises 38 (1985): 468-69.

346. McGann, Jerome J. The Romantic Ideology: A Critical Investigation [20#273]. Reviewed by Theodore Ziolkowski, Sewanee Review 95 (1987): 276-87.

347. McNeil, Maureen. Under the Banner of Science: Erasmus Darwin and His Age [22#137]. Reviewed by (1) Desmond King-Hele, Times Literary Supplement 11-17 Dec. 1987: 1370; by (2) Charles Sheffield, New Scientist 7 Apr. 1988: 57.

348. Meisel, Martin. Realizations: Narrative, Pictorial, and Theatrical Arts in Nineteenth-Century England [21#158]. Reviewed by (1) Victor Emeljanow, Queen’s Quarterly 92 (1985): 400-02; by (2) Stephen Wall, Times Literary Supplement 10 Aug. 1984: 883-84.

349. Mell, Donald C., Jr. English Poetry 1660-1800: A Guide to Information Sources [21#14]. Reviewed by (1) David L. Vander [sic] Meulen, Literary Research Newsletter 9.1 (1984): 29-31; by (2) *Alan F. Taylor, Library Review 32 (1983): 309-11.

350. Mellor, David, ed. A Paradise Lost: The Neo-Romantic Imagination in Britain 1935-55 [22#246]. Reviewed by (1) James Burr, Apollo 126 (1987): 58-59 [concentrates on the exhibition; see #350(7), below]; by (2) Peter Fuller, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 472-74; by (3) *Paddy Kitchen, Country Life 28 May 1987: 38-39; by (4) R. E. McVaugh, Choice 25 (1988): 757; by (5) *Charles Pickstone, Month July 1987: 271-74; by (6) Frances Spalding, Times Literary Supplement 5 June 1987: 607; by (7) Angela Summerfield, Apollo 126 (1987): 120 [concentrates on the catalogue; see #350(1), above]; by (8) *Marina Vaizey, Sunday Times [London] 24 May 1987; by (9) *Philip Vann, Contemporary Review Aug. 1987: 97-101.

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351. Milosz, Czeslaw. The Land of Ulro [21#232]. Reviewed by Tadeusz Sławek, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1988): 160-65.

352. Moynihan, Robert. A Recent Imagining: Interviews with Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man [22#238]. Reviewed by K. Tölölyan,[e] Choice 24 (1987): 1696.

353. Obermeier, Siegfried. Die Muse von Rom: Angelika Kauffmann und ihre Zeit [22#213]. Reviewed by Eckart Klessmann, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 1 Feb. 1988: 26.

354. O’Hara, Daniel T. The Romance of Interpretation: Visionary Criticism from Pater to de Man [21#219]. Reviewed by (1) Paul A. Bové, Dalhousie Review 65 (1985-1986): 594-97; by (2) Donald E. Pease, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1987): 91-94.

355. Palacio, Jean de. William Godwin et son monde intérieur [20#313]. Reviewed by David McCracken, Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984): 380-83.

356. Paley, Morton D. The Apocalyptic Sublime [21#88]. Reviewed by (1) Irene H. Chayes, Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987): 95-98; in (2) Gazette des Beaux-Arts 6th ser. 110 (1987): “La Chronique des Arts” Oct. 1987: 32; by (3) Laurence Goldstein, Michigan Quarterly Review 26 (1987): 578-91; by (4) James Heffernan, Word and Image 3 (1987): 323-25; by (5) Cecilia Powell, Art History 11 (1988): 135-40; by (6) Allen Staley, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 406-07.

357. Paley, Morton D. The Continuing City: William Blake’s Jerusalem [18#85]. Reviewed by (1) * A. A. Ansari, Aligarh Journal of English Studies 10 (1985): 100-08; by (2) Kevin Lewis, Religious Studies Review 12.3/4 (1986): 279.

358. Patrides, C. A., and Joseph Wittreich, eds. The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Literature: Patterns, Antecedents and Repercussions[e] [21#160]. Reviewed by (1) Richard Kenneth Emmerson, Modern Language Quarterly 46 (1985): 429-39; by (2) John C. Meagher, Religion and Literature 19.1 (1987): 83-88.

359. Paulson, Ronald. Literary Landscape: Turner and Constable [17#189]. Reviewed by (1) Karl Kroeber, Criticism 25 (1983): 165-68; by (2) William Vaughan, Art History 7 (1984): 368-74 [part of a review essay on British landscape painting].

