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This, our third checklist of recent scholarship, covers the academic year 1969-70, with a bit of overlap on either side. We try, of course, to include as much as we can, but we make no claim to completeness. The checklist is useful mainly because it is timely. This year, however, we have added some new categories—films, phonograph records, and musical scores, for instance—and in those categories, especially, we have listed a number of items whose dates fall far outside our nominal 1969-70 boundary.

The chief compiler of this checklist was Laura Gorham; some items were furnished by Karen Walowit and Dolores Jordan.

We would appreciate all the correcting and adding our readers are willing to do.

The list is divided into these categories: Books/Articles/Reviews/Catalogues/Reproductions/Films and Television/Phonograph Records/Musical Scores.


Adams, Hazard. Blake and Yeats: The Contrary Vision. 1955; rpt. New York: Russell and Russell, 1968.

Beer, John. Blake’s Visionary Universe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, and New York: Barnes and Noble, 1969.

Bentley, G. E., Jr. Blake Records. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Blake, William. All Religions Are One [facsimile]. London: Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1970.

—. Auguries of Innocence. Bronxville, N. Y.: V. Angelo, 1968.

—. Auguries of Innocence, with wood engravings by Leonard Baskin. New York: Grossman, 1968.

—. Blake’s Job: William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job , introduction and commentary by S. Foster Damon. 1966; rpt. New York: Dutton, 1969.

—. Europe, a Prophecy, ed. Geoffrey Keynes. London: Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1969.

—. Jerusalem, Selected Poems and Prose, ed. with introduction, notes and commentary by Hazard Adams. New York: Holt, 1970.

—. Songs of Innocence and of Experience, ed. Margaret Bottrall. London: Macmillan, 1970.

—. The Blake-Varley Sketchbook of 1819 in the collection of M. D. E. Clayton-Stamm, introduction and notes by Martin Butlin. 2 vols. London: Heinemann, 1969.

—. The Complete Writings of William Blake with Variant Readings, ed. begin page 52 | back to top Geoffrey Keynes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

—. The Essential Blake, ed. Alfred Kazin. London: Chatto and Windus, 1968. [orig. pub. as The Portable Blake (Viking, 1946; rpt. 1968)]

—. The Poems of William Blake, ed. W. B. Yeats. The Muses’ Library. 1905; rpt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, and London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970.

—. The Poetry and Prose of William Blake, ed. David V. Erdman, commentary by Harold Bloom. 4th printing with revisions. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1970.

—. William Blake’s Illustrations to The Grave. Double Elephant-San Vito Press Series. Seattle: San Vito Press, 1969.

Blondel, Jacques. William Blake, émerveillement et profanation. Archives des lettres modernes, no. 95, Paris: Lettres modernes, 1968.

Bloom, Harold. Blake’s Apocalypse: A Study in Poetic Argument. 1963; rpt. New York: Cornell University Press, 1970.

Bronowski, J. William Blake and the Age of Revolution. 1965 (rev. ed. of William Blake 1757-1827: Man without a Mask, 1943 [i. e. 1944]); rpt. New York and Evanston, Illinois: Harper and Row [Harper Colopon Books], 1969.

Erdman, David V. Blake: Prophet Against Empire. 2nd ed. rev. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. [in paper covers: Anchor Books. New York: Doubleday, 1969]

Gardner, Stanley. Blake. New York: Arco, 1969.

Gilchrist, Alexander. Life of William Blake. 2 vols. [1863?]; rpt. New York: Phaeton Press, 1969.

Hamblen, Emily S. On the Minor Prophecies of William Blake. 1930; rpt. New York: Haskell House, 1968.

Keynes, Geoffrey. A Bibliography of William Blake. 1921; rpt. Mamaroneck, N. Y.: Kraus Reprint Co., 1969.

—. William Blake’s Illuminated Books: A Census. 1953; rpt. Mamaroneck, N. Y.: Kraus, 1969.

Lister, Raymond. William Blake: An Introduction to the Man and to His Work. Foreword by G. E. Bentley, Jr. New York: Ungar, 1970.

