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This issue of the annual checklist of Blake scholarship differs from previous ones in two significant ways. First, through the assistance of Detlef W. Dörrbecker, who has sifted through European publications, the checklist covers current continental scholarship on Blake and his contemporaries for the first time. Second, we have included a number of Blake references, mostly European, that have not hitherto been recorded either in the annual checklists or in such other bibliographies as those by Keynes, Bentley and Nurmi, or Schiff. These retrospective items, also contributed by Dörrbecker, are marked with an asterisk.

We are grateful to many people for helping with the checklist this year: Ms. Susan A. Hoyt, of Columbus, Ohio, who helped with art history items; Mrs. Aasta Fischer (Prestel-Verlag), Dr. Niehaus (Verlag Freies Geistesleben), and other German and Swiss publishers who were most helpful and cooperative in compiling materials for the reviews section; and the authors and editors who thoughtfully sent along notes and offprints to call to our attention items that might otherwise have gone unrecorded.


Allen, Robert R., ed. “The Eighteenth Century. A Current Bibliography for 1974.” Philological Quarterly, 54 (1975), no. 4. [Blake items are listed with annotations and brief reviews on pp. 901-910.]

Bentley, Gerald E., Jr. A Bibliography of George Cumberland (1754-1848). New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1975. $18.00

Bentley, Gerald E., Jr. Blake Books: Annotated Catalogues of William Blake’s Writings, Designs, Engravings, Books He Owned, and Scholarly and Critical Works About Him. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. $88.00. [A revised and considerably expanded edition of Bentley and Nurmi’s Blake Bibliography.]

Erdman, David V., ed., with the assistance of Robert R. Mollenauer and James S. Patty. “The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for 1975.” English Language Notes, 14 (1976), supplement to no. 1.

Gleeson, Larry, ed. Followers of Blake. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1976. [Catalogue of an exhibition of the Shoreham Group mounted by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in conjunction with the conference, “Blake in the Art of His Time.”]

Goff, Phyllis, comp. William Blake. Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library Presented by Kerrison Preston. Cumulative Supplement to the Printed Catalogue of 1969. London: Westminster City Libraries, 1976. [Adds 322 items to the catalogue of 1969, including those in the supplement of 1972 “which is consequently now superseded.”]

*Gradmann, Erwin. Schweizer Graphik von Urs Graf bis Hodler. Zurich: no publisher, n.d. (196?). [Exhibition catalogue of a travelling exhibition organized by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule for the Pro-Helvetia Foundation. See pp. 9-10 and catalogue nos. 106-115 for information about Fuseli. Not listed in the bibliography by Schiff.]

Johnson, Mary Lynn. “Choosing Textbooks for Blake Courses: a Survey & Checklist.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 8-26. [An extensive review essay. Appendixes include lists of out-of-print items, works in progress, and addresses of publishers.]

Jordan, John E. “Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 15 (1975), 671-694. [Includes reviews of recent books about Blake.]

Lemaitre, Henri. “Etat présent des études blakiennes.” études Anglaises, 28, no. 4 (1975), 439-443.

Minnick, Thomas L. “A Checklist of Recent Blake Scholarship.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (Fall 1976), 59-62.

Robinson, K.E. “The Eighteenth Century” in James Redmond, ed., The Year’s Work in English Studies, 55 (1974). [For reviews of recent books about Blake, see pp. 334-337.]

Schiff, Gert, et al. Johann Heinrich Füssli 1741-1825, ed. Werner Hofmann. Kunst im 1800. Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1974. [Exhibition catalogue of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.]

Schiff, Gert, et al. Henry Fuseli 1741-1825, ed. Sir Norman Reid, trans. Sarah Twohig. London: The Tate Gallery Publications Department, 1975. [Exhibition catalogue of the Tate Gallery, translated into English from the original Hamburg catalogue with some revision and rearrangement.]

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Schiff, Gert, et al. Johann Heinrich Füssli 1741-1825, ed. Adeline Cacan, trans. Martine Perrel, Christine Casler, and Jacques Chavy. Paris: Les Presses Artistiques, 1975. [Exhibition catalogue of the Musée du Petit Palais, translated into French from the original Hamburg catalogue, with some rearrangement and revision.]

Walker, Corlette Rossiter, et al. William Blake in the Art of His Time. Santa Barbara: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1976. [Catalogue of an exhibition held at the University Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, 24 February to 28 March 1976.]


Bentley, Gerald E., Jr., ed. William Blake’s Writings. 2 vols. Oxford English Texts. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1976. $83.60. [Volume I: Engraved and Etched Writings. Volume II: Writings in Conventional Typography and in Manuscript.]

Bindman, David, and Deirdre Toomey, eds. The Complete Engravings of William Blake. Forthcoming from Thames and Hudson.

Bircher, Martin, and Karl S. Guthke, eds. Johann Heinrich Füssli: Sämtliche Gedichte. Nobile Turegum: Zürcher Drucke des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Zürich: Orell Füssli Verlag, 1973. [The first complete edition of Fuseli’s poetry, with his German poems in German, his English poems in English. Edition limited to 1000 copies.]

*Blake, William. “Das Buch Los,” trans. Joachim Uhlmann. Die Neue Rundschau, 73(1962), 678-683.

*Blake, William. “Gedichte,” trans. Georg von der Vring. Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 1958. Wiesbaden: Insel-Verlag, 1957. Pp. 95-97. [Translations of seven short poems, included in Vring’s edition of the following year.]

*Blake, William. “Der Geist des Abel; Eine Offenbarung aus den Visionen Jehovas, gesehen von William Blake (1822),” trans. Wolfgang Martin Schede. Antaios, 3 (1961), 65-67.

*Blake, William. Le Marriage du ciel et de l’enfer, trans. André Gide. Paris: Charlot, 1947. [In the series, “poésie et théâtre,” edited by Albert Camus.]

*Blake, William. Sprüche der Hölle. n.p. (Frankfurt am Main?): 1963-64. [The “Proverbs of Hell” privately printed in a small edition intended as a New Year’s gift.]

