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ADLARD, John: a book on the folklore sources of William Blake, to be published in the near future by Cecil and Amelia Woolf, London.

AULT, Donald: book-length study: “Visionary Physics: Blake’s Response to Newton;” and a shorter study of perspective ontology in The Four Zoas.

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BENTLEY, G. E., Jr.: 1) an edition of The Writings of William Blake (Clarendon Press), with bibliographical apparatus; 2) a revision of the Blake Bibliography, corrected and enlarged. Articles in the press: 1) on a new, minor Blake MS (The Library); 2) on new Blake engravings (The Seaman’s Recorder in Studies in Romanticism); 3) on Blake’s copperplates, particularly Job; 4) on pre-1827 facsimiles of Blake’s Songs; 5) on new contemporary references by the Ancients to Blake (Blake Studies); 6) on Blake and Cromek, dealing with new contemporary references; 7) the Blake section of the New CBEL.

BOYAJIAN, Aram: work on a half-hour film for television (WILLIAM BLAKE, to be shown on ABC’s Directions in October, 1970), including short sequences on Carnaby Street, Westminster Abbey, Felpham; greater part of the film will be done from transparencies of plates from the illuminated books.

BROGAN, Howard O: a book on English verse satire from Churchill to Byron, including a chapter on Burns and Blake, in which the two are compared and contrasted as peasant and artisan struggling against class barriers in a revolutionary era.

BUTLIN, Martin: 1) a fully revised catalogue of the works by William Blake in the Tate Gallery (first published 1957); 2) a complete Blake catalogue; working on a catalogue raisonné of Blake’s paintings, water colors, drawings, and separate color prints.

CHAYES, Irene H.: a study, probably book-length, of Blake’s designs; part of a larger project on his “modes and themes.”

EAVES, Morris: 1) an index for S. Foster Damon’s A Blake Dictionary; 2) dissertation, “Blake’s Artistic Strategy and His Medium, and the Evolution of His Early Narrative Art[e] (Tulane University); 3) article, “Adam’s Fall and the Evangelical Revival’s Mythical Triangle;” a review of Allen Ginsberg’s recording of the Songs of Innocence and Experience for the Blake Newsletter.

ESSICK, Robert: a study of the designs in Blake’s illuminated books, for the present excluding Milton and Jerusalem.

GLECKNER, Robert: 1) a revised edition of Selected Writings of William Blake (Crofts Classics); 2) a critical study of Island in the Moon and its backgrounds. Dissertation directed: Jim S. Borck, William Blake: A Prophetic Tradition.

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GRANT, John E.: Books: 1) Blake’s Designs for Young’s Night Thoughts, with E. J. Rose and M. J. Tolley, in association with David V. Erdman (Clarendon Press, 5 vols.); 2) Blake’s Visionary Forms Dramatic, co-edited with David V. Erdman (Princeton, 1970); an anthology of twenty essays on his work in various media; 3) Blake’s Designs of Innocence and of Experience, an interpretation of the pictures and a discussion of the poems. Articles: 1) “Blake and the Trojan War,” an essay on form and politics; 2) “The Substance of Things Seen by Earth,” on a persistent difficulty in communication; 3) “Blake and Prophetic Tradition,” a chapter in a book called Expositions in Apocalypse: Dante to Beckett; 4) “The Golden Bow,” an essay on symbolism; 5) “The Order of the ‘Auguries of Innocence’.”

HARPER, George Mills: a study on numerology in the prophetic books; an article on “The Unholy Trinity in Blake’s Prophetic Books.”

HEPPNER, Christopher: dissertation completed: an attempt to define the problem of form in Blake’s prophecies in terms of a multi-level view of form, emphasizing narrative structures and the mixed medium Blake created.

KIRALIS, Karl: books: 1) a critical study and annotated edition of Jerusalem, including a history of the criticism of the poem; 2) a critical study of Blake as a literary critic. Articles: “More on Chaucer’s Fairies that the Poet Be Understood;” “Blake, the Beatles, and Ornette Coleman: A New Trip with ‘The Mental Traveller’ ”.

KREMEN, Kathryn: dissertation: The Imagination of the Resurrection: The Poetic Continuity and Conversion of a Religious Motif in Donne, Blake, and Yeats; article: “The ‘Second Writing’: Jesus’ Forgiving the Woman Taken in Adultery,” on the watercolor “Women Taken in Adultery” and parallel passages in John, “The Everlasting Gospel,” and “The Gates of Paradise.”