Paley, Morton D. Energy and the Imagination: A Study of the Development of Blake’s Thought. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.

Russell, Archibald G. B. The Engravings of William Blake. 1912; rpt. New York: Da Capo Press, 1969.

Short, Ernest Henry. Blake. British Artists. 1925; rpt. New York: Haskell House, 1970.

Weathers, Winston, ed. The Tyger. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill, 1969.

Wilson, Mona. The Life of William Blake. [1927?]; rpt. New York: Cooper Square Publishers, begin page 53 | back to top 1970.

Wolf-Gumpold, K. William Blake. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1969.

Wright, Thomas. The Life of William Blake. 1929; rpt. New York: Burt Franklin, 1969.


Adlard, John. “Triumphing Joyfulness: Blake, Boehme and the Tradition,” Blake Studies, 1 (Spring 1969), 109-22.

Allentuck, Marcia. “William Blake and William Bell Scott: Unpublished References to Blake’s Late Nineteenth-Century[e] Reputation,” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 55-56.

Anon. “Sketchbook of Work on Show at Tate Gallery (Blake),” London Times, 7 August 1969, p. 5, col. 1.

Anon. “Some Anglo-American Divergences in the Appraisal of William Blake,” Times Literary Supplement, 25 December 1969, pp. 1461-63.

Anon. “T. V. Program on William Blake,” London Times, 7 February 1969, p. 9, col. 5.

Bayley, John. “The Batsman and the Bat,” Spectator, 16 August 1969, pp. 207-08.

Bentley, G. E., Jr. “A New Blake Document: The ‘Riddle’ Manuscript,” Library, 5th series, 24 (December 1969), 337-43.

—. “Byron, Shelley, Wordsworth, Blake and the Seaman’s Recorder,” Studies in Romanticism, 9 (Winter 1970), 21-36.

—. “William Blake, Samuel Butler, and George Richmond,” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 43-50.

Bier, Jesse. “Put a Lion in Your Tank,” Carleton Miscellany, 20 (Spring 1969), 86-94.

Bogen, Nancy. “A New Look at Blake’s Tiriel,” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 74 (March 1970), 153-66.

—. “William Blake, the Pars Brothers, and James Basire,” Notes and Queries, 17 (August 1970), 313-14.

Carner, F. “Printing House in Hell: William Blake’s Theory of Art,” Artscanada, 26 (August 1969), 24.

Corrigan, M. “Metaphor in William Blake: A Negative View,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 28 (Winter 1969) 187-99.

Curran, Stuart. “Detecting the Existential Blake,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 67-76.

Curry, H. Wilson. “William Blake: Poet of Divine Forgiveness,” Expository Times [Edinburgh], 80 (September 1969), 371-74.

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De Gruson, Eugene. “Bentley and Nurmi Addendum: Haldeman-Julius’ Blake,” Blake Studies, 1 (Spring 1969), 203-05.

De Luca, V. A. “Ariston’s Immortal Palace: Icon and Allegory in Blake’s Prophecies,” Criticism, 12 (Winter 1970), 1-19.

Doxey, William S. “William Blake and William Herschel: The Poet, the Astronomer, and ‘The Tyger,’ ” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 5-13.

Duerksen, Roland A. “The Life-in-Death Theme in The Book of Thel,” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 15-22.

England, Martha W. “The Satiric Blake: Apprenticeship at the Haymarket, Part I, ” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 73 (September 1969), 440-64.

—. “The Satiric Blake: Apprenticeship at the Haymarket, Part II,” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 73 (October 1969), 531-50.

Essick, Robert Newman. “The Art of William Blake’s Early Illuminated Books,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 89-90. [dissertation abstract]

Fawcus, Arnold. “William Blake, Republican and Anti-imperialist: America, a Prophecy, and Europe, a Prophecy,” Connoisseur, 172 (October 1969), 78-80.

Fox, Susan C. “The Structure of a Moment: Parallelism in the Two Books of Blake’s Milton,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 21-35.

Gould, T. “Four Levels of Reality in Plato, Spinoza, and Blake,” Arion, 8 (Spring 1969), 20-50.