*Blake, William. Unschuld und Erfahrung: Die beiden Kontraste der Menschenseele; Gedichte, trans. and ed., Kaethe Wolf-Gumpold. Vienna: Europäischer Verlag, 1966. [Includes Songs, Thel.]

Blake, William. The Wood Engravings of William Blake. Introduction by Andrew Wilton, preface by Kenneth Clark. London: British Museum Publications Ltd., 1977. £300. [Printed from the original blocks held by the British Museum, the edition is limited to 150 copies of which 135 are for sale.]

Crehan, A.S., ed. William Blake. Pergamon English Literature. New York: Pergamon, 1976. $3.50.

Erdman, David V., ed. The Selected Poetry of Blake. Bergenfield, N.J.: New American Library, 1976. $2.50.

Flaxman, John. Recueil[e] de ses compositions gravées au trait (1836). Paris and Brussels, 1974. [A facsimile of the Reveil edition.]

Keynes, Geoffrey, ed. The Book of Los. London: The Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1976.

*Keynes, Geoffrey, ed. William Blake: Dichter, Drucker, Prophet; Eine Studie über die Illuminierten Bücher, trans. Marguerite Schlüter. Wiesbaden: Limes Verlag, in association with the Trianon Press, 1965.

Keynes, Geoffrey. William Blake’s Laocoön. A Last Testament. With Related Works: On Homer’s Poetry and On Virgil, The Ghost of Abel. London: The Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 1976. $65.00. [“This volume completes the series begun by the William Blake Trust in 1951 with its first publication, a facsimile of Jerusalem . . . . Following this volume the Trust will, from time to time, publish further titles, including Blake’s Illustrations for the Book of Job, Blake’s Engravings for Dante’s Divine Comedy and The Portraits of William and Catherine Blake.” This edition limited to 380 copies.]

*Longstreet, Stephen, ed. The Drawings of Fuseli. Master Draughtsman Series. Alhambra, Calif.: Borden Publishing Co., 1969. [Reproduces 62 drawings.]

Thorpe, James Ernest, ed. William Blake: Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Selected Plates Reproduced in Facsimile from Originals in the Huntington Library. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1975.


Abel, Elizabeth Frances. “The Married Arts: Poetry and Painting in Blake and Baudelaire.” Diss. Princeton, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 290-A.

*Adams, Hazard. “Reading Blake’s Lyrics: ‘The Tyger’,” in Willi Erzgräber, ed., Englische Lyrik von Shakespeare bis Dylan Thomas. Ars interpretandi, vol. 1. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1969. [Reprinted from Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 2 (1960).]

Adlard, John. “Bawdy Blake.” English Studies, 56 (1975), 320-321.

*Adlard, John. “Blake and ‘Electrical Magic’.” Neophilologus,[e] 53 (1969), 422-23.

Adlard, John. “Blake, Thel and ‘The Wisdom of Angels’.” Studia neophilologica, 46 (1974), 172-74.

*Adlard, John. “The Cock, the Lion, and the Spectres in Blake.” Archiv fur das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 204 (1968), 432 f.

Adlard, John. “Fields from Islington to Marybone.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 120.

Ahmad, Iqbal. “Northrop Frye’s Theoretical Criticism.” Diss. York University, 1974. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (1975-76), 6667-A. [Chapter One treats Blake’s influence on Frye.]

Allan, David. “The Progress of Human Culture and Knowledge, Part II.” Connoisseur, 188 (1975), 98-107. [On paintings by James Barry.]

Antal, Frederick. Füssli Studien, trans Eva Schumann. Neue Bibliothek[e] der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte. Dresden: VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1973. [German edition of Antal’s Fuseli Studies (1956).]

Ault, Donald. Visionary Physics: Blake’s Response to Newton. 1974; rpt. Midway Reprint Series, 1976. $7.25.

Ba-Han, Maung. William Blake: His Mysticism. 1924; rpt. Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1976. [Limited to 100 copies.]

Baine, Rodney M. and Mary R. Baine. “Blake’s Inflammable Gass.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (Fall 1976), 51-52.

Baine, Rodney M., and Mary R. Baine. “Blake’s Sketch for Hamlet.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 117-119.

Baine, Rodney M., and Mary R. Baine. “Then Mars thou wast our center.” English Language Notes, 13 (1975), 14-18. [Swedenborg and America 5, Marriage 19.]

*Bataille, Georges. “William Blake.” Die Neue Rundschau, 73 (1962), 684-702.

Beaucamp, Eduard. “Blake oder der Ausstieg aus der Geschichte” in Das Dilemma der Avantgarde; Aufsätze zur bildenden Kunst. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1976. Pp. 44-49.

Bentley, Gerald E., Jr. “The Vicissitudes of Vision: The First Account of William Blake in Russian.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 112-114.

*Berefelt, Gunnar. Philipp Otto Runge: Zwischen Aufbruch und Opposition 1777-1802. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis—Stockholm Studies in History of Art, vol. 7. Stockholm, Göteborg and Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1961. [Includes numerous references to Blake’s art and art theory.]

*Bernus, Alexander von. “Dem Gedächtnis William Blakes.” Ruperto-Carola, Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Freunde der Studentenschaft der Universität Heidelberg, 9 (1957), 86-88. [Includes Blake poems in German translation from Bernus’s edition.]

Bindman, David. “An Announcement.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 70. [Announces the rediscovery of an impression of the Laocoön last recorded in 1938 and includes a photograph.]

*Bloch, Ernst. “Milde und ‘Licht seiner Wut’ (William Blake)” in Atheismus im Christentum; zur Religion des Exodus und des Reichs. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1968. [The eminent German philosopher, Ernst Bloch, mentions Blake’s eschatological ideas in various works.]

Bloxham, Laura Jeanne. “William Blake and Visionary Poetry in the Twentieth Century.” Diss. Washington State University, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (1975-76), 5275-A.