LEFCOWITZ, Barbara: dissertation: Self, Nature, and Madness in the Poetry of Christopher Smart and William Blake (in progress).

LISTER, Raymond: a new and complete edition of the letters of Samuel Palmer (Clarendon Press, Oxford), many of which concern Blake.

MELLOR, Anne Kostelanetz: book-length study, “Blake’s Human Form Divine,” on Blake developing theory of form in his poetry and prose in relation to his use of formal compositions and begin page 109 | back to top iconography in art.

METCALF, Francis W.: article: “Blake’s Tiriel and Job: the Symmetry of the First and Last,” maintaining that both works are constructed not only as verbal or pictorial narratives, but also as spatial configurations of radial or reflexive symmetry.

MINER, Paul: book: Blake’s London, to be illustrated with about 250 cuts.

MINNICK, Thomas L.: dissertation: On Blake and Milton, considering the way in which Blake came to terms with Milton, through an examination both of Blake’s writings and of the Milton available to Blake (through Hollis, Hayley, Warton, etc.). In progress.

PALEY, Morton D.: book-length critical study of Jerusalem, to include a consideration of both text and illustrations.

PELFREY, Patricia: dissertation: a study of Blake’s prophetic works, especially Jerusalem, in the context of the utopian tradition. (In progress).

PHILLIPS, Michael: Blake’s Poetical Sketches: A Definitive Text, the Printing and Reputation of the Poems 1783 - 1969, and a Critical Interpretation.

PIERCE, Hazel: dissertation: a critical analysis of Europe.

SAMUEL, George: dissertation: Blake’s Opinions of Milton and Edward Young (in progress); directing the dissertation of Cecil Anthony Abrahams, The Fourfold Man in William Blake.[e]

SIMMONS, Robert: an article on Blake’s Arlington Court Picture (with Janet Warner); an article on “The Mental Traveller.”

STEVENSON, W. H.: book: A Critical Introduction to Blake; articles: 1) “Centre and Circumference in Blake;” 2) on Blake’s kind of symbolism.

STEVENSON, Warren: book: The Creation Motif in Blake and Coleridge; directing a dissertation by Marney McLaughlin on text and design in Blake.

TAYLER, Irene: book: Blake’s Gray: A Visionary Reading (Princeton University Press), studies Blake’s interpretive criticism of the poetry of Thomas Gray as delineated in his 116 illustrations to Gray’s poems.

TEBBETTS, Terrell L.: dissertation: A Critical Study of Blake’s America (in progress).

WARNER, Janet: a study of systems of structure and iconography in selected Blake designs (with Robert Simmons); an begin page 110 | back to top article on “Blake and the Wirey Bounding Line:” a script for a videotape of America to be produced and directed at Glendon College by Robert Wallace (with John Sutherland).

WATSON, Alan: articles: 1) “Tiriel: The Fundamentals of Blake’s Sublime Epic,” emphasizing the theory behind illustrated epic; 2) “William Blake’s Illustrated Poetry: A Typical Instance,” a close look at the frontispiece to the Visions of the Daughters of Albion.

WHITEHEAD, Fred: dissertation: Blake and the Communist Tradition (in progress).

WITTREICH, Joseph: essays: 1) “The Epic Designs of Hayley and Blake” (a re-assessment of the Blake-Hayley relationship); 2) “William Blake: Illustrator-Interpreter of Paradise Regained” (a study of Blake’s illustrations as a form of non-verbal criticism); book, Calm of Mind: Tercentary Essays on Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, ed. Joseph Wittreich, containing two appendices: 1) a catalogue of Blake’s Milton illustrations and 2) a list of illustrators and subjects for PR before Blake (Case Western Reserve University Press). The book also contains the essay “Paradise Regained and the Four-Book Epic in the Romantic Period,” by Stuart Curran. Introductions: 1) Early Accounts of William Blake; 2) William Hayley’s The Life of Milton, second edition (1796), both to be published by Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints.[e]

Print Edition

  • Publisher
  • Department of English, University of California
  • Berkeley, CA, USA
    • Editor
    • Morton D. Paley
    • Associate Editors
    • Donald D. Ault
    • Andrew Griffin
    • Editorial Assistant
    • Patricia Pelfrey

    Digital Edition

    • Editors:
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    • Robert Essick, University of California, Riverside
    • Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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