Grant, John E. “You Can’t Write about Blake’s Pictures Like That,” Blake Studies, 1 (Spring 1969), 193-202.

Grool, H. B. de. “Ouroboros and the Romantic Poets: A Renaissance Emblem in Blake, Coleridge and Shelley,” English Studies, 50 (December 1969), 553-64.

Hagstrum, Jean H. “Rebuttal” [to Michael J. Tolley’s critique of Hagstrum’s reading of “The Fly”], Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 78-82.

Hall, Mary S. “Blake’s Tiriel: A Visionary Form Pedantic,” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 74 (March 1970), 166-77.

Helms, Randel. “Orc: The Id in Blake and Tolkien,” Literatue and Psychology, 20 (no. 1, 1970), 31-35.

Helmstadter, Thomas H. “Blake’s Night Thoughts: Interpretations of Edward Young,” Texas Studies in Literatue and Language, 12 (Spring 1970), 27-55.

Hull, Archibald A. “Imagery and Meaning: A Passage from Milton and from Blake,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 11 (Fall 1969), 1093-1107.

Johnson, Mary Lynn. “Beulah, ‘Mne Seraphim,’ and Blake’s Thel,” Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 69 (April 1970), 258-78.

Jones, Myrddin. “Blake’s ‘To Spring’: A Formative Source?” Notes and Queries, 17 (August 1970), 314-15.[e]

Keane, Christopher. “Blake and O’Neill: A Prophecy,” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 23-34.

Keynes, Geoffrey. “Some Uncollected Authors XLIV: George Cumberland 1754-1848,” The begin page 55 | back to top Book Collector, 30 (Spring 1970), 31-65.

—. “William Blake’s ‘Laughing Song’: A New Version; A Note by Geoffrey Keynes.” Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1969. [rpt. from Notes and Queries, 24 September 1910]

Kiralis, Karl. “William Blake as an Intellectual and Spiritual Guide to Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims,” Blake Studies, 1 (Spring 1969), 139-90.

Lister, Raymond. “W. B. Yeats as an Editor of William Blake,” Blake Studies, 1 (Spring 1969), 123-38.

Parsons, C. O. “Blake’s ‘Tyger’ and Eighteenth-Century Animal Pictures,” Art Quarterly, 31 (Autumn 1968), 296-312.

Rose, Edward J. “Blake’s Illustrations for Paradise Lost, L’Allegro, and Il Penseroso: A Thematic Reading,” Hartford Studies in Literature [University of Hartford], 2 (1970).

Stevenson, W. H. “Circle, Centre and Circumference in Blake,” Ibadan Studies in English, 1 (Spring 1970), 1956-65.

Stevenson, Warren.[e] “‘The Tyger’ as Artefact,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 5-19.

Sutherland, J. “William Blake and Non-violence,” Nation, 28 April 1969, pp. 542-44.

Swingle, L. J. “Answers to Blake’s ‘Tyger’: A Matter of Reason or of Choice?” Concerning Poetry, 2 (Spring 1969), 61-71.

Teitelbaum, Eve. “Form as Meaning in Blake’s Milton,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 37-62.

Tolley, Michael J. “Blake’s Blind Man,” Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 77-82. [critique of Jean H. Hagstrum’s reading of “The Fly” in William Blake: Essays for S. Foster Damon, ed. Alvin H. Rosenfeld (Providence, R. I.: Brown University Press, 1969), pp. 368-82]

—. “Reply” [to Jean Hagstrum’s rebuttal of Tolley’s criticism of Hagstrum’s reading of “The Fly”], Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 86-88.

Waldberg, Patrick. “André Masson ou le monde dans un grain de sable,” XXe siècle, n. s. 32 (June 1969), 29-41. [Masson compared cursorily to Blake]

Witke, Joanne. “Jerusalem: A Synoptic Poem,” Comparative Literature, 22 (Summer 1970), 265-78.

Wittreich, Joseph Anthony, Jr. “Blake in the Kitto Bible,” Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 50-54.