Blunt, Anthony. “Des origines de la critique et de l’histoire de l’art en Angleterre.” Revue de l’art, 30 (1975), 5-16.

Bogan, James. “Vampire Bats & Blake’s Spectre.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 32-33.

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Bohrer, Karl-Heinz. “William Blake (1757-1827): Maler, Dichter, Visionär—‘Eschatologisches Zeitalter’ und industrielle Revolution.” [Radio broadcast.] Kulturelles Wort, Abendstudio-Feature. Hessischer-Rundfunk, Frankfurt am Main: 30 July 1973.

*Bölker, Uwe. “Lyrik der englischen Romantik” in K.H. Göller, ed., Epochen der englischen Romantik. Düsseldorf: August Bagel Verlag, 1970. Pp. 152-181.

Bonham, Ronald Allen. “Hart Crane’s ‘Mystical-Empirical’ Poetry and Its Relation to Nineteenth Century Traditions.” Diss. University of British Columbia, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 4350-A. [Chapters two through five discuss Crane’s relationship to British Romantics, including Blake.]

Briganti, Guiliano. Phantastische Malerei im 19 Jahrhundert. Munich: Schuler Verlagsgesellschaft, 1974. [First published in Italy by Fratelli Fabbri Editori, this work reproduces six works by Blake and a number by Fuseli.]

Bronowski, Jacob. Der Aufstieg des Menschen, trans. Gustav Kemperdick. Frankfurt am Main, [West] Berlin, and Vienna: Ullstein Verlag, 1976. [The German edition of The Ascent of Man.]

*Bullough, Geoffrey. “William Blake: ‘The Book of Thel’” in T.A. Riese and D. Riesner, Versdichtung der englische Romantik; Interpretationen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1968. Pp. 108-123.

Burke, Joseph. English Art 1714-1800. Oxford History of English Art, Vol. 9. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. £12.50.

Butler, Gerald J. “Conflict Between Levels in Blake’s Visions of the Daughters of Albion.” Recovering Literature, 5 (1976), 39-49.

Butlin, Martin. “The Rediscovery of an Artist: James Jefferys 1751-1784.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 123-124.

Butlin, Martin. “‘The Very William Blake of Living Landscape Painters.’” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 33-34.

Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. William Blake. 1910; rpt. Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1976.

Clark, R. “Samuel Palmer et la peinture visionaire.” Revue de l’art, 30 (1975), 55-60.

Cox, Stephen D. “‘The Stranger Within Thee’: The Self in British Literature of the Later Eighteenth Century.” Diss. University of California, Los Angeles, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 2193-A. [Discusses Richardson, Gray, Chatterton, Cowper, and Blake.]

Dargan, Tom. “Blake and Hayley in Wittreich’s Angel of Apocalypse.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 130-135.

Davidson, C. “Blake’s Songs of Experience and ‘Rebel Nature’.” Research Studies, 44 (1976), 35-41.

Dobai, Johannes. Die Kunstliteratur des Klassizismus und der Romantik in England. Vol. I. Bern: Benteli, 1974. [At least four volumes are planned for this monumental study.]

Deck, Raymond H., Jr. “Unnoticed Printings of Blake’s Poems, 1825-1851.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 125.

Dembo, Pamela. “William Blake and Rabindranath Tagore.” UNISA [University of South Africa] English Studies, 14 (1976), 52-55.

Dennis, Rodney G. “Flaxman’s Answers to Klopstock.” Harvard Library Bulletin, 24 (1976), 197-203.

Diffey, T.J. “Morality and Literary Criticism.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 33 (1975), 443-454. [Includes examples from Blake.]

DiSalvo, Jackie. “Blake Encountering Milton: Politics and the Family in Paradise Lost and The Four Zoas” in Joseph A. Wittreich, Jr., ed., Milton and the Line of Vision. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975. Pp. 143-184.

Donaldson, Ian. “The Satirists’ London.” Essays in Criticism, 25 (1975), 101-122. [Mentions Blake on London.]

*Draper, R.P. “Blake’s Early Poems: Experiments in Romantic Style.” Revue des langues vivantes, 32 (1966), 587-597.

Dupperay, Max. “A la source de la ville fantastique: ‘London’ de William Blake.” études Anglaises, 28 (1975), 385-397.

Eaves, Morris. An Index to Damon’s Blake Dictionary. Providence: Brown University Press, forthcoming.

Eaves, Morris. “Postscript: Blake’s Abnormal Psychology.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 121-122.

Edwards, Thomas R. “Blake: The Mythologist as Agitator” in Imagination and Power: A Study of Poetry on Public Themes. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 141-159.

Epstein, E.L. “The Self-Reflexive Artefact: The Function of Mimesis in an Approach to a Theory of Value for Literature” in Roger Fowler, ed., Style and Structure in Linguistics: Essays in the New Stylistics. Oxford: Blackwell’s, 1975. Pp. 40-78. [Includes discussion of “The Tyger,” pp. 60-78.]

Erdman, David V. “The Bravery of William Blake.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 27-31. [Reprinted from Erdman’s Signet Classic edition of The Selected Poetry of William Blake.]

Essick, Robert N. “Blake in the Marketplace, 1974-75.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (Fall 1976), 53-59.

Essick, Robert N., and Morton D. Paley. “The Printings of Blake’s Designs for Blair’s Grave.” Book Collector, 24 (1975), 535-552. [The “1813 small paper folio” was printed in 1870.]

Feaver, William. The Art of John Martin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975. £7.00.

Ferber, Michael. “‘Thel’s Motto’: Likely and Unlikely Sources.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 36-38. [Discussion with Michael Tolley.]

Firestone, E.R. “John Linnell: The Eve of the Deluge.” Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, 62 (1975), 131-139. [13 illustrations.]

Fleissner, Robert F. “William Blake, ‘The Little Black Boy’.” Notes on Teaching English, 3 (1975), 8-9.

Fox, Susan, Poetic Form in Blake’s Milton. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. $13.50.

