Handlist of the Essick Blake Collection
by Janice Lyle |
Handlist of the Huntington Blake Collection
by Robert N. Essick |
Handlists of Four Blake Collections by Morton D. Paley |
The Legacy of English Romanticism: Northrop Frye
and William Blake, a review-essay by Michael Fischer |
Michael G. Cooke’s The Romantic
reviewed by Laurence Goldstein |
Joan Evans’ A History of the Society of Antiquaries reviewed by David Worrall | |
Michael Davis’ William Blake: A New
Kind of Man
reviewed by Susan Fox |
Joan Dolmetsch’s Rebellion and Reconciliation and Gary Kelly’s The English Jacobin Novel 1780-1805 reviewed by Ronald Paulson | |
Blake Theft Foiled, Swedenborg $3000, Job in Frankfurt Schauspielhaus, James Jefferys Update, MLA Blake Seminar 1979, Papers on Jung |
ROBERT N. ESSICK is a Professor of English at the California State University, Northridge.
SUSAN FOX is Associate Professor of English at Queens College, City University of New York, and the author of Poetic Form in Blake’s Milton. Her poetry has appeared in the Chicago Review and The Paris Review.
LAURENCE GOLDSTEIN is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Michigan. The University of Pittsburgh Press has recently published his book, Ruins and Empire: The Evolution of a Theme in Augustan and Romantic Literature. He is the editor of the Michigan Quarterly Review.
JANICE LYLE is an advanced graduate student in Art History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has previously published entries in the exhibition catalogue William Blake in the Art of His Time and is currently preparing an article on Blake’s debt to Flaxman, based on a paper delivered at the College Art Association in New York in January 1978.
MORTON D. PALEY is Co-Editor of Blake. His William Blake, an illustrated introduction to Blake’s art, was recently published by Phaidon.
RONALD PAULSON, Professor of English at Yale, is writing a book on representations of the French Revolution. He is the author of the standard catalogue of Hogarth’s engravings, a book on Rowlandson, and Emblem and Expression, a study of eighteenth-century art.
DAVID WORRALL teaches at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. An article on Jerusalem and British antiquity recently appeared in Studies in Romanticism.
Copyright © 1978 by Morris Eaves & Morton D. Paley
EDITORS: Morris Eaves, Univ. of New Mexico, and Morton D. Paley, Univ. of California, Berkeley.
BIBLIOGRAPHER: Thomas Minnick, Ohio State University.
ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR GREAT BRITAIN: Frances A. Carey, Assistant Curator, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum.
PRODUCTION OFFICE: Morris Eaves, Department of English, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
87131, TELEPHONE 505/277-3103.
Morton D. Paley, Department of English, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
Thomas L. Minnick, University College, Ohio State University, 1050 Carmack Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43210.
Frances A. Carey, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG,
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Marietta Barnes & Lynn Goldstein, Univ. of New Mexico.
COVER: Drawing by David Levine. Reprinted with permission from The New York Review of Books. Copyright © 1970 New York Review, Inc.[e]
BLAKE/AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY is published under the sponsorship of the Department of English, University of New Mexico.
SUBSCRIPTIONS are $7 for 1 year, 1 volume, 4 issues. Special rate for individuals, $6, surface mail. $10 for subscribers overseas who prefer air mail. U. S. currency or international money order if possible. Make checks payable to Blake/ An Illustrated Quarterly. Address all subscription orders & related communications to the Circulation Mgr., Jane Welford, Blake, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA.
Some BACK ISSUES are available. Address Jane Welford. Prices: whole numbers 1-8 (bound together), #9-13 (bound together), $5 each (individuals, $4). #22-present, $2 each, except #35 (Checklist of Blake Material in Rosenwald Collection, ed. Ruth Fine Lehrer), $3. #14-21, 41 & 42 are out of print.
MANUSCRIPTS are welcome. Send two copies, typed and documented according to the forms suggested in the MLA Style Sheet, 2nd. ed., to either of the editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; Morton D. Paley, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
INTERNATIONAL SERIAL NUMBER is 0006-453X. Blake/ An Illustrated Quarterly, is INDEXED in the Modern Language Association’s International Bibliography, the Modern Humanities Research Association’s Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, English Language Notes’ annual Romantic bibliography, ARTbibliographies MODERN, and the American Humanities Index (Whitston Pub.).