—. “Dylan Thomas’ Conception of Poetry: A Debt to Blake,” English Language Notes, 6 (March 1969), 197-200.

Woodworth, Mary K. “Blake’s Illustrations for Gray’s Poems,” Notes and Queries, 17 (August 1970), 312-13.

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REVIEWS (listed alphabetically by author of book reviewed)

Beer, John. Blake’s Visionary Universe. Reviewed by

Anon. Economist [London], 17 January 1970, p. 50.

Scott, R. E. Library Journal, 1 April 1970, p. 1370.

See below: Gilbert

Bentley, G. E., Jr. Blake Records. Reviewed by

[Peter, John]. The Malahat Review, no. 15 (July 1970), 121-22.

See below: Gilbert

Blake, William. The Letters of William Blake, ed. Geoffrey Keynes. Reviewed by

Weathers, Winston. Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 101-02.

See below: Bentley

—. The Poems of William Blake, ed. W. B. Yeats. Reviewed by

Anon. Choice, 6 (December 1969), 1390.

Wren-Lewis, John. New Statesman, 22 August 1969, p. 249.

—. The Gates of Paradise [Blake Trust facsimile]. Reviewed by

L. W. Connoisseur, 171 (July 1969), 188.

See below: Bentley

Dorfman, Deborah. Blake in the Nineteenth Century: His Reputation as a Poet from Gilchrist to Yeats. Reviewed by

Harper, George Mills. Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 103-04.

Johnson, Mary Lynn. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 69 (July 1970), 525-28.

See below: Gilbert

Lister, Raymond. William Blake: An Introduction to the Man and His Work. Reviewed by

Douglas, Dennis. AUMLA [Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association], 33 (May 1970), 124-26.

See below: Pinto

Raine, Kathleen. Blake and Tradition. Reviewed by

Brendan, Kennelly. The Dublin Magazine, Spring 1970, pp. 104-07.

Bronowski, J. Nation, 22 December 1969, pp. 700-01.

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Cruttwell, Patrick. “Blake, Tradition, and Miss Raine,” Hudson Review, 23 (Spring 1970), 133-42.

Hagstrum, Jean H. “Kathleen Raine’s Blake,” Modern Philology, 68 (August 1970), 76-83.

Miner, Paul. Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 57-60.

Paley, Morton D. English Language Notes, 7 (June 1970), 304-11.

Rosenfeld, Alvin H., ed. William Blake: Essays for S. Foster Damon. Reviewed by Stevenson, W. H. Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 91-97.

Ryskamp, Charles. William Blake, Engraver: A Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition. Reviewed by Mosher, Fredric J. The Library Quarterly, 40 (July 1970), 361.

Taylor, Thomas. Thomas Taylor the Platonist: Selected Writings, eds. Kathleen Raine and George Mills Harper. Reviewed by Callahan, Patrick. Blake Studies, 2 (Fall 1969), 98-100.

Weathers, Winston, ed. The Tyger. Reviewed by Goodson, Lester, Blake Studies, 2 (Spring 1970), 61-62.

More than one book about or by Blake were reviewed by the following (they are also referred to above):

Bentley, G. E., Jr. “Blake Scholars and Critics. The Texts,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 39 (April 1970), 274-87. Review of The Letters of William Blake; The Gates of Paradise; Europe, a Prophecy; Songs of Innocence and of Experience, all by Blake and all edited by Geoffrey Keynes; Anne Malcolmson, ed., William Blake: An Introduction; David V. Erdman, ed., A Concordance to the Writings of William Blake.

Gilbert, Thomas. English, 19 (Summer 1970), 66-67. Review of G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake Records; Deborah Dorfman, Blake in the Nineteenth Century; John Beer, Blake’s Visionary Universe.

Pinto, Vivian de Sola. Modern Language Review, 65 (January 1970), 153-55. Review of Raymond Lister, William Blake: An Introduction to the Man and His Work; S. Foster Damon, A Blake Dictionary: The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake; David Erdman, ed., A Concordance to the Writings of William Blake.