Franson, J. Karl. “Christ on the Pinnacle: Interpretive Illustrations of the Crisis in Paradise Regained.” Milton Quarterly, 10, (1976), 48-53. [Discusses Blake’s illustration which is reproduced in color on the front cover of the issue.]

*Frey, Dagobert. Englisches Wesen in der bildenden Kunst. Stuttgart and Berlin: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1942. [For an analysis of Blake’s pictorial style, see pp. 372-379.]

Galbraith, Thomas William. “A ‘Fresher Morning’: Blake Labors to Awaken Man.” Diss. University of Washington, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 984-A.

*Gantner, Joseph, and Adolf Reinle. Kunstgeschichte der Schweiz. Vols. 3 and 4. Frauenfeld: Verlag von Huber & Co., 1956, 1962. [For discussion of Fuseli, see vol. 3, pp. 368, 396-399; vol. 4, pp. 134, 161, 187, 301. For discussion of Blake, see vol. 3, pp. 398-399.]

Glozer, Laszlo. “Johann Heinrich Füssli.” in Kunstkritiken, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1974. Pp. 82-87. [Originally published as a review essay on the Zurich Fuseli exhibition of 1969 in Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), 28/29 June 1969.]

*Göller, Karl Heinz. “William Blake: ‘Songs of Innocence, Introduction’” in K.H. Göller, ed., Die englische Lyrik; Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart. Düsseldorf: August Bagel Verlag, 1968. Vol. 1, pp. 301-308.

Goyder, George. “An Unpublished Poem about Blake by William Bell Scott.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 125. [“On seeing again after many years William Blake’s designs for ‘the Grave’.”]

*Graberg, Marie-Louise von. Die Nibelungen-Illustrationen von Johann Heinrich Füssli und Peter Cornelius. [West] Berlin: printed for the author, 1970. [Ph.D. thesis.]

*Grant, John E. “William Blakes ‘The Fly’” in Willi Erzgräber, ed., and Regine Wolf, trans., Interpretationen 8; Englische Literatur von William Blake bis Thomas Hardy. Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg: Fischer Bücherei, 1970. Pp. 9-37. [Reprinted from Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 1963.]

Grant, Philip Bernard. “A Possible Source for a Blake Sketch and Drawing.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 85-87.

Grant, Philip Bernard. “Blake’s The Everlasting Gospel: An Edition and Study.” Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 4366-A.

Greenberg, Mark. “The Canterbury Pilgrims by Stothard and Blake: An Account with Reproductions in ‘The Architect’.” Notes and Queries, n.s. 23 (1976), 401-402.

*Hartmann, Wolfgang. Die Wiederentdeckung Dantes in der deutschen Kunst: J.H. Füssli, A.J. Carstens, J.A. Koch. Bonn: printed for the author (at the University Press), 1969. [Ph.D. thesis.]

Haworth, Helen E. “‘A Milk-White Lamb That Bleats’? Some Stereo-types of Women in Romantic Literature.” Humanities Associattion Review, 24 (1973), 277-293. [Includes discussion of Blake.]

Heppner, Christopher. “Notes on Some Items in the Blake Collection at McGill with a Few Speculations around William Roscoe.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 100-108.

*Hermand, Jost, ed. Jugendstil. Wege der Forschung, vol. 110. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971. [For discussion of Blake and art nouveau, see pp. 81, 278-279, 298, 300, 302, 305.]

*Hönnighausen, Lothar. “Aspekte des Blake-Verständnisses in der ästhetik des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts—Blake und die Präraphaeliten.” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 33 (1970), 41-53.

Hofmann, Werner. Das Irdische Paradies; Motive und Ideen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1960. 2nd ed., 1974. [Blake is mentioned throughout, with added emphasis in the 2nd edition.]

Hofmann, Werner. “Per Capire Blake.” Bolaffiarte, 50 (1975), 21-24.

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[Hofmann, Werner.] “William Blake (1757-1827), Zeichnung.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 10 December 1976, p. 23. [Notes the acquisition of a Blake drawing for Jerusalem 51, now in the Kunsthalle Hamburg.]

Hofstätter, Hans H. Geschichte der europäischen Jungendstilmalerei; Ein Entwurf. Cologne: Verlag M. Dumont Schauberg, 1963. Rev. 3rd ed., 1965. Rpt., 1972. [Discusses Blake and art nouveau on pp. 91, 108-111, 119 f.]

Hofstätter, Hans H. Idealismus und Symbolismus. Aufbruch der Druckgraphik von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart, vol. 2. Vienna and Munich: Schroll Verlag, 1972. [Blake mentioned throughout.]

Hofstätter, Hans H. Symbolismus und die Kunst der Jahrhundertwende. Cologne: Verlag M. Dumont Schauberg, 1965. 2nd ed., 1973. [Blake discussed as a source of symbolist art in the late nineteenth century. Fuseli and other contemporaries of Blake are also discussed.]

*Hofstätter, Hans H., with Jaworska and S. Hofstätter. Jugendstil Druckkunst. Epochen der Druckkunst. Baden-Baden: Holle-Verlag, 1968. [Blake discussed as a forerunner of art nouveau.]

Hofstätter, S. See Hofstätter, Hans H., Jugendstil Druckkunst.

Holstein, Michael E. “Crooked Roads without Improvement:[e] Blake’s ‘Proverbs of Hell’.” Genre, 8 (1975), 26-41.

Howard, John. Blake’s Milton: A Study in the Selfhood. Cranbury, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1976, $15.00.

*Hume, Robert D. “The Development of Blake’s Psychology: The Quest for an Understanding of Man’s Position in the World.” Revue des langues vivantes, 35 (1969), 240-258.

Jaworska, W. See Hofstätter, Hans H., Jugendstil Druckkunst.

Johnson-Grant, Mary Lynn. “Mapping Blake’s London.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 117-122. [Includes three maps by Karen McHaney: “Blake’s Britain,” “The Holy Land,” and “Blake’s London.”]

Jones, Edward Terry. “Another Look at the Structure of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 115-116.

Kauvar, Elaine. “Los’s Messenger to Eden: Blake’s Wild Thyme.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 82-84.

Keating, Ruth Aikman. “A Fourth Dimension in Word and Picture: William Blake’s Theory of Imagination.” Diss. Texas Woman’s University, 1974. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (1975-76), 6115-A.

Kegel-Brinkgreve, E. “Auguries of Innocence.” Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters, 4 (1974), 111-119.

*Kellner, Leon. “William Blake.” Xenien, Monatsschrift für literarische ästhetik und Kritik, 2 (1909), 321-327. [An early reference to Blake not mentioned in the bibliographies by Keynes or Bentley and Nurmi.]

*Kuczynski, Jürgen. Darstellung der Lage der Arbeiter in England von 1760 bis 1832. Die Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter unter dem Kapitalismus, vol. 23. [East] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964. [Blake cited as one who expressed through art and literature the social conditions of late eighteenth-century laborers.]

*Kuczynski, Jürgen. “William Blake: Ein Romantiker besonderer Art” in Gestalten und Werke, vol. 2: Soziologische Studien zur englischsprachigen und französischen Literatur. [East] Berlin and Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag, 1971. Pp. 54-67. [An essay in much the same vein as Bronowski’s Man Without a Mask, Schorer’s Politics of Vision, and Erdman’s Prophet Against Empire.]

*LeBreton, Georges. “William Blake et le néo-platonisme.” Mercure de France, 7, no. 1197 (1963), 494-499.

Liscombe, R.W. “The Commencement of Real Art.” Apollo, 103 (1976), 34-39. [Traces the influence of the Parthenon friezes on English sculpture and painting of the early nineteenth century, including Flaxman.]

Lister, Raymond. “Blake’s Appearance in a Textbook on Insanity.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 120-121.

Lister, Raymond. “Calvert’s ‘Lady & the Rooks’ & Cornish Scenes.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 34.

Loehrich, Rolf. Exercitium Cogitandi. 6 vols. London: Exercitia Publications, 1976. £46. [Vol. 6 includes “Menage a Trois/ Blake at a seminar, with the menage present among others.” Vol. 6 alone, £8.50.]

MacDonald, Greville. The Sanity of William Blake. 1908; rpt. Norwood, Pennsylvania: Norwood Library Editions, 1975.

MacMillan, J.D. “The Illuminated Book and the History of Art.” Apollo, 104 (1976), 142-143.

Masterson, Donald Joseph. “The Method of Openness and the Theme of Love in the Early Poetry of William Blake.” Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (1975-76), 6117-A.

Matteson, Lynn Robert. “Apocalyptic Themes in British Romantic Landscape Painting.” Diss. University of California, Berkeley, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 5-A. [On John Martin, Turner, Benjamin West, and Francis Danby.]

McClellan, Jane Martha. “William Blake’s Concept of Man in The Four Zoas, Milton, and Jerusalem.” Diss. Florida State University, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 4371-A.

McHaney, Karen. See Mary Lynn Johnson-Grant.

*Mertner, Edgar. “Die ältere romantische Dichtung: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge” in Ewald Standop and Edgar Mertner, Englische Literaturgeschichte. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 1967. Pp. 404-408.

Metken, Günter. Die Präraffaeliten: Ethischer Realismus und Elfenbeinturm im 19. Jahrhundert. Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1974. [Includes remarks on Blake and the Pre-Raphaelites.]

*Müller, Hermann Alexander, and Hans Wolfgang Singer, eds. Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon—Leben und Werke der berühmesten bildenden Künstler. 3rd rev. ed. Frankfurt am Main: Literarische Anstalt Rütten & Loening, 1895. [Brief article on Blake on p. 132. This item is not listed in the bibliographies of Keynes or Bentley and Nurmi.]

Murry, John Middleton. William Blake. 1933; rpt. Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1976.

*Muther, Richard. “Phantastik und Geschichtsmalerei” in Geschichte der englischen Malerei. Berlin: S. Fischer Verlag, 1903. Pp. 86-90. [This early essay on Blake, well-known in Germany, is not listed in the bibliographies of Keynes or Bentley and Nurmi. Muther discusses the “weaknesses” of Blake’s artistic execution but notes the parallels between Blake and William Morris and treats the dynamics of Blake’s flaming lines.]

Nathan, Norman. Prince William B. The Philosophical Conceptions of William Blake. The Hague: Mouton, 1976. $14.50.

Nelson, J. Walter. “Blake Anthologies.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 32.

Nochimson, Martha. “Against the Limitations of Rationalism: Undercurrents in the Works of William Faulkner.” Diss. City University of New York, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 1551-A [“Reinterpretations of The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, and Absalom, Absalom! in an anti-dualistic light, with the aid of Blake’s spectacles. . . .”]

Nurmi, Martin K. William Blake. Kent, Ohio and London: Kent State University Press and Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1976. $10.00.

O’Hare, Susan Carol. “Going Wonder-Ways: Sacrality and Skepticism in British Romantic Poetry.” Diss. Rice University, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1967-77), 2203-A. [Heirophany in Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats.]

Ott, Judith. “The Bird-Man of William Blake’s Jerusalem.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (Fall 1976), 48-51.

Owlett, F.C. Chatterton’s Apology: With a Short Essay on Blake and a Note on Cowper. 1930; rpt. Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1976.

Pache, Walter. “‘Blakes seltsame Poesien’. Bildzitat und Bildwirkung in Thomas Manns ‘Doktor Faustus’.” Arcadia, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, 8 (1973), 138-155. [Discusses Blake’s influence on Thomas Mann, who used part of the Songs in Doktor Faustus.]

Paley, Morton D. “John Camden Hotten, A.C. Swinburne, and the Blake Facsimiles of 1868.” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 79 (1976), 259-296. [Includes 14 illustrations.]

Paley, Morton D. See also Robert N. Essick.

*Pauli, Gustav. Die Kunst des Klassizismus und der Romantik. Propyläen-Kunstgeschichte, 1st series, vol. 14. Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1925. [Discusses Blake on pp. 135f., 138 f., 481, 516.]

Pressly, William Laurens, Jr. “The Life and Art of James Barry.” Diss. New York University, 1974. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 1280-A.

Raine, Kathleen. William Blake. Paris: Chêne, 1975. [French translation of the volume published by Thames and Hudson in 1970.]

Reinle, Adolf.[e] See Gantner, Joseph.

Riede, David George. “Swinburne: A Study in Romantic Mythmaking.” Diss. University of Virginia, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 2204-A. [Chapter two discusses Blake and Swinburne.]

*Riese, Teut Andreas. “William Blake: ‘The Little Girl Lost’ und ‘The Little Girl Found’” in T.A. Riese and D. Riesner, eds., Versdichtung der englische Romantik; Interpretationen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1968. Pp. 80-107.

*Rønning, Helge. “The Poet as a Rebel—Blake’s and Shelley’s Views of Promethean Man” in Miscellanea; Essays . . . , A Tribute to Prof. Kristian Smidt on the Occasion of His 50th Birthday, 20 November 1966. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1966. Pp. 44-49.

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Rosenblum, Joseph. “A Motley Web: A Study of Thomas Holcroft’s Dramatic Art.” Diss. Duke University, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (1975-76), 6715-A.

Rosenblum, Robert. Modern Painting and the Northern Tradition. Friedrich to Rothko. New York: Harper & Row, 1975. [Pp. 41-64 include commentary on Blake and Palmer.]

Ryan, Robert Emmett. “The Structure and Function of the Cosmogonic Myth in William Blake’s Jerusalem.” Diss. Case Western Reserve University, 1975. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 339-A.

Ryskamp, Charles. “A Blake Discovery.” The Times Literary Supplement, 14 January 1977, pp. 40-41. [An extra-illustrated copy of Cunningham’s Lives (1830), now in the Pierpont Morgan Library, contains six posthumous impressions from Blake’s plates (Jerusalem 2, 41, and 59; and America 12, 13, and 14), six contemporary impressions (Jerusalem 28 [an unknown reworking] and 70; Europe 3, 4, and title-page [an unknown reworking]; and The Book of Los 5); a variant of the plate “Gem Engraving” for Rees’s Cyclopaedia; and two letters about Blake, one by John Varley, the other by Bernard Barton quoting Charles Lamb on Blake and a previously unpublished poem by Barton on Blake.]

*Schede, Wolfgang Martin. “‘Heilig ist, was lebt.’ William Blake und die schöpferische ‘Insanity’.” Antaios, 3 (1961), 59-64.

*Schiff, Gert. “Einige Bemerkungen über die künstlerischen Beziehungen zwischen Füssli und Blake.” Kunstchronik, 15 (1962), 296-297. [Not noted in Schiff’s Fuseli bibliography.]

*Schmutzler, Robert. Art Nouveau—Jugendstil. Stuttgart: Gerd Hatje Verlag, 1962. [Note especially “Ursprünge des Art Nouveau: William Blake[e] (pp. 35-53) and “Die Wirkung William Blakes” (pp. 109-114) for discussions of Blake’s influence on Art Nouveau. Reproductions include 12 Blakes.]

Schotz, Myra Glazer. “On the Frontispiece of The Four Zoas.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 126-127.

Scrimbeour, J.R. “Great Example of Horror and Agony: A Comparison of Søren Kierkegaard’s Demoniacally Despairing Individual with William Blake’s Spectre of Urthona.” Scandinavian Studies, 47 (1975), 36-41.

Searle, Leroy F. “Anatomical Criticism and Value in Contemporary Art.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 33 (1975), 393-402. [Includes references to Blake.]

Signet, Charles J. “The Role of Christ in Blake’s The Four Zoas.” Essays in Literature, 3 (1976), 167-180.

Stempel, Daniel. “Angels of Reason: Science and Myth in the Enlightenment.” Journal of the History of Ideas, 36 (1975), 63-78. [Includes discussion of Blake’s angels.]

Stempel, Daniel. “Blake’s Monadology: The Universe of Perspectives.” Mosaic, 8 (1975), 77-98.

Tannenbaum, Leslie. “Blake’s News from Hell: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and the Lucianic Tradition.” ELH, 43 (1976), 74-99.

Tayler, Irene. “Blake’s Laocoön.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 72-81.

Tolley, Michael. “‘Thels’s Motto’: Likely & Unlikely Sources.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 35-36. [Discussion with Michael Ferber.]

Tomory, Peter A. “A Blake Sketch for Hayley’s Ballad ‘The Lion’ and a Connection with Fuseli.” Burlington Magazine, 118 (1975), 377-378.

Tomory, Peter A. Johann Heinrich Füssli, Leben und Werk, trans., Peter Hahlbrock. [West] Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1974. [The German edition of Tomory’s book, first published by Thames and Hudson (1972).]

Torbruegge, Marilyn K. “‘Der grösste nach den Griechen’: Winckelmann and Fuseli in accord.” Lessing Yearbook, 5 (1973), 186-197.

Trent, Robert J. “The Case Against Death: Transformations of ‘Generation’ in the Writings of William Blake.” Diss. New York University, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (1976-77), 1573-A.

Twitchell, James B. “‘The Mental Traveller,’ Infinity and the ‘Arlington Court Picture’.” Criticism, 17 (1975), 1-14.

Warner, Janet. “Blake’s ‘Auguries of Innocence’.” Colby Library Quarterly, 12 (1976), 126-138.

Warner, Janet. “A Contemporary Reference to Blake.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 122.

Waxler, Robert Phillip. “William Blake: The Sexual Dynamics of his Early Illuminated Books.” Diss. State University of New York, Stony[e] Brook, 1976. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37, (1976-77), 995-A.

Weitzman, Arthur J. “Eighteenth-Century London: Urban Paradise or Fallen City?” Journal of the History of Ideas, 36 (1975), 469-480. [“Explains to some extent the cult of Blake in academic circles. . . .”]

White, Harry. “Blake and the Mills of Induction.” Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 109-112.

Woodman, R.G. “Satan in the ‘Vale of Soulmaking’: A Survey from Blake to Ginsberg.” Humanities Association Review, 25 (1974), 108-121.

Worrall, David. “William Blake and Erasmus Darwin’s Botanic Garden.” Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 78 (1975), 397-417.

Wright, John W. “Blake’s Relief-Etching Method.” Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 94-114.


Adams, Hazard. William Blake: A Reading of the Shorter Poems. Reviewed by Erich Zauner, Erasmus—speculum scientiarum, 22 (1970), cols. 545-546.

Adlard, John. The Sports of Cruelty. Reviewed by F.W. Bateson, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 83-84.

Ault, Donald D. Visionary Physics: Blake’s Response to Newton. Reviewed by J.D. North, Review of English Studies, 27 (1976), 517.

Beer, John. Blake’s Visionary Universe. Reviewed by R.B. Kennedy, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 79-82.

Bentley, Gerald E., Jr. Blake Records. Reviewed by R.B. Kennedy, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 79-82.

Bentley, Gerald E., Jr., ed. William Blake: The Critical Heritage. Reviewed by Suzanne Hoover, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 89-90.

Bindman, David. William Blake: Catalogue of the Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Reviewed by Jacques Lethève Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, 17 (1972), 942.

Blake, William. An Island in the Moon. Audio tape of a production for KPFK Pacifica, Pasadena, California. Produced by Everett C. Frost. Music by Edward Cansino. Reviewed by Martin K. Nurmi, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 128-129.

Blake, William. Songs, Folcroft facsimile. Reviewed by Mary Ellen Reisner, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 130.

Blake exhibition, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Spring 1971. Reviewed by Günter Metken, Frankfurter Rundschau, 3 April 1971.

Blake exhibition, Hamburg, 1975. Reviewed in a radio broadcast on Bayerischer Rundfunk [Munich], 6 November 1975.

Blake exhibition, Hamburg and Frankfurt (1975), and David Bindman, et al., William Blake 1757-1827 (exhibition catalogue). Reviewed in Die Presse [Vienna], 9/10 August 1975; Gazette des Beaux Arts, September 1975; by Hans Theodor Flemming, Weltkunst, 45 (1975), 426-427; by Rolf Herzog, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1/2 August 1975; by Peter Sager, Buch und Bibliothek, no. 3 (1976), 192-93.

Blake Newsletter. America, a Prophecy. Reviewed by David V. Erdman, Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 123-126.

Bloom, Harold. The Anxiety of Influence. Reviewed by J.A. Appleyard, S.J., in Keats-Shelley Journal, 25 (1976), 188-190.

Burke, Joseph. English Art 1714-1800. Reviewed by Hugh Honour, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 January 1977, pp. 63-64.

Dorfman, Deborah. Blake in the Nineteenth Century. Reviewed by Margaret Bottrall, Studia neophilologica, 42 (1970), 237-239.

Easson, Roger R., ed. America: A Prophecy. Reviewed by David V. Erdman, Blake Newsletter 9 (1976), 123-126.

Erdman, David V. The Illuminated Blake. Reviewed by Kenneth Garlick, Notes and Queries, n.s. 23 (1976), 379; Leonard M. Trawick, Studies in Burke and His Time, 18 (1977), 57-60.

Erdman, David V., with the assistance of Donald K. Moore, eds. The Notebook of William Blake. Reviewed by Gerald E. Bentley, Jr., JEGP, 75 (1976), 437-444; R.B. Kennedy, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 79-82.

Feaver, William. The Art of John Martin. Reviewed by Peter Conrad, The Times Literary Supplement, 30 January 1976, pp. 111-112.

Fox, Susan. Poetic Form in Blake’s Milton. Reviewed in Milton Quarterly, 10 (1976), 129; Mary Lynn Johnson, Milton and the Romantics, 2 (1976), 1-10.

Frosch, Thomas R. The Awakening of Albion. Reviewed by Robert Brinkley, Kritikon litterarum, 3 (1974), 206-207.

Johann Heinrich Füssli: Sämtliche Gedichte. Reviewed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 30 September 1973, in Schweizer Monatshefte, 9 (1973); Hermann Boeschenstein, Erasmus—speculum scientiarum,[e] 26 (1974), 862-865; Friedhelm Kemp, Sliddeutsche Zeitung, 15 November 1973; Christoph Siegrist, Germanistik, 15 (1974), 633; Thomas Terry, Zuger Tagblatt, 29 November 1973 (the same review was also published in the Solathurner Zeitung, 1 December 1973; in Der Bund [Bern], 10 February begin page 109 | back to top 1974; and in the Berner Tagblatt, 26 May 1974.)

Gillham, D.G. William Blake. Reviewed by F.W. Bateson, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 83-84.

Hartmann, Wolfgang. Die Wiederendeckung Dantes in der deutschen Kunst: J.H. Füssli, A.J. Carstens, J.A. Knoch. Reviewed by Christian Geelhaar, Pantheon, 28 (1970), 456-457.

Howard, John. Blake’s Milton: A Study in the Selfhood. Reviewed in Milton Quarterly, 10 (1970), 129.

Keay, Carolyn, ed. William Blake Selected Engravings. Reviewed by Gerda Norvig and Myra Glazer Schotz, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 90.

Keynes, Geoffrey L., ed. William Blake: Die Vermahlung von Himmel und Holle. Reviewed in Freie Presse/Prensa Libre [Buenos Aires], 8 January 1976; by E[duard] B[eaucamp], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 8 August 1975; and in radio broadcasts by Bayerischer Rundfunk [Munich], 6 November 1975, and Osterreichischer Rundfunk, Studio Karnten, 15 December 1975.

Keynes, Geoffrey L., William Blake; Dichter, Drucker, Prophet. Reviewed in St. Galler Tagblatt, no. 438 (1965?); in Werk, Schweizer Monatschrift für Kunst, Architekur, Künsterlisches Gewerbe, 53 (1966); Curt Grützmacher, Die Kunst und das Schöne Heim, no. 1 (1966); Hans A. Halbey, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 30 October 1965; Werner Helwig, Rheinische Post, 11 September 1965; Phillip Wolff-Windegg,[e] Basler Nachrichten (1965?).

Lister, Raymond. The Letters of Samuel Palmer. Reviewed by G. Reynolds in “Palmer as a Letter-Writer,” Apollo, 102 (1975), 78-79; William Feaver, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 March 1975, 304.

Lister, Raymond. Samuel Palmer, A Biography. Reviewed by A.M. Smith, British Journal of Aesthetics, 16 (1976), 176-177; William Feaver, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 March 1975, 304; G. Reynolds, “Palmer as Letter-Writer,” Apollo, 102 (1975), 78-79.

Mellor, Anne K. Blake’s Human Form Divine. Reviewed by Desiree Hirst, Review of English Studies, 27 (1976), 87-89.

Miles, Josephine. Poetry and Change. Reviewed by Robert F. Gleckner, Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 133-136.

Nurmi, Martin K. William Blake. Reviewed by Morton D. Paley in Review of English Studies, 27 (1976), 517.

The Oothoon Dance Theatre. The Mental Traveller, a dance-drama based on the ballad by William Blake. Reviewed by Frank Parisi, Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 128-132. Includes six photographs and a scenario.

Paley, Morton D., and Michael Phillips, eds. William Blake: Essays in Honour of Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Reviewed by Stanley Gardner, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 82-83.

Powell, Nicholas. Fuseli: The Nightmare. Reviewed by Heinfried Wischermann, Kunstchronik, 26 (1973), 181-184.

Roberts, Mark. The Tradition of Romantic Morality. Reviewed by Leslie Tannenbaum, Blake Newsletter, 9 (1976), 126-128.

Schiff, Gert. Johann Heinrich Füssli 1741-1825, OEuvrekatalog, 2 vols. Reviewed in Luzerner Tagblatt, 16 October 1973; Schaffhauser[e] Nachrichten, 26 October 1973; The Times Literary Supplement, 24 May 1974; Eighteenth-Century Studies, 9 (1975), 270 ff.; by Herbert von Einem, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 38 (1975), 320-324; Christiam Geelhaar, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10 November 1973; Laszlo Glozer, Süddeutsche Zeitung [Munich], 15 November 1973; Edwin Maria Landau, General-Anzeiger [Bonn], 28 November 1974 and on Radio Bremen, 8 December 1974; Klaus Lankheit, Kunstchronik, 27 (1974), 397-403; Norbert Miller, Die Zeit [Hamburg], 29 November 1974.

Schiff, Gert, et al. Johann Heinrich Füssli 1741-1825, ed. Werner Hofmann [exhibition catalogue of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.] Reviewed in Saarbrückner Zeitung, 14/15 December 1974; Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 9 January 1975; by Eduard Beaucamp, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 14 December 1974; by George Galweit, Schleswig-Holsteinische Landeszeitung [Rendsburg], 14 December 1974; by Gottfried Knapp, Süddeutsche Zeitung [Munich], 4/5/6 January 1975; by Peter Steinhart, Rheinische Post [Düsseldorf], 14 December 1974.

Sellars, James. Samuel Palmer. Reviewed by William Feaver, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 March 1975, p. 304.

Songs of William Blake and Music of Blake’s Time. [A concert at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 3 March 1976.] Reviewed by Martin K. Nurmi, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1977), 128-129.

Wagenknecht, David. Blake’s Night. Reviewed by R.B. Kennedy, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 79-82.

Weiskel, Thomas. The Romantic Sublime: Studies in the Structure and Psychology of Transcendence. Reviewed by Michael Fischer, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 93-95.

Wilner, Eleanor. Gathering the Winds: Visionary Imagination and Radical Transformation of Self and Society. Reviewed by Stephen C. Behrendt, Blake Newsletter, 10 (1976), 91-93.

Wittreich, Joseph A., Jr. Angel of Apocalypse. Reviewed by Christopher Hill, Notes and Queries, n.s. 23 (1976), 69-71; Mary Lynn Johnson, Milton and the Romantics, 2 (1976), 1-10; Purvis E. Boyette, Blake Newsletter 10 (1976), 88-89; Brian Wilkie, English Language Notes, 14 (1976), 69-71.

Wolf-Gumpold, Kaethe, William Blake—Versuch einer Einführung. Reviewed in Die Tat, 15 June 1965; in Der Staadtler-Brief, no. 12 (1965); in Neuer Bücherdunst, 13 (1966); in Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 1 June 1966; by Hans A. Halbey, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 30 October 1965; and by R. Hootz, Der Literaturspiegel, no. 2 (1966).

Wolf-Gumpold, Kaethe. William Blake; Painter: Poet: Visionary. Reviewed by John Tonge, The Press and Journal [Edinburgh], 25 October 1969.

Wright, Andrew. Blake’s Job: A Commentary. Reviewed by Pamela Dunbar, Notes and Queries, n.s. 22 (1975), 85-86.

Print Edition

  • Publisher
  • Department of English, University of New Mexico
  • Albuquerque, NM, USA
    • Editors
    • Morris Eaves
    • Morton D. Paley
    • Bibliographer
    • Thomas L. Minnick
    • Associate Editor
    • Frances A. Carey
    • Production Office
    • Morris Eaves
    • Morton D. Paley
    • Thomas L. Minnick
    • Frances A. Carey
    • [Contributors]
    • G. E. Bentley, Jr.
    • Frances A. Carey
    • Raymond Deck
    • Detlef W. Dörrbecker
    • Brice Farwell
    • Ruth E. Fine
    • Katharyn R. Gabriella
    • Robert F. Gleckner
    • Mary V. Jackson
    • Thomas L. Minnick
    • Judith Ott
    • Claude Marie Senninger
    • Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr.

    Digital Edition

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