360. Peckham, Morse. The Birth of Romanticism: Cultural Crisis, 1790-1815 [21#161]. Reviewed by Roger Nicholls, Comparative Literature 40 (1988): 87-89.

361. Philp, Mark. Godwin’s Political Justice [21#192]. Reviewed by (1) Gregory Claeys, Historical Journal 30 (1987): 759-64; by (2) Iain Hampsher-Monk, Albion 19 (1987): 447-49; by (3) William Stafford, History of Political Thought 8 (1987): 371-74.

362. Poovey, Mary. The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen [20#316]. Reviewed by (1) Susan Groag Bell, History of European Ideas 8 (1987): 611-14; by (2) *Rachel Brownstein, Nation 238 (1984): 337-40; by (3) Olwen Hufton, Literature and History 13 (1987): 297-99; by (4) Ellen Pollak, Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987-1988): 260-63.

363. Powell, David. Tom Paine: The Greatest Exile [21#193]. Reviewed by (1) *Stuart Andrews, History Today 36 (1986): 56; by (2) *Paul David Nelson, History: Review of New Books 14 (1986): 153-54.

364. Pressly, William L. James Barry: The Artist as Hero [17#139]; and The Life and Art of James Barry [16#133]. Reviewed together by Richard Godfrey, Print Quarterly 1 (1984): 72-74.

365. Priestman, Martin. Cowper’s Task: Structure and Influence [18#124]. Reviewed by A. J. Sambrook, Modern Language Review 82 (1987): 922-23.

366. Punter, David. Blake, Hegel, and Dialectic [17#115]. Reviewed by Dan Dahlstrom, Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (1985): 267-69.

367. Rawson, Claude. Order from Confusion Sprung: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature from Swift to Cowper [20#213]. Reviewed by (1) Wilhelm Füger, Anglia 105 (1987): 499-502; by (2) Phillip Harth, Modern Language Review 82 (1987): 706-08; by (3) Joan H. Pittock, English 36 (1987): 163-68; by (4) Peter J. de Voogd, Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters 17 (1987): 129-41 [as part of an omnibus review]; by (5) Calhoun Winton, Sewanee Review 95 (1987): xxxi-xxxvi; by (6) David Womersley, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 396-98.

368. Redford, Bruce. The Converse of the Pen: Acts of Intimacy in the Eighteenth-Century Familiar Letter [22#131]. Reviewed by (1) T. S. Kobler, Choice 24 (1987): 1553; (2) see also #20, above.

369. Rhodes, Nick, ed. William Cowper: Selected Poems [22#132]. Reviewed in (1) “The Editorial Miscellany,” English 36 (1987): 85-94; by (2) *Joan H. Pittock, British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies 7 (1984): 249-50.

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370. Robinson, Abby. The Dick and Jane [22#247]. Reviewed by Morris Eaves, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 37-41.

371. Rump, Gerhard Charles. George Romney (1734-1802): Zur Bildform der Bürgerlichen Mitte in der Englischen Neoklassik [12p147]. Reviewed by Renate Heidt, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft ns 25 (1980): 74-84.

372. Sambrook, James. The Eighteenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1700-1789 [21#163]. Reviewed by (1) Rebecca Ferguson, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 282-83; by (2) Alain Morvan, Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 352; by (3) Andrew Varney, Notes and Queries ns 35 (1988): 93-94.

373. Schulz, Max F. Paradise Preserved: Recreations of Eden in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century England [21#140]. Reviewed by (1) Chris Brooks, Review of English Studies ns 38 (1987): 280-81; by (2) Frederick Garber, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 87 (1988): 120-21; by (3) John Dixon Hunt, Burlington Magazine 129 (1987): 466-67; by (4) George P. Landow, Victorian Studies 31 (1988): 276-78; by (5) Herbert L. Sussman, American Historical Review 92 (1987): 953-54.

374. Sharma, L. R. In Defence of J. Middleton Murry [22#242]. Reviewed by Sharron Cassavant, English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 31 (1988): 103-07.

375. Smith, Bernard, ed. Culture and History: Essays Presented to Jack Lindsay [21#222]. Reviewed by John Lucas, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 355-57.

376. Smith, Olivia. The Politics of Language 1791-1819 [21#164]. Reviewed by (1) Claude Fierobe, Études Anglaises 40 (1987): 353-54; by (2) Neil Fraistat, Keats-Shelley Journal 36 (1987): 208-11; by (3) Gareth Stedman Jones, American Historical Review 92 (1987): 662; by (4) Jon P. Klancher, Huntington Library Quarterly 49 (1986): 409-14; by (5) Peter [H.] Marshall, Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 160-61; by (6) James C. McKusick, Wordsworth Circle 18 (1987): 166-68.

377. Summerfield, Geoffrey. Fantasy and Reason: Children’s Literature in the Eighteenth Century [22#179]. Reviewed by (1) Gilles Duval, Dix-huitième Siècle 18 (1986): 543; by (2) Marcus Walsh, Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 289-90.

378. Tysdahl, B. J. William Godwin as Novelist [20#319]. Reviewed by David McCracken, Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984): 380-83.

379. Vaughan, William. German Romanticism and English Art [14p92]. Reviewed by T. J. Edelstein, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 1.1 (1980): 107-08.

380. Vincent, Bernard. Thomas Paine ou la religion de la liberté [22#222]. Reviewed by Marcel Dorígny, Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 59 (1987): 342-43.

381. Warner, Eric, and Graham Hough, eds. Strangeness and Beauty: An Anthology of Aesthetic Criticism 1840-1910 [21#226]. Reviewed by Werner Bies, Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 222 (1985): 187-89.

382. Warner, Janet A. Blake and the Language of Art [20#186]. Reviewed by I. H. C. [Irene H. Chayes], RMB for 1984 (1985): 108-09.

383. Watson, J. R. English Poetry of the Romantic Period: 1789-1830 [21#108]. Reviewed by E. D. Mackerness, Notes and Queries ns 34 (1987): 404-05.

384. Watson, Jennifer C. George Romney in Canada [22#153]. Reviewed by Laurier Lacroix, Vie des Arts Dec. 1986: 75.

385. Webster, Brenda S. Blake’s Prophetic Psychology [17#134]. Reviewed by (1) I. H. C. [Irene H. Chayes], RMB for 1984 (1985): 109-10; by (2) Dan Miller, Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 17.2 (1984): 37-39; by (3) Frank Stack, Times Higher Education Supplement 4 May 1984: 24.

386. Wind, Edgar. Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Imagery [21#116]. Reviewed by (1) *Peter Jones, British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (1987): 287-88; by (2) A. M. [Alain Mérot], Revue de l’Art 78 (1987): 94-95; by (3) Ronald Paulson, Eighteenth-Century Studies 20 (1987): 472-75; (4) see also #20, above.

387. Witke, Joanne. William Blake’s Epic: Imagination Unbound [21#117]. Reviewed by (1) David Fuller, Durham University Journal ns 49 (1987): 148; by (2) Catherine McClenahan, Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly 21 (1987): 21-25.

388. Wordsworth, Jonathan, Michael C. Jaye, and Robert Woof, with the assistance of Peter Funnell. William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism [22#26]. Reviewed in (1) *Arts Magazine Nov. 1987: 104-05; by (2) David Bromwich, Times Literary Supplement 11-17 Dec. 1987: 1379; by (3) John Murdoch, Apollo 127 (1988): 199-200; by (4) Charles Rosen, New York Review of Books 17 Dec. 1987: 22-31 [see also the exchange of letters that was provoked by this review and was published on 17 Mar. 1988: 45]; by (5) Andrew Wilton, Burlington Magazine 130 (1988): 258.

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Index of Authors, Editors, and Reviewers

Abley, Mark 27

Abrams, Ann Uhry 248

Adams, Hazard 28, 98, 156, 249

Adamson, Joseph 318(1)

Aers, David 98

Albright, Daniel 250

Aldridge, A. Owen 251

Alford, Steven E. 252

Allan, D. G. C. 128

Altick, Richard D. 253

Altizer, Thomas J. J. 254

Anderson, Ross 157, 255

Andrews, Stuart 363(1)

Ansari, A. A. 357(1)

Arnim, Manfred von 168, 321

Ash, Beth Sharon 224

Ashton, Geoffrey 320

Aubrey, Bryan 256

Ault, Donald 29, 98

Axelrod, Steven Gould 266(1)

Ayer, A. J. 183, 257

Baine, Mary R. 258

Baine, Rodney M. 258

Baker, Carlos 259

Baridon, Michel 30

Barker, Nicolas 233

Barrell, John 260

Barter, J. 287, 339(1)

Bate, Jonathan 261

Baum, Joan 311(1)

Bealey, Frank 291

Beaty, Frederick L. 311(2)

Bechtold, Carmen 141

Beckson, Karl 225, 262

Bedetti, Gabriella 318(2)

Behrendt, Stephen C. 31

Bell, Susan Groag 362(1)

Bellin, Harvey F. 263

Bennett, Shelley M. 154

Bentley, G. E., Jr. 27, 32, 33, 34, 48, 296(1), 310

Bergevin, Gerald Walter 35

Bernstein, Samuel 185, 264

Bertens, Hans 318(3)

Bhattacharya, Biswanath 36

Bickman, Martin 249(1)

Bidney, Martin 37

Bies, Werner 381

Billigheimer, Rachel V. 38

Bindman, David 48, 265

Birdsall, Eric 324(1)

Blondel, Jacques 39, 324(2)

Bloom, Harold 40, 41, 266, 267

Bogel, Fredric V. 268

Boime, Albert 269

Bolcom, William 270

Bonnell, Thomas F. 158

Borck, Jim Springer 271

Borges, Jorge Luis 42

Borgmeier, Raimund 3

Boucé, Paul-Gabriel 194

Bové, Paul A. 354(1)

Bracher, Mark 98, 272, 314(1), 316

Bradley, John Lewis 226, 273

Brake, Laurel 23

Brantley, Richard E. 186, 274

Bridson, Gavin 275

Brisman, Leslie 43

Bristow, Joseph 331(1)

Bromwich, David 388(2)

Bronowski, Rita 227

Brooks, Chris 373(1)

Brosch, Renate 159, 276

Brown, David Blayney 149

Brownell, Morris R. 312(1)

Brownstein, Rachel 362(2)

Brunet, Étienne 78

Bruntjen, Sven H. A. 277

Burns, Bryan 23

Burr, James 350(1)

Burwick, Frederick 44

Busch, Werner 135, 278

Butler, Marilyn 279, 280

Butlin, Martin 45

Callow, James T. 248

Cantor, Paul A. 281

Carr, Robert 46

Carrier, David 260(1)

Cartwright, Jerome 47

Cassavant, Sharron 374

Cayley, David 48

Champion, Larry S. 261(1)

Chan, Victor 138

Chayes, Irene H. 49, 296(2), 356(1), 382, 385(1)

Cheetham, Mark A. 294(1)

Childers, Joseph 50

Christensen, Jerome 311(3)

Cieszkowski, Krzysztof Z. 338

Claeys, Gregory 187, 344, 345(1), 361(1)

Clark, David Leonhard 51

Clark, John P. 345(2)

Clark, Lorraine Joan 52

Clarke, Bruce 333(1)

Clausen, Christopher 250(1)

Conger, Syndy McMillen 188

Conisbee, Philip 292

Conrad, Peter 312(2)

Cook, David 282

Cook, Eleanor 283

Cornis-Pop, Marcel 290(1)

Coulson, John 281(1)

Coutts, Howard 308(2)

Cowper, William 130, 132

Cox, Stephen D. 98, 268(1)

Cozzens, Christine Suzanne 189

Cranston, Maurice 257, 289

Crehan, Stewart 284

Cronin, Richard 190

Crouan, Katharine 147, 285

Cumming, Mark 228

Cummings, Peter 255

Cushman, Keith 336

Dahlstrom, Dan 366

Damon, S. Foster 53

Davies, J. M. Q. 302(1)

Davis, Patricia Elizabeth 54

Dawson, P. M. S. 55, 304(1)

Deane, Seamus 345(3)

De Luca, V. A. 290(2), 298, 311(4)

DeMarr, Mary Jean 24

Dendle, Brian J. 16, 17

Denizot, Paul 191

Dickinson, H. T. 345(4)

Dingley, R. J. 160

DiSalvo, Jackie 56, 270, 286

Dodson, C. B. 332(1)

Dole, George 192

Domville, Eric 327

Dorigny, Marcel 380

Dorment, Richard 287

Dörrbecker, D. W. 15

Douglas, Aileen 193

Dove, Mary 241

Dowdey, Landon 288

Dowling, Linda 327(1)

Duffy, Edward T. 281(2)

Duhet, Paule-Marie 194, 195

Dunbar, Pamela 303(1), 314(2)

Durey, Michael 196, 197

Duval, Gilles 377(1)

Dyck, Ian 198, 289

Eaves, Morris 53, 229, 290, 370

Edelstein, T. J. 379

Edinger, Edward F. 57

Edwards, Ruth Dudley 291

Egerton, Judy 325

Eitner, Lorenz 58, 292

Ellis, Helen B. 59

Emeljanow, Victor 348(1)

Emmerson, Richard Kenneth 254(1), 358(1)

England, D. Gene 24

Engler, Balz 307(1)

Erdman, David V. 14, 16, 17, 161, 272(1), 284(1), 293, 297(1), 323(1)

Erffa, Helmut von 294

Erskine, Elizabeth 24

Essick, Robert N. 18, 60, 61, 62, 63, 295, 296

Everest, K. D. 64

Fadem, Richard 274(1)

Farr, Richard 199

Feldman, Burton 200

Ferber, Michael 48, 297

Ferguson, Rebecca 372(1)

Fierobe, Claude 376(1)

Fischer, Michael 290

Fite, David 298

Fletcher, Ian 327(2), 341(1)

Fogel, Aaron 314(3)

Folkenflik, Robert 20

Foot, Michael 201, 299

Forrest, Alan 293(1)

Fraistat, Neil 376(2)

Frayne, John P. 327(3)

Frosch, Thomas R. 266(2)

Fruchtman, Jack, Jr. 300

Frye, Northrop 48, 241

Füger, Wilhelm 367(1)

Fuller, David 65, 339(2), 387(1)

Fuller, Peter 350(2)

Funnell, Peter 26, 388

Gallant, Christine 293(2), 305

Gantner, Joseph 143

Garber, Frederick 373(2)

Gardner, Stanley 301

Garlick, Kenneth 253(1)

George, Diana Hume 66

Gleckner, Robert F. 67, 302, 303, 309(1)

Glen, Heather 304

Godard, Jerry Caris 305

Godfrey, Richard 364

Goldberg, Jonathan 309(2)

Goldsmith, Steven 254(2)

Goldstein, Laurence 356(3)

begin page 69 | back to top

Gonzalez, Alexander 230

Gordon, Catherine M. 162

Gori, Michela 68

Goslee, Nancy Moore 306

Goyder, George 48, 231

Gravil, Richard 331(2)

Greco, Norma A. 69

Grene, Nicholas 327(4)

Griffin, Dustin 307

Griffiths, Antony 308

Grobstein, Clifford 227

Gross, Kenneth 163, 309

Gully, Anthony Lacy 164

Gutiérrez, Félix Martín 232

Haddad, Rosemary 310

Hagstrum, Jean H. 70, 311

Haigney, Catherine 71, 72

Halimi, Suzy 194

Halsband, Robert 312

Hamilton, Paul 333(2)

Hammer, Sabine 202

Hampsey, John C. 73

Hampsher-Monk, Iain 361(2)

Hancher, Michael 253(2)

Harden, E. F. 341(2)

Harmer, Michael 233

Harper, George Mills 256

Harth, Phillip 367(2)

Hawkins, Harriett 261(2)

Hayes, John 342(1)

Healey, R. M. 234

Hearn, Michael Patrick 288

Heffernan, James 356(4)

Heidt, Renate 371

Helmling, Steven 327(5)

Hemingway, Andrew 260(2)

Heppner, Christopher 310

Herrick, Jim 203

Herrstrom, David Sten 74

Hilton, Nelson 75, 76, 98, 301(1), 313, 314, 315, 328

Hoagwood, Terence Allan 316

Hobsbaum, Philip 259(1)

Hodnett, Edward 165, 317

Holton, Gerald 227

Hope, Ann M. 166

Hopkins, David 307(2)

Horn, William Dennis 98

Hošek, Chaviva 318

Hough, Graham 381

Howard, John 319

Hufton, Olwen 362(3)

Hunt, John Dixon 373(3)

Hurley, Michael 282(1), 290(3)

Ide, Nancy M. 77, 78

Irwin, David 173

Isphording, Eduard 168, 321

Jackson, Mary V. 79

Jaffé, Michael 322

James, G. Ingli 323

Jasper, David 88

Jaye, Michael C. 26, 388

Jeffrey, Ian 235

Jolles, Evelyn B. 204

Jones, Chris 205

Jones, Gareth Stedman 376(3)

Jones, Peter 386(1)

Jonsson, Inge 263

Jordan, Frank 324

Jordanova, L. J. 136

Josipovici, Gabriel 283

Kalinsky, Nicola 334

Kang, Sun-Koo 80

Kang, Tong-Won 81

Kang, Yop 82, 83

Kauffmann, C. M. 325

Kaufman, Andrew Frederick 84

Kavanagh, P. J. 4, 326

Keener, Frederick M. 169, 307(3)

Kelly, John 327

Kernan, Alvin 170, 328

Ketcham, Ralph 251

King, James 329, 330

King-Hele, Desmond, 331, 347(1)

Kitchen, Paddy 350(3)

Klancher, Jon P. 171, 332, 376(4)

Klein, Jürgen 144

Klessmann, Eckart 353

Knapp, Steven 333

Kobler, T. S. 368

Konopacki, Adam 85

Kramnick, Isaac 201, 206, 299

Kreutzer, Eberhard 327(6)

Kroeber, Karl 334, 359(1)

Kucich, John 332(2)

Kunitz, Stanley 5

Kuzniar, Alice A. 207

Lacroix, Laurier 384

Landow, George P. 373(4)

Lane, Lauriat, Jr. 282(2)

Langland, Elizabeth 98

Larrissy, Edward 259(2), 297(2), 303(2), 335

Latané, David E., Jr. 86, 250(2)

Lau, Beth 306

Lavater, Johann Caspar 208

Lawton, David 241

Lea, F. A. 236, 336

Lee, Brian 299

LeFanu, William R. 233

LeFaye, Deirdre 146

Lehan, Richard 280(1)

Leighton, Angela 261(3)

Lemaitre, Henri 87, 337

Lewis, Elizabeth 310

Lewis, Kevin 88, 89, 357(2)

Lima, Marcelo 245

Lincoln, Andrew 90, 258(1)

Linkin, Harriet Kramer 91

Lipking, Lawrence 92

Lippincott, Louise 277

Lister, Raymond 150, 338, 339, 340

Lockwood, Thomas 271(1)

Logan, Anne-Marie S. 285

Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann 341

Lucas, John 345(5), 375

Luetjohann, Sylvia 8

Lundeen, Kathleen Farmer 93

Lussier, Mark 66, 76, 94, 97, 110

Macdonald, D. L. 329(2)

MacKenzie, Raymond N. 280(2)

Mackerness, E. D. 383

Macleod, Dianne Sachko 253(3)

Macmillan, Duncan 172, 342

Magno, Cettina Tramontano 14

Mai, Ekkehard 173, 343

Maison, Margaret 209

Manning, Peter J. 21

Manning, Sylvia 21

Markley, Robert 268(2)

Marshall, Peter H. 279, 323(2), 344, 345, 376(5)

Marshall, W. Gerald 129

Martin, James Kirby 264

Martin, Richard G. 95

Martin, Wallace 249(2)

Mason, Michael 7

Matteson, L. R. 260(3)

Mays, J. C. C. 331(3)

Mazlish, Bruce 227

McClenahan, Catherine 387(2)

McCord, James 96

McCracken, David 355, 378

McGann, Jerome J. 346

McKitterick, David 237, 265(1), 322

McKusick, James C. 376(6)

McNeil, Maureen 136, 137, 347

McVaugh, R. E. 350(4)

Meagher, John C. 358(2)

Meisel, Martin 253(4), 348

Mell, Donald C., Jr. 349

Mellor, Anne K. 311(5)

Mellor, David 235, 246, 350

Merkley, Paul 254(3)

Mérot, Alain 386(2)

Metzger, Lore 174

Meulen, David L. Vander 349(1)

Michie, James 4, 23, 326

Miller, Dan 97, 98, 315(1), 385(2)

Milosz, Czeslaw 351

Mitchell, W. J. T. 260(4)

Molesworth, Charles 266(3)

Möller, Joachim 159, 276

Morris, Barbara 139

Morvan, Alain 210, 372(2)

Moynihan, Robert 238, 352

Muchnic, Suzanne 295

Mulford, Carla Jean 211

Müller, Marianne 239

Murdoch, John 388(3)

Murray, Isobel 262(1)

Murrin, Michael 309(3)

Myers, Mitzi 212

Nanavutty, Piloo 99

Nelson, Paul David 363(2)

Nemoianu, Virgil 290(4)

Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard 100

Neuman, Mark 74

Newall, Christopher 340

Newey, Vincent 23

Newlyn, Lucy 311(6)

Nicholls, Roger 360

Norton, Charles Eliot 226, 273

Oakley, Lucy 157

Obermeier, Siegfried 213, 353

O’Hara, Daniel T. 354

O’More, Haven 8

Ormond, Leonée 253(5)

Ostriker, Alicia 175

Otto, Peter 101, 102, 103, 104, 267, 313

Ousby, Ian 226, 273

Owens, Norah 105

begin page 70 | back to top

Pache, Walter 130

Pagliaro, Harold 106

Palacio, Jean de 355

Paley, Morton D. 265(2), 297(3), 356, 357

Parker, Patricia 318

Patrides, C. A. 358

Patterson, Annabel 107

Paulson, Ronald 359, 386(3)

Payne, Michael 74

Pease, Donald E. 354(2)

Peckham, Morse 360

Peters, Anne 214

Pfister, Manfred 276(1)

Phillips, Michael 8

Philp, Mark 361

Pickstone, Charles 350(5)

Piquet, François 302(2), 337

Pittock, Joan H. 367(3), 369(2)

Pointon, Marcia 126

Pollak, Ellen 362(4)

Pollin, Burton R. 293(3)

Poovey, Mary 362

Powell, Cecilia 356(5)

Powell, David 363

Pressly, William L. 364

Priestman, Martin 365

Punter, David 9, 315(2), 366

Quennell, Peter 312(3)

Ragghianti, Carlo L. 260(5)

Raine, Kathleen 48, 108, 240

Rajan, Tilottama 176

Rawson, Claude 341(3), 367

Read, Dennis M. 134

Redford, Bruce 131, 368

Reiman, Donald H. 177, 329(3), 330(1)

Repp-Eckert, Anke 173, 343

Rhodes, Nick 132, 369

Ricards, Philip Clayton 109

Richardson, Robert R. 200

Riehl, Joseph E. 56, 60, 110

Ringbom, Hakan 221

Rissanen, Matti 221

Roberts, Diane 327(7)

Robinson, Abby 247, 370

Robinson, Alan 327(8)

Roe, Nicholas 250(3), 261(4), 324(3)

Rooksby, Rikky 335(1)

Roosen, William 329(4)

Roper, Derek 281(3)

Rosen, Charles 388(4)

Rosenblum, Robert 173

Rosso, George Anthony, Jr. 286(1), 302(3)

Roth, Martin 215

Rothenberg, Molly Anne 111, 112, 258(2), 301(2)

Rousseau, G. S. 178

Roxman, Susanna 280(3)

Ruhl, Darrell 263

Rump, Gerhard Charles 371

Runcie, Catherine 241

Ruskin, John 226, 273

Ruthven, K. K. 241

Ryskamp, Charles 330

Sabor, Peter 271(2)

Salk, Jonas 227

Saltman, Paul 227

Salusinsky, Imre 241

Sambrook, A. J. 274(2), 365

Sambrook, James 372

Sanesi, Roberto 10, 11, 12

Schiff, Gert 42

Schotte, Edith 216

Schulz, Max F. 373

Scrivener, Michael 113

Scupham, Peter 331(4)

Sethna, K. D. 240

Shabetai, Karen 114

Sharma, L. R. 242, 374

Sharp, Ronald A. 274(3)

Sharpe, Eric J. 241

Sharrock, Roger 274(4)

Sheffield, Charles 347(2)

Sherbo, Arthur 133

Sheriton, Janet 217

Simms, Karl N. 218

Simpson, David 332(3)

Singer, June 115

Singh, Charu Sheel 116

Sławek,[e] Tadeusz 351

Smith, Bernard 375

Smith, Ken Edward 284(2)

Smith, Mark T. 252, 302(4), 304(2), 319, 335(2)

Smith, Michael 24

Smith, Olivia 376

Solkin, David H. 260(6)

Soupel, Serge 268(3), 345(6)

Spacks, Patricia Meyer 329(5)

Spalding, Frances 350(6)

Spector, Sheila A. 117

Spencer, Keith 127

Spurling, John 342(2)

Stack, Frank 284(3), 385(3)

Stafford, Barbara Maria 219

Stafford, William 361(3)

Staley, Allen 294, 356(6)

Stillinger, Jack 311(7)

Stokes, John 243

Sultana, Donald 261(5)

Summerfield, Angela 350(7)

Summerfield, Geoffrey 179, 377

Summerfield, Henry 118

Sung, Chan-Kyung 119

Sussman, Herbert L. 373(5)

Sutton, Denys 342(3)

Swedenborg, Emanuel 192

Tandecki, Daniela 120, 121

Tayler, Irene 302(5)

Taylor, Alan F. 349(2)

Taylor, Dena Bain 25

Taylor, Joshua C. 13

Thinès, Georges 122

Thomson, Patricia 309(4)

Thurin, Susan Schoenbauer 151

Tolley, Michael J. 303(3)

Tölölyan, K.[e] 352

Tomlinson, Alan 122A

Tomory, Peter 220

Traister, Daniel 312(4)

Tramontano Magno, Cettina 14

Trevelyan, George 100

Tscherny, Nadia 152, 180

Turano, Jane van Norman 294(2)

Turman, Kathryn Lee Green 123

Tuveson, Ernest 274(5)

Tysdahl, B. J. 221, 378

Vaizey, Marina 350(8)

Vander Meulen, David L. 349(1)

Vann, Philip 350(9)

Varney, Andrew 372(3)

Vaughan, William 359(2), 379

Vincent, Bernard 222, 380

Vogeler, A. R. 273(1)

Vogler, Thomas A. 98, 315

Voogd, Peter J. de 367(4)

Wagenknecht, David 98

Wagner, Gretel 159, 276

Wainwright, Clive 253(6)

Wainwright, Valerie 317

Wakeman, Geoffrey 275

Wall, Stephen 348(2)

Walsh, Marcus 377(2)

Ward, Geoffrey 329(6)

Wark, Robert R. 18, 155, 167

Warner, Eric 381

Warner, Janet A. 382

Warren, Leland E. 223

Watkinson, Ray 124, 244

Watson, J. R. 383

Watson, Jennifer C. 153, 384

Webb, Eugene 254(4)

Webster, Brenda S. 98, 385

Weinglass, D. H. 145

Westfehling, Uwe 181

White, Edmund 262(2)

Wilkie, Brian 272(2)

Williams, Raymond 273(2)

Williams, Reginald 308

Williamson, Arthur H. 300

Williamson, Karina 329(7)

Willis, David 329(8)

Wilton, Andrew 265(3), 388(5)

Wind, Edgar 386

Winton, Calhoun 367(5)

Witke, Joanne 387

Wittreich, Joseph 286(2), 358

Womersley, David 367(6)

Woof, Robert 26, 388

Wordsworth, Jonathan 26, 388

Worrall, David 297(4), 331(5)

Wynne, Michael 148

Yarrington, Alison 140

Yates, Frances A. 182

Zick, Gisela 343

Ziolkowski, Theodore 346

Print Edition

  • Publisher
  • Department of English, University of Rochester
  • Rochester, NY, USA
    • Editors
    • Morris Eaves
    • Morton D. Paley
    • Bibliographer
    • Detlef W. Dörrbecker
    • Review Editor
    • Nelson Hilton
    • Associate Editor for Great Britain
    • David Worrall
    • Production Office
    • Morris Eaves
    • Morton D. Paley
    • Detlef W. Dörrbecker
    • Nelson Hilton
    • David Worrall
    • Managing Editor
    • Patricia Neill
    • Contributors
    • D.W. Dörrbecker
    • Robert N. Essick

    Digital Edition

    • Editors:
    • Morris Eaves, University of Rochester
    • Robert Essick, University of California, Riverside
    • Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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    • Adam McCune
    • Ashley Reed
    • Jennifer Park
    • Scott Robinson
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    • William Shaw
    • PHP and Solr Development:
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    • Project Assistants:
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    • Rachael Isom,
    • Mary Learner,
    • Jennifer Park,
    • Ashley Reed,
    • Adair Rispoli,
    • Scott Robinson
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