The review of an art exhibit:

Mellow, J. R. New York Times, 19 July 1970, sec II, p. 19, col. 1. Review of a oneman art show called “[William Blake:] 21 Watercolors, Illustrations for the Story of Job” at the Morgan Library, New York.

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National Library of Scotland. William Blake/Illuminated Books and Engravings, with foreword on the Blake Trust by Geoffrey Keynes; introduction by Isabel Henderson. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1969.

New York Public Library. Exhibit “Pen and Brush: The Author as Artist,” includes Blake through May 1970. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 74 (April 1970).

Princeton University Library. William Blake: Engraver/A Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition by Charles Ryskamp with an introductory Essay by Sir Geoffrey Keynes and preface by Charles Ryskamp. Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1969.

Westminster City Libraries. William Blake: Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library Presented by Kerrison Preston in 1967. London: Westminster City Libraries, 1969.

Whitworth Art Gallery. William Blake: Poet, Printer, Prophet. An exhibition of illuminated books arranged by the William Blake Trust and a selection of water colours and drawings formerly in the collection of W. Graham Robertson; 14 May to 21 June 1969, Whitworth Art Gallery. Manchester, Eng.: University of Manchester, 1969.


“Canterbury Pilgrims.” Scottish Art Review, 12 (no. 3, 1970), 21.

“Job’s Sacrifice,” Studio, 177 (June 1969), 292.

King, Horace Maybray. Songs in the Night: A Study of the Book of Job; with illustrations by William Blake and introduction by Arthur S. Herbert. Gerrards Cross: Smythe, 1968.

“Lucia Carrying Dante in His Sleep” [drawing], Connoisseur, 170 (March 1969), 191.

“Plate from the Illustrations to the Book of Job.” Burlington Magazine, 111 (May 1969), xxii.

“Satan, Sin and Death” [watercolor, 1807], Burlington Magazine, 112 (March 1970), 159.

“Une des illustrations de la Divine comedie de Dante,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 73 (16 February 1969).


As a Man Is—So He Sees [television] on BBC 2, 1969. [“An essay by Adrian Malone on William Blake.”]

History of the Graphic Arts. Set 33: William Blake [filmstrip]. Budek Films and begin page 59 | back to top Slides of California, 1969.

The Vision of William Blake [motion picture]. Blake Film Trust, London, in association with British Film Institute. Released in the U. S. by Contemporary Films/McGraw-Hill [196-?].


Axelrod, David. Songs of Experience [arrangements for orchestra]. Capitol Stereo SKAO-338. [“An anthology of awareness after birth composed and arranged by David A. Axelrod based on the 18th century poems of William Blake.”]

Ginsberg, Allen. Allen Ginsberg/William Blake: “Songs of Innocence and Experience” by William Blake, tuned by Allen Ginsberg. MGM “Verve” FTS-3083.


Antheil, George. Songs of Experience. 1948.

Arnold, Malcolm. William Blake Songs. Five William Blake songs, op. 66, for contralto and string orchestra. London: British and Continental Music Agencies, 1966.

Britten, Benjamin. Songs and Proverbs of William Blake for Band and Piano, op. 74. London: Faber and Faber; New York: Schirmer, 1965.

Cowell, Henry. Daybreak [by] William Blake [and] Henry Cowell. 1946.

—. The Little Black Boy. New York: C. F. Peters Corp., 1964.

Jacobi, Frederick. Contemplation (to a poem by Blake), for mixed chorus and piano, with second piano ad libitum. 1946.

Karvonen, Paul Edwin. Concerto Overture, for Orchestra. The little black boy for soprano solo, string quartet, and clarinet to the poem of William Blake. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1960.

Raskin, Ellen. Songs of Innocence [by] William Blake. Music and illustrations by Ellen Raskin. Guitar arrangement by Dick Weissman. [1st ed.] Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1966.

Read, Gardner. Song of Innocence, op. 76, no. 3. Song, piano acc.; published as “Piping down the valleys wild,” 1949.

Rochberg, George. Blake Songs. Blake songs for soprano and chamber ensemble (1962). New York: Leeds Music Corp., 1